EA hates their customers *UPDATE*


Dec 17, 2001
Original title: Did you get your free Battlefield 3 with Mass Effect 3 preorder?

Update March 23: Finally got my BF3 download after contacting EA_AgentX on the EA support forums who escalated the issue.

I still haven't gotten mine and just had one of the most mind-numbingly frustrating support chats I've ever experienced:

You are now ready to chat with Rajeev.
Rajeev: Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Rajeev how may I help you?
Rajeev: Hello.
you: i was supposed to get battlefield 3 for free with a mass effect 3 preorder
you: i never got a code for it
Rajeev: May I have your first and the last name please?
you: xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Rajeev: Thank you.
Rajeev: Was it shown into your origin store at the time of preordered your game?
you: no
Rajeev: I understand your concern.
Rajeev: Please not that this offer was for those who have preordered the game at the time it shown it their stores.
Rajeev: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
you: wait
you: what?
you: i dont know what you mean "at the time it shown it their stores"
you: it was displayed on the website when i ordered it
you: my order was placed on Feb 12
Rajeev: Okay.
you: order #xxxxxxxxxx
Rajeev: Thank you for the information.
Rajeev: Please allow me some time to check it.
[10 minutes of waiting]
Rajeev: I'm still looking into your issue. Thanks for your patience.
[15 minutes of waiting]
Rajeev: Thank you for your waiting.
Rajeev: I am providing you the link please check it from there.
Rajeev: https://help.ea.com/article/Free-Battlefield-3-with-Mass-Effect-3-pre-order-offer-has-concluded
Rajeev: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
you: the date on that is 2/17
Rajeev: Yes.
you: as i said, i placed my preorder on 2/12 while the promotion was still active
you: why are you sending me to a notice that it has concluded?
Rajeev: That's why I told you to check it.
Rajeev: I am sorry for this but it is applicable for those people only.
Rajeev: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
you: what are you talking about??
you: I ordered it on February 12
you: do you recognize the fact that i am included in that group of people ??
Rajeev: But this offer was only for those who have ordered his game after 2/17/2012.
Rajeev: If you have any other issue or query apart from this issue I may assist you with, today. please let me know. I will do my best to help you.
you: .....
you: the offer was for those who ordered the game BEFORE 2/17
you: can you transfer me to someone else?
you: i'm losing patience
Rajeev: I am sorry for this I can't help you more for this issue.
you: do you know what "CONCLUDED" means?
you: it means "ENDED"
you: not "BEGAN"
Rajeev: I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Rajeev: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
you: apologize for the inconvenience of defrauding me out of a preorder bonus?
you: this exchange will be forwarded to your superiors
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
You were supposed to have the code by March 8th? Ouch. :\

Update us on what happens.


Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2009
I buzz my hair to avoid pulling it out in situations like that.


Dec 17, 2001
I tried emailing them my issue, hopefully some donkey doesn't get it this time.


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
I actually did get it. But then I pre-ordered in the window between the announcement of the bonus and it's very quick cancellation.


Golden Member
Nov 5, 2006
"Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

I'd have destroyed something fragile after about the 3rd time he said this.


Senior member
Aug 24, 2004
I got mine on the 9th.

I feel for you with EA support chats. I bought some DLC for a game and for some reason the game got deleted from my hard drive. I had to reinstall the game again. I talked to an EA chat rep and he told me the game was not deleted. I told him I cannot run the game, its gone and I had to reinstall the whole game. He said that was only the patch. I asked him if the patch was 7+ GB as I was downloading the 7GB game again, he said the patch could be 7GB. I just ended the chat after that.


Aug 11, 2005


Feb 8, 2004
You just need to keep trying with EA chat support. 80% of them are complete arse holes but you eventually get what you want :) Took me 8 or 9 agents before they would add battlefield 2 to origin for me.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2009
Nice show of restraint on that peanut brain. Even better use of tags.

Are you going to try different customer service reps?


