Dr. Paul won the U.S. VI

Feb 10, 2000
If your implication is that Ron Paul would have won actual U.S. states without "fraud," you're wrong. He is exactly as relevant as a candidate as the US Virgin Islands are to the overall electoral process. More critically, the entire premise of your thread is wrong - Romney won the Virgin Islands, not Ron Paul, and it wasn't close. Romney picked up seven delegates to Paul's one.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
My thoughts are that you keep pulling at very small straws in an effort to try and figure out why your candidate isn't popular with most people. If this 'election fraud/voter fraud' crap had any real merit someone somewhere would actually report on it, and not those crazy one sided websites so blinded in their lustful love of this cooky old man they can't see reality.


Jul 17, 2003
Whoopty shit. No one should be crowing about winning the popular vote in a tiny territory where residents cannot vote in the Presidential election.

I give it a .5/10 on The Apologist Scale. Paul's campaign is flying like a fart in church. Just deal with it and move on with your life.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm happy to see that Ron Paul will now be President of the Virgin Islands in addition to his Presidency of the Internet.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
If your implication is that Ron Paul would have won actual U.S. states without "fraud," you're wrong. He is exactly as relevant as a candidate as the US Virgin Islands are to the overall electoral process. More critically, the entire premise of your thread is wrong - Romney won the Virgin Islands, not Ron Paul, and it wasn't close. Romney picked up seven delegates to Paul's one.
Romney got more delegates because that's who the Republican Party felt like giving them to.

Dr. Paul won the popular vote.

This country is fucked because the ruling class will break their own rules when their rules don't fit them and everyone else has to suffer.
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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Romney got more delegates because that's who the Republican Party felt like giving them to.

Dr. Paul won the popular vote.

This country is fucked because the ruling class will break their own rules when their rules don't fit them and everyone else has to suffer.

Is there proof of this?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Romney got more delegates because that's who the Republican Party felt like giving them to.

Dr. Paul won the popular vote.

This country is fucked because the ruling class will break their own rules when their rules don't fit them and everyone else has to suffer.

If he "won" the popular vote, but did not get the delegates, you would be screaming fraud. So there must be some misunderstanding in the rules.

Could it be because the VI uses elected delegates like the electoral college?
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Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
If your implication is that Ron Paul would have won actual U.S. states without "fraud," you're wrong. He is exactly as relevant as a candidate as the US Virgin Islands are to the overall electoral process. More critically, the entire premise of your thread is wrong - Romney won the Virgin Islands, not Ron Paul, and it wasn't close. Romney picked up seven delegates to Paul's one.

And this is the exact thinking that is allowing this to happen.

They only talk about delegates when it suits Romney. How about how Ron Paul won EVERY delegate in Clark County? How about him winning EVERY delegate in Denver? I could go on and on about counties where Paul is winning more, if not all the delegates.

I've been working then numbers out as I see them, and up until now - the MSM has been dividing out delegates based on % of popular vote won. Which obviously, it doesn't work that way.

We will see when it gets to the national level. I'll enjoy all the confused faces when Paul turns out to have many many more delegates than the media likes to mention.

Is there proof of this?


112 to Paul (29%)
101 to Romney (26%)
23 to Santorum (6%)
18 to Gingrich (5%)

Not official yet - but MSM doesn't care about that very much, they love posting unofficial numbers of Romneys delegate count.

NY Times even had the nerve to post Romney at #1 spot, completely contradicting the official VI GOP site.

I see lots of talk about insignificant numbers...

Clark County, NV (largest county by far in the state)

Chairman Gibbs brought the meeting to order by asking for any Santorum supporters to please raise their hands. A handful of people raised their hands. Then he asked for Gingrich. He got 2 handfuls. When he asked for Romney, his people clustered near the front of the main room raised their hands with a great cheer.
When he asked for Ron Paul what looked like about 2/3rds of the crowd of over 2,600 delegates leaped to their feet as one and unleashed a thunderous ovation that lasted for 30 seconds. It was absolutely electrifying.

Things settled down and we got down to business. We were allowed to self nominate ourselves as delegates to the state convention. Clark County which is BY FAR the most populated county in the state is allowed 1900 delegates. As only a little over 1,200 volunteered, all who signed up were confirmed as delegates. I do not have any exact numbers, but I can tell you we are likely to have an even larger majority at state than we did here. And this was DECISIVE.


But the best part was filling the 14 seats on the Clark County Republican Party Executive Board. These are the people who set local policy. Each of the candidates was given only 30 seconds to speak.

Are you ready for this?
When the results were announced a Ron Paul cheer went up and if the Romney people were balloons you would have heard the air draining out of every one of them with a big, sad whoosh.
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Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
And this is the exact thinking that is allowing this to happen.

