The fact that GLF isn't advertising 20nm but going straight to 14XM, and AMD silence about 20nm SKUs are consistently coherent with this 1.16x screw up.
Yes, that is bizarre. I have no idea where GFL currently is. Last I heard, Dresden was working on 20nm and the expansion at Malta was supposed to get that process (so 28 nm & 20 nm @ both Dresden and Malta). Anybody know if Malta has even ramped up 28nm?
TO the density discussion, I could only find this from GF:
So we have one claim with 200% from the manufacturer and one with 116% from the competitor. I guess the truth is in between, probably around 160%
Because it's a pet peeve of mine, 2x == a 100% improvement (since you already have x, you add 100% of x to double the quantity). No offense intended.
That page is OFN. And that's obvious since 20nm didn't start shipping in 2H12. Honestly, it seems like GFL has their heads buried in the sand.
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