Do you predict economic collapse?

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Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
That guy is a joke, he makes tons of "predictions" and just because a few happen to come true (and not for the reasons he mentions), some people think he is legitimate. If he made reliable predictions, especially after almost 30 years, he would be all over the place. Since he isn't it means he is full of crap.

And you're not full of "crap" least, you believe in that...


Mar 5, 2001
And you're not full of "crap" least, you believe in that...

Calente is a joke. He's been spewing out tons of prognostications for decades, few have come true.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. You spew enough shit on a wall something's going to stick.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Describing Social Security as a handout seems a bit over the top. You do realize that there are many people out there who paid/have been paying into that system for dozens of years. For people who paid into that system throughout their entire working lives, does it seem appropriate to call it a hand out?
Well, I'll admit that some people need some of the SS check they're getting, but they don't have any natural right to it, so it is a handout (especially when they're getting increases based upon wages rather than prices). SS is paid for via theft, and if something is paid for via theft, then it's a handout.

Taxation is theft. I mean, if person A steals person B's car, then does person B in turn have the right to steal person C's car? That's how I see the "but the retirees paid into it" argument.

Of course, I don't blame people for taking their SS check since it's there and they often need some of it to live, and I don't view SS recipients as criminal. If government has to exist, then the optimal solution is that it scales itself back as well as scale taxes back.


Feb 6, 2002
Once the debt ceiling gets too high, we will not be able to pay our debt. When that happens our bond rating will go to hell and the country will no longer be able to borrow any more money. Then you will see total collapse and loss of all government subsidies.

So did you actually write that diatribe, or did you copy it from somewhere?

If you are quoting, at least give us the source.
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Jul 2, 2005
Well, I'll admit that some people need some of the SS check they're getting, but they don't have any natural right to it, so it is a handout (especially when they're getting increases based upon wages rather than prices). SS is paid for via theft, and if something is paid for via theft, then it's a handout.

Taxation is theft. I mean, if person A steals person B's car, then does person B in turn have the right to steal person C's car? That's how I see the "but the retirees paid into it" argument.

Of course, I don't blame people for taking their SS check since it's there and they often need some of it to live, and I don't view SS recipients as criminal. If government has to exist, then the optimal solution is that it scales itself back as well as scale taxes back.

You are an idiot. Without taxation, the whole system will collapse. every man for himself. no laws, total chaos.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
Calente is a joke. He's been spewing out tons of prognostications for decades, few have come true.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. You spew enough shit on a wall something's going to stick.

Of course, "Calente" Gerald Celente is a "joke"

Story with Happy Ending:

Americans will print dollar bills, China will make underwear and anyhing else for cheap for "dollar printers", congress, president will be outsourced to China too....
All US "economy" and americans have to do - to lay on the couch and to spit to the ceiling...

Those lonely anandtechies with 30,000 -50,000 posts would have better solutions - how to save US$ and won't be left naked without underwear "made in china"....


Mar 5, 2001
Of course, "Calente" Gerald Celente is a "joke"

Story with Happy Ending:

Americans will print dollar bills, China will make underwear and anyhing else for cheap for "dollar printers", congress, president will be outsourced to China too....
All US "economy" and americans have to do - to lay on the couch and to spit to the ceiling...

Those lonely anandtechies with 30,000 -50,000 posts would have better solutions - how to save US$ and won't be left naked without underwear "made in china"....

Don't give a fuck how his name is spelled, he spews out prognostications like a baby spews shit. Then some shit for brains like you takes that and somehow thinks it's a miracle he's right once every 1,000 "prophecies". The internet is rife with his moronic predictions. It's amusing too since he tries to hide from them but the internet doesn't forget.

Who gives a fuck about saving the dollar. THe problem isn't the dollar, it's the Yuan being artificially pegged to the dollar to the point that they can produce anything profitably simply because the FX rate is favorable to them. If you had even half the brains that Calente does, and he does have more brains because I'm 100% certain he even knows he's largely full of shit but does it for the lulz and soaking money from fools like you, you might realize this simple fact.

The "printing" of dollars is most assuredly an effort to unpeg the Yuan and other leeches from the dollar to allow our products to be competitive and to raise the salaries of foreign workers to a point where their production costs are no longer competitive. You're already seeing this with homesourcing of jobs from CAT, Whirlpool, Wham-O, and others.

But hey, keep listening to Calente, he's never wrong.


Sep 19, 2000
I predict that in the future there will be another recession! I also predict that in the future we will see another economic boom!

I must be magic.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Predictors of doom have been around since man learned verbal communication. They never cease to amuse, and they will never, ever STFU until one of them turns out to be right. When that happens, it will be a coincidence because the entire lot of them are either rank stupid or else have some sort of agenda they're pushing. Me, I assume that eventually whatever comes up will go down, but I'm not going to worry myself about exactly when and how. We can and should problem solve in the present to avoid bad consequences in the future, but doomsayers are rarely if ever about solving problems.


Jun 3, 2002
Yes, what a horrible economic collapse we've been in this year with 700,000 jobs already created.


Mar 5, 2001
lol the #1 money man in the world, Bill Gross, is not some fundi. All those pols mentioning "unsustainable" