Droid Charge gets its first OTA update


Jun 23, 2001

Wow, and only to stop you from downloading media from Media Hub on 3G. Stills works on 4G and WiFi, go figure.

The DROID Charge is finally back on sale, people. If you planned on picking one up today, just know that when you boot it up for the first time, there will likely be an update waiting for you just like you are seeing above. The update is ED2, is 5.2MB and doesn’t do anything except stop you from downloading Media Hub items over 3G. Was hoping for it to be a little more robust and include the removal of the worst OEM UI in the history of Android, but that hasn’t happened.


Golden Member
Nov 26, 2005
The DROID Charge is finally back on sale, people. If you planned on picking one up today, just know that when you boot it up for the first time, there will likely be an update waiting for you just like you are seeing above. The update is ED2, is 5.2MB and doesn’t do anything except stop you from downloading Media Hub items over 3G. Was hoping for it to be a little more robust and include the removal of the worst OEM UI in the history of Android, but that hasn’t happened.

Obviously they haven't used Motoblur...

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
It didn't just "fix" the media thing, apparently it also broke all known methods of rooting the phone. So now we wait...


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2010
Some friends of mine are considering the Charge and Tbolt. Anyone have an opinion on the Charge vs Tbolt?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Given that the bootloader is unlocked, you can just flash a rooted ROM right off anyway. No big.


Jun 23, 2001
Droid Life ripped the Charge in their review too, nothing the same negatives that others have.


The Not-so-Good:

* TouchWiz: I know that many of you despise Motorola’s Blur, but I’m hear to tell you that nothing is as bad as Samsung’s TouchWiz. It’s an iOS ripoff that makes even decent hardware chug along at a pace not seen since 2007. It’s buggy, appears to be designed by a children’s book company, and can’t be masked by LauncherPro fast enough. If there was a ever a reason to start the “We want stock only!” petition, this would be it.

* Old hardware: If this was worthy of the “DROID” tag, it should have had something other than the same guts as the Samsung Fascinate which came out in 2010. Sure, they added a front facing camera and an 8MP shooter on the back, but the rest of it is all the same including that god awful RFS file system. Where is the dual-core? The massive amounts of RAM?
* Plastic casing: The device is made of plastic and isn’t going to last you 2 years. I’ve had it for about a month now and already managed to scuff the edges from simply pulling it in and out of my pocket. I haven’t seen this happen on any other device in the life of this blog. At least when HTC makes a phone out of plastic, it almost feels like metal and not like something your 2-year old will crush in less than a minute.

* Android 2.2: As I’ve said with every Verizon device over the last couple of months, it’s almost sickening to see them launching with Android 2.2. Gingerbread has been out for almost 6 months now, yet we’re releasing phones with one that came out a year ago? Just wait and see how happy new Charge owners are going to be when the entire DROID lineup from Motorola has GB by the end of June and it’s still sitting at 2.2.
* Verizon Bloatware: The amount of bloatware that Verizon tossed onto this thing is intense. I’m not sure I can even count that high to tell you the truth. While we’re no longer surprised that they will continue to fill up Android devices with this crap, we’ll still point it out so that Big Red doesn’t forget how much we hate it.
* Look: This is a personal thing, but I’m not a fan of the Alienware-esque exterior of this phone. The hump on the back doesn’t allow the phone to lay flat on a desk, the pointy shield speaker/camera housing/chin all remind me of something from Star Treak, and those massive physical buttons just seem well, silly.
* “DROID” tag: You get the feeling that since the original Bionic was delayed, that Verizon panicked because they no longer had a 4G LTE “DROID” and decided to slap the tag on this phone. Sure, the marketing campaign is super slick, but this device should never have donned this elite tag.
* Slow wake time: It may sound like I’m nitpicking here, but when you press the unlock button on your phone, it shouldn’t take 3 seconds for it to come on. Such is the case with the Charge and I still can’t figure out why.

I only quoted the Bad, because the Good really isn't that special. Aside from the screen, its nothing that can't be found other other phones.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Using Launcher Pro remedies a lot of the slowness, as well as a different browser (the stock browser is so ridiculously slow it's amazing it made it to release in its current state).

For me though, battery life is the major issue. I hit 25% battery by lunch time today (was a full 100% at 8am), and I did nothing other than download 4 apps, setup my exchange account, web browse for a minute to see the new browser, and do some kindle reading for about half an hour (All with display set to 40% brightness).

I've heard that if you're in a fringe 4G location you get bad battery as your phone switches between 3G and 4G, but I'm smack dab in the middle of DC and I get good 4G coverage. I definitely feel like something is up, even phones with bad battery life aren't this bad.