They only talk about delegates when it suits Romney. How about how Ron Paul won EVERY delegate in Clark County? How about him winning EVERY delegate in Denver? I could go on and on about counties where Paul is winning more, if not all the delegates.

I've been working then numbers out as I see them, and up until now - the MSM has been dividing out delegates based on % of popular vote won. Which obviously, it doesn't work that way.

We will see when it gets to the national level. I'll enjoy all the confused faces when Paul turns out to have many many more delegates than the media likes to mention.


Not official yet - but MSM doesn't care about that very much, they love posting unofficial numbers of Romneys delegate count.

NY Times even had the nerve to post Romney at #1 spot, completely contradicting the official VI GOP site.

Delegates vs votes. Very big difference. Look up electoral college for understanding.
Marked for crow.


Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
Delegates vs votes. Very big difference. Look up electoral college for understanding.
Marked for crow.

Once again - blatantly ignoring what's being said. I just said Paul is winning delegates, MORE delegates in some states - and no one mentions this. Yet in VI, all of a sudden it becomes important?

My thoughts are that you keep pulling at very small straws in an effort to try and figure out why your candidate isn't popular with most people. If this 'election fraud/voter fraud' crap had any real merit someone somewhere would actually report on it, and not those crazy one sided websites so blinded in their lustful love of this cooky old man they can't see reality.

Yeah, the MSM who is promoting this is going to report on themselves... right..

Want proof? How about the few GOP Chairmen who resigned who claimed there was voter fraud occurringand they didn't want to be part of it?


Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
Total Delegates (IA, NH, SC, FL, NV, MN, CO, ME)
Romney: 93 (6, 7, 2, 50, 14, 2, 7, 5)
Paul: 82 (13, 3, 0, 0, 5, 28, 17, 16)
Gingrich: 29 (0, 0, 23, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0)
Santorum: 25 (6, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7, 9, 0)
Unpledged: 14 (3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3)

But of course, you'll find the complete opposite being spouted by the media. Like I said, we'll see when it gets to the national level.

Almost every single Romney count you're seeing on the media is NOT the real delegate count, but is a division of delegates based on the % of poll won. (Which they are now changing as we're seeing with VI)


Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
I hate to break it to you but Romney won in VI.

GOP Delegate Count


Mitt Romney - 454

Rick Santorum - 217

Newt Gingrich - 107

Ron Paul - 47

Jon Huntsman - 2

Try reading posts first - this has already been addressed. NYTimes is contradicting the official VI Gop website. So if they're not getting it from the VI GOP, where are they getting it from? (I'm not sure but I think I may have read that the tallies were different awhile ago, maybe the NYTimes #'s are just outdated.)

Also, my reference to how the MSM is dividing delegates based on % of poll applies to the NY Times as well. As we all know, that isn't how delegates are actually given, thus, the NY Times numbers are not even close to being correct.

I thought this was the Politics forum? When are you guys going to get full from eating all the medias bullsh*t. Lot of endless stomachs in here.

Edit: Just to further clarify since I'm certain some of you will refute what I'm saying till the end, go to your valued NYTime delegate count which Londo was so kind to post. Go to the details on the right, click it, now what does it say? They say because delegate counts are non-binding the A.P. has given the total based on vote totals. Now go back and read what I just said about dividing out delegates in this manor.

Just the fact that Paul officially won all delegates in Denver shows how little they try - he has 0 under Colorado. Paul 5 while Romney 14 in Nevada? Once again, read the story I posted from attendants in Clark County - Paul won a landslide in the largest county in Nevada.

How is this not getting through? The media are not liars but they are manipulative just like a politician - they bend and twist their words till they are on the brink of the definition, but do not cross it - they still achieve their purpose and the general public gulps it all down without doing any research whatsoever.

I don't condemn you for having your own candidate choice, but I would hope we all would agree everyone deserves an equal opportunity without manipulation. It's sad, most Paul supporters would get very angry if they did this to anyone, Romney, Santorum, Gingritch. Yet it happens to Paul and the rest of you turn your back.
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Jul 13, 2005
Delegates vs votes. Very big difference. Look up electoral college for understanding.
Marked for crow.

I double guarantee anybody on these forums that if Ron whats his name gets the nomination the Democrats will be throwing massive thank you parties for the Republicans!

Honestly Ron whats his name is seriously the Republicans worse nightmare....


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Good work, RedString:)

Anyway, the only thing I'm worried about is that Santorum and Gingrich have already told their delegates to go to Romney in case of a brokered convention.

Like I said in another thread, no candidate has even 1/3 of a majority. Dr. Paul has said time after time that he thinks he can win this time.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
I don't condemn you for having your own candidate choice, but I would hope we all would agree everyone deserves an equal opportunity without manipulation. It's sad, most Paul supporters would get very angry if they did this to anyone, Romney, Santorum, Gingritch. Yet it happens to Paul and the rest of you turn your back.

Put down that mirror!