Jun 2, 2000
Thank you for contacting Anandtech Forums. Is there anything else we can help you with today?


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
I just LOVE EA support. I'm trying to get them to fix my missing pre-order bonus from Kingdoms of Amalur, after it took me 3 weeks to even get the game working again (no thanks to their support)

"SujeetKumar: Please be informed that the code you provided is already used on an account which is under age.
you: I know, that is the problem. That account was corrupt, so they moved the game, but NOT the pre order content. Not sure what you mean by under age??
SujeetKumar: There is age limit to play any game.
you: ok, what does that have to do with anything? I'm 35, I think I can handle it.."


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Not that anyone is likely to ever actually read it, I left them a note regarding their terrible support. The game didn't even work for 3 weeks, and they pretty much blew me off, telling me to wait another 48 hours, and I should hear from senior support. Over a week later they never contacted me. If they don't fix the issue with my pre-order content I will never buy another EA game for the rest of my life.

You: This issue is NOT fixed, some kind of response would be nice..
02/28/12 at 11:14 PM

You: It\\\'s still not working....
03/08/12 at 12:03 AM

Advisor: Hello xxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

I want to inform you that your case in already escalated to Senior staff level. They will contact you through email. I mean time i will really appreciate your patience.

In case of any further questions, please feel free to get in touch with us anytime. You can also visit our website and review our extensive self-help knowledge base (http://help.ea.com).

Mayank Mahajan
Electronic Arts – World Wide Customer Experience
03/09/12 at 01:10 PM

You: I keep being told it was escalated, and that I would be contacted. Last person said 48 hours..that was 4 days ago, and I\\\'m still waiting. It\\\'s been over 3 weeks since I reported this issue. I got a nice automated e-mail saying "Dear Russell,

You recently asked for assistance on a case, but we haven\\\'t heard from you in a while.

If you still need our help, please login and review the details of case 03009715.

We want you to get the most out of your EA games, so don\\\'t hesitate to contact us. If you decide not to respond, your case will automatically close in four days.

Thank you for contacting EA!

EA Customer Experience "

I\\\'ve been waiting for a response from some one that can help me, and instead I get an automated e-mail saying you haven\\\'t heard from ME in a while..
03/12/12 at 02:38 PM

You: I never heard from senior support that was supposed to contact me, as a paying customer, I don\\\'t appreciate being blown off and lied to. On top of not responding to my case at all, I get automated e-mails telling me that my case will be automatically closed if you don\\\'t hear from me, even though I was the one waiting to hear from your support. I was told twice to just wait another 48 hours and I should hear back, that started a week ago. I finally resolved the issue on my own by re-installing windows. I still have another open issue, that was caused by your support. If it doesn\\\'t get resolved, I can assure you, I will never spend my hard earned money one one of your games again. I hope you use this as construct feedback to improve your support system. While many people may never have to use it, anyone that gets bad or unreliable support, will give you a bad name, and unhappy/frustrated customers are more likely to be vocal that happy customers who never had an issue.
03/14/12 at 03:32 AM


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Was that a bot?

I'm not sure if an actual human being would have been able to be as incoherent as that, even for EA. Something is wrong... must have been Indoctrination.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2010
Op, call their phone line during PST business hours and you should be able to speak with an American representative. I've started chats after 9pm and always get that useless douchebag.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Honestly, they could just use a bot and no one could tell the difference between it and those "support" staff.

Next time role play yourself as Commander Sheppard.

"My name is Cmdr Sheppard and I do not endorse this product"


Feb 3, 2005
Um, I'm pretty sure the promotion wasn't active until 2/14, which would mean you didn't qualify for the bonus.


Nov 23, 2011
sucks for you m8; sad for you , really am!
but i do know a person that managed to get the bf3 copy with the preorder!


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
I want Battlefield3, I want Mass Effect 3, but I didn't get the deal because I didn't want to talk to support. I preordered Battlefield3 at release but cancelled it and was unsure if this new deal would work or not.