Hehe, I can't believe that my E^5 actually stuck
In racing news: I have just decided to upgrade my entire home network. I have some of the chips and mobo's now, others coming later. Unfortunately, all the computers usually have 50+% being used just by the programs that are running on them ( E-mail, Web servers, game servers, ect ) so upgrading will got give as many WU's as normal. Here is the breakdown.
Duron 600@~1.0 (Watercooled T2 game server. My first watercooling attempt

Duron 750@950 (E-mail server #1)
AMD K6-2 500 (E-mail server #2)
AMD K6 266 (Internal Fileserver)
Thunderbird 900@900 (T2 game server #2)
Thunderbird 1.0@1.4 AXIA core (FTP server)
Thunderbird 1.2@1.2 (Internal Router for Internet Sharing)
Thunderbird 900@900 (Father's "learning 2000" computer

Thunderbird 900@900 (Lan Box)
Total WU's from network ( Average Daily's ) was a crappy 6.5, 90% from the "learning 2000" and my Lanbox. Yesterday I picked up 4 1600+ chips, and started upgrading my network. The 2 game servers and both e-mail servers are now at 1600+

. I have already sent in 3 times my normal WU load today. The other 5 systems will be upgraded as I get time and $$. Expect 2 more 1600+'s in the next 2 weeks