E3 disappointing


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2010
Is it just me or is E3 this year seem rather lackluster and uneventful. Maybe it's the lack of any big news or major announcement of new technology, or I'm just getting old and cranky. Everything announced was pretty much expected, no major surprises.

A few highlights:
-Battlefield 3, the demo was impressive but I wish more was shown
-Wii U, but not much was shown at all, and I was hoping for a true next-gen hardware.
-New Hitman game, but once again not much was shown.

That's about it really. I guess I could be excited about MW3 but man that game still look like a COD game from 3-4 years ago.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
Is it just me or is E3 this year seem rather lackluster and uneventful. Maybe it's the lack of any big news or major announcement of new technology, or I'm just getting old and cranky. Everything announced was pretty much expected, no major surprises.

A few highlights:
-Battlefield 3, the demo was impressive but I wish more was shown
-Wii U, but not much was shown at all, and I was hoping for a true next-gen hardware.
-New Hitman game, but once again not much was shown.

That's about it really. I guess I could be excited about MW3 but man that game still look like a COD game from 3-4 years ago.
Battlefield 3: Is it just me, or was the urban warfare footage not impressive at all, why do I get the feeling this game is not going to be anywhere near as epic as Battlefield 2 was, this looks more like Bad company 3 with somewhat larger maps.
Wii U: What is this, why does Nintendo always have to do something so out of the ordinary. They do this to a point where you wonder what the hell priorities they even have. Its innovative, but is this really next generation hardware?
Hitman: We know its going to be consolized, we know its going to be dumbed down. Pray to god its not a splinter cell clone, we all know what happened to that game.
Overall, I'm not impressed with the new IP's, nothing has grasped my attention, also the PC gets no love at E3, we know thats for sure.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Serious Sam 3 is there, that instantly makes E3 a success.


Dec 18, 2010
I did not keep up with E3 this year. Was anything about Rage or Diablo III shown?

After duke nukem forever, DIII, Serious Sam 3 and Rage are they only games that I am looking forward to.

Valve was not at E3, so I guess the chances of half-life 3 being released in 2011 are out of the question.

The only thing I am looking forward to from Valve is the original left 4 dead maps being released in left 4 dead 2. But that those maps are not E3 / ground shaking material or news.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
I did not keep up with E3 this year. Was anything about Rage or Diablo III shown?

After duke nukem forever, DIII, Serious Sam 3 and Rage are they only games that I am looking forward to.

Valve was not at E3, so I guess the chances of half-life 3 being released in 2011 are out of the question.

The only thing I am looking forward to from Valve is the original left 4 dead maps being released in left 4 dead 2. But that those maps are not E3 / ground shaking material or news.

Blizzard waits until Blizzcon to release any of their info.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
E3 used to be THE show for all games, but now more and more companies do their own thing so E3 becomes less and less important.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I became disappointed once they started adding more stringent requirements to get into the show. PAX and Blizzcon are where it's at now :)


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2010
I was pretty enthused about Skyrim as well, but once again it's like a 5 min video that barely touches on anything we don't already know.


Nov 27, 2001
What is TGS?

I agree that the good companies are starting their own conventions, so E3 is become cut down.

Tokyo Gaming Show

It always seems that E3 is more about consoles anyway. There are certainly PC developers there, but the huge keynotes from Microsoft (not about the PC), Sony and Nintendo almost always seem to overshadow everything.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
Bioshock Infinite looks nice.

Bf3 obviously


Uncharted 3 and the Psvita

So far that's my list unless something else arrives. Also Sony puts more effort into Gamescom then E3. Microsoft was good until they started talking about Kinect. the WiiU looks gay...Looking forward to the announcement of D3 closed beta in Blizzcon 2011, I know they said something about thisnin their conference call or something, knowing Blizzard though it's probably going to be delayed.


Feb 5, 2001
It was a lackluster year imo. BF3/Skyrim was nice as well as a few others.

I was really hoping for some more info on WH40K Dark Millennium and they only released some tiny trailer that had hardly anything, they showed more gameplay off when they first announced it at least E3 then this one.

Then again I don't expect much anymore from all the larger publishers that do jerk off at E3 mostly. Chances are you'll just be seeing a sequel anyways.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Wii U: What is this, why does Nintendo always have to do something so out of the ordinary. They do this to a point where you wonder what the hell priorities they even have. Its innovative, but is this really next generation hardware?

what does next gen even mean? that the console has to be sold at such a massive loss that it won't be profitable for 4 years? do we even know the hardware specs on it yet?


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Hitman: We know its going to be consolized, we know its going to be dumbed down. Pray to god its not a splinter cell clone, we all know what happened to that game.
Overall, I'm not impressed with the new IP's, nothing has grasped my attention, also the PC gets no love at E3, we know thats for sure.