I blame Touchwiz, and I eagerly await the debloating that is to come.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
Using Launcher Pro remedies a lot of the slowness, as well as a different browser (the stock browser is so ridiculously slow it's amazing it made it to release in its current state).

For me though, battery life is the major issue. I hit 25% battery by lunch time today (was a full 100% at 8am), and I did nothing other than download 4 apps, setup my exchange account, web browse for a minute to see the new browser, and do some kindle reading for about half an hour (All with display set to 40% brightness).

I've heard that if you're in a fringe 4G location you get bad battery as your phone switches between 3G and 4G, but I'm smack dab in the middle of DC and I get good 4G coverage. I definitely feel like something is up, even phones with bad battery life aren't this bad.

I blame Touchwiz, and I eagerly await the debloating that is to come.

if you have any widgets then they are always running and using up battery power


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
A Voodoo kernel with auto-root is now publicly available. ;)

Just Odin the kernel tar in as PDA over ED2 (or ED1).


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2011
Just curious whats rooting? Also my Charge says it has 328 MB of RAM in the task manager but all the reports I read say its suppose to have 512 MB..whats up?


Nov 11, 2004
Just curious whats rooting? Also my Charge says it has 328 MB of RAM in the task manager but all the reports I read say its suppose to have 512 MB..whats up?

Parts are allocated to OS and other things and the rest is for everything else. Nothing different than any other phone.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Since this has been bumped, one should note that the Charge has since gotten its second OTA, which improves battery and corrects the 3g/4g switching issue some were having.

Also, the Droid X developer of GummyJAR has switched devices and released GummyCHARGE.


Jun 23, 2001
Just curious whats rooting?

Gaining super user access to the phone's OS, essentially having access to the root account on a linux machine. Lets you have more ownership of the device, rather than letting Moto/HTC/Verizon/Samsung/etc manage it for you.

Since this has been bumped, one should note that the Charge has since gotten its second OTA, which improves battery and corrects the 3g/4g switching issue some were having.

Also, the Droid X developer of GummyJAR has switched devices and released GummyCHARGE.

Saw GummyCharge was released, any good Charge owners? There was a lot of stuttering on the Charge I played with yesterday in the Verizon store, even after I installed LP, uninstalled ATK, and turned off the live wallpaper. RFS, I imagine. I wasn't going to root and voodoo it in the store. :p
Feb 19, 2001


Anand's review shows that battery life isn't that amazing. I believe what separates the Charge and the Thunderbolt then is idle battery consumption. I'm pretty positive community based ROMs can fix the Thunderbolt's issues.

People have been citing the larger battery, but even 10% boost in capacity shouldn't translate into double battery life... lol.


Oct 11, 1999
Was looking at some stats, they're selling 9 charges for every TB... Makes no sense to me, except the advertising must be working well...


Jun 23, 2001


Anand's review shows that battery life isn't that amazing. I believe what separates the Charge and the Thunderbolt then is idle battery consumption. I'm pretty positive community based ROMs can fix the Thunderbolt's issues.

People have been citing the larger battery, but even 10% boost in capacity shouldn't translate into double battery life... lol.

Looks like the reviewer really sucked down the data too. :p Clearly, most people won't be RDCing and watching network cameras, but this does show that the 2GB data tier is a joke.

8.712 GB of unlimited. That gave me a bit of pause as well, considering that this entire month I’ve done no tethering thanks to the Charge hotspot being disabled. Every bit of that data was used on the handset. LTE is stupid fast, and I’ve found that I now eat correspondingly more bandwidth doing things like remote desktop, watching my five network cameras, making artists on Google Music available offline in the airport, watching long flash videos, and of course running endless speedtests. Unlimited Verizon 4G LTE data ends with the introduction of tiered data plans on July 7, after which point using this much data will get much more expensive than $30/month.


Oct 11, 1999
Yeah, when you get a fast phone on a fast network, you burn through the data uber fast...

They're going to make a ton of cash on people that go over the limits...


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2007


Anand's review shows that battery life isn't that amazing. I believe what separates the Charge and the Thunderbolt then is idle battery consumption. I'm pretty positive community based ROMs can fix the Thunderbolt's issues.

People have been citing the larger battery, but even 10% boost in capacity shouldn't translate into double battery life... lol.

It looks like Anand measured battery life using stress test type benchmarks. I think Engadget was talking about standby time or total battery life under "normal use".

Either way I hope someone looks into this more because I may be in the market for one of these phones and battery life is very important to me.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
It looks like Anand measured battery life using stress test type benchmarks. I think Engadget was talking about standby time or total battery life under "normal use".

Either way I hope someone looks into this more because I may be in the market for one of these phones and battery life is very important to me.

Better get something before July 7th.