I'm so sick of this argument... who cares if it's consolized? Console games can be brought to the PC well, it's just a matter of the dev doing it properly or not. And what's wrong with Splinter Cell? Double Agent was the only one that really sucked, and the first 2 I thought were great on PC.


Feb 5, 2001
I'm so sick of this argument... who cares if it's consolized? Console games can be brought to the PC well, it's just a matter of the dev doing it properly or not. And what's wrong with Splinter Cell? Double Agent was the only one that really sucked, and the first 2 I thought were great on PC.

He is meaning consolized as in they made it more "accessible" so that Jimmy the retard down the block can not play and beat the game.

As for his SC comment and yours, I'm guessing you haven't played the newest one, Conviction? It is just run and gun almost now and nearly all automated, do one "stealth" kill then you can line up a bunch of auto kills for the rest of the room. Another Jimmy game.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
He is meaning consolized as in they made it more "accessible" so that Jimmy the retard down the block can not play and beat the game.

As for his SC comment and yours, I'm guessing you haven't played the newest one, Conviction? It is just run and gun almost now and nearly all automated, do one "stealth" kill then you can line up a bunch of auto kills for the rest of the room. Another Jimmy game.

So then why call it consolized? That's nothing more than just bad design decision. The first Splinter Cell didn't have this and was quite good (as you're pointing out). However SC was on the Xbox first, actually several months before the PC version. It's the definition of console port, where it started on the consoles and was then adapted and changed to run on PC.

If you want to call Conviction bad and dumbed down then fine, but calling it consolized is ignorant and it's getting tired. Being on consoles has nothing to do with it, as the early series was BORN on consoles and was put on PC as an afterthought. I don't know why there's so much anti-console garbage going on this generation, as the same sort of stuff happened on the xbox and PS2 ports... yet all of a sudden there's a huge influx of whiny man-children blaming consoles for their shitty games. Shitty games are shitty games regardless of where they started, same with good games. Yet conveniently people are forgetting about the good conslized games and only remember that it was on PC. Well if it was good it must not have been a primarilly console game then :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
The problem is this. Most PC gamers pump so much money into their machines but then they cheap out on the games. Console games are $60 but pc gamers only want to pay $50. Or because of the digital distribution sites they only purchase when there's a big discount. We're lucky we get any games at all. If I'm a producer and my goal is to make money for my investors I'm going with consoles or even smart phones/tablets before I'd worry about the PC platform.

Edit: And I agree with gocorps' post above.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
The industry is going through some changes. The current generation of consoles is getting old and the next generation is a few years away. The public has gotten tired of games being pumped out like so many hamburgers and now only a handful of games are raking in the big bucks. That leaves E3 with just shooters and the Wii U to crow about. It is the quiet before the storm when the next generation consoles come out with quad core processors and modern graphics cards capable of ray tracing and who knows what else.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
So then why call it consolized? That's nothing more than just bad design decision. The first Splinter Cell didn't have this and was quite good (as you're pointing out). However SC was on the Xbox first, actually several months before the PC version. It's the definition of console port, where it started on the consoles and was then adapted and changed to run on PC.

If you want to call Conviction bad and dumbed down then fine, but calling it consolized is ignorant and it's getting tired. Being on consoles has nothing to do with it, as the early series was BORN on consoles and was put on PC as an afterthought. I don't know why there's so much anti-console garbage going on this generation, as the same sort of stuff happened on the xbox and PS2 ports... yet all of a sudden there's a huge influx of whiny man-children blaming consoles for their shitty games. Shitty games are shitty games regardless of where they started, same with good games. Yet conveniently people are forgetting about the good conslized games and only remember that it was on PC. Well if it was good it must not have been a primarilly console game then :rolleyes:

because they are? console games as a whole still feel like a crappy console when brought to PC..

Tired of the consoles taking the spotlight because more people have them..
I miss the days of the PC being the premier system.

And yes E3 has sucked so far.

Nintendo? who really cares except the console kiddies..and even then most show 0 enthus about it..

BF3 looking amazing.. a true PC game at it's finest..
SWTOR no release date and little more info.. very lame..
Skyrim.. looks "ok" nothing mind blowing so far.. expected more instead of Oblivion with more detail.

nothing else was really even on my personal radar.. sick of the MWs and other shooters.. sick of the console games..

just looking for something that says WOW!


Feb 5, 2001
So then why call it consolized? That's nothing more than just bad design decision. The first Splinter Cell didn't have this and was quite good (as you're pointing out). However SC was on the Xbox first, actually several months before the PC version. It's the definition of console port, where it started on the consoles and was then adapted and changed to run on PC.

If you want to call Conviction bad and dumbed down then fine, but calling it consolized is ignorant and it's getting tired. Being on consoles has nothing to do with it, as the early series was BORN on consoles and was put on PC as an afterthought. I don't know why there's so much anti-console garbage going on this generation, as the same sort of stuff happened on the xbox and PS2 ports... yet all of a sudden there's a huge influx of whiny man-children blaming consoles for their shitty games. Shitty games are shitty games regardless of where they started, same with good games. Yet conveniently people are forgetting about the good conslized games and only remember that it was on PC. Well if it was good it must not have been a primarilly console game then :rolleyes:

I agree and understand what you are saying. But the catch is, games are being made more accessible for the largest market, which is, consoles. So they are dumb'n the games down to reach out to more Jimmy's on the console.

The reason you see a lot of console bashing this gen was cause before this, PC were the primary development platform. Things started shifting in the PS2 era and are now totally focused on the consoles instead of the PCs. PC gamers wouldn't be bitching AS much if we at least got proper ports with the standard things that have been in PC games for years. Instead we get half baked ports and on top of it the gameplay is becoming so watered down that it is just to hard to swallow for most now.

The SC series is an interesting example as we both have discussed so far. SC 1 as you pointed out was a very good game and was primarily a Xbox game till it was ported to the PC. There is interesting in the fact that at the time SC came out, it was still a game aimed towards hardcore gamers. All the SC games were aim towards the more hardcore segment up until Conviction. Conviction has come out and totally alienates its fans and tries to appeal to Jimmy now that didn't understand what stealth was basically. It is the way the console market has turned in the last few years, at first it was small steps of "dumb'n down" to appeal to more Jimmy's out there. Now it has been dumb'n down at such rates to get more sales that you can give Earl, the guy that even Jimmy makes fun of a game and he can play it with ease.

Basically I think most of us gamers that been playing games for more the last 1-2 gens of consoles want to kick the Jimmy's and Earl's out of it, but since there are so many of them that throw their money around like the drooling retards they are that the rest of us don't stand a chance and we are watching our beloved hobby start its death cries.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
If you have no new gamers coming into the industry, new blood so to speak, then you will see the gaming industry die rapidly. If dumbed down games bring new blood it is good. Those gamers that start with these easy games, eventually gain some more skill, and start looking for games that are more difficult to beat. And a new generation of hardcore gamers will eventually be born. Which means more good games for us old timers...


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I liked E3 this year, my favorites were:

º Mass Effect 3 (demos, live Q&A, stage demo, new media, etc, can't wait)
º Warhammer 40K: Space Marine (absolutely hyped, can't wait, being a 40K fan helps)
º Warhammer 40K: Kill Team (see above)
º Skyrim (I likes what I see, me wants, badly)
º Battlefield 3 (obviously)
º Rage (very interesting so far)
º Far Cry 3 (pleasantly surprised by that one, love the jungle settings shown)
º BioShock Infinite (could be good, will keep a look at it)
º Modern Warfare 3 (seems interesting)
º SoulCalibur V (yup, I still like fighting games, if released for PC I might go for it)
º Nintendo Wii U (skipped current generation consoles, I might consider the Wii U)
º Aliens: Colonial Marines (could be good, seems interesting enough so far)
º Halo: CEA (Anniversary version, HD remake of CE, hopefully for PC)
º Halo 4 (not surprised by its announcement, still, could be good, time will tell)
º John Carmak interview (should enlighten a lot of gamers out there)
º Prey 2 (game-play footage seems fun, CGI trailer was gorgeous)
º Tomb Raider franchise reboot (looks good to me, I'd buy it if released for PC)

And that's about it I think. To be honest I was really expecting to see some sort of announcements for the following, but didn't make it (if I just missed something mentioned about them though please let me know):

º Borderlands 2 (nothing, oh well)
º New STALKER game (nothing, meh, perhaps later this year)
º Total War game (I keep dreaming for Rome II)
º That new ARPG game old IronLore peeps are working on (can't recall the name)
º Crysis 3 (I was honestly surprised not to see anything about that, perhaps next year)
º Dragon Age 3 (was expecting an "official" announcement, Twitter is hardly convincing)
º Wii U's hardware specifications (anything about that?)
º War for Cybertron 2 (wasn't there supposed to be a sequel for that one?)
º New Torchlight 2 media/updates/status (anything new about that one?)

I might be forgetting a few things that disappointed me by their absence but it's alright I can live with that (or rather, without). I do notice however that in general E3 is more... erm, shall I use the darn word even for that, stream-lined, in comparison to how "bigger" it was a couple of years ago.

But I also remember that many developers did somewhat mutually agreed some years ago that E3 was too demanding, and that it was actually slowing down some game's development process since the developers attending to it (or at least the "big" ones) had to cut a game's development time to create E3-exclusive/E3-only demonstrations, and it kinda pissed the industry off in general, so they decided that for future E3 expos everything should be focused on what matters the most (I.E actual in-game game-play footage rather than making E3 exclusive stuff, at least generally speaking).

This year's E3 along with the expos of the past years do feel "smaller", I guess, perhaps as a result to that agreement from years ago (did it ever happen or am I just stating old news that never really did make much difference over the years and only made some fuss back then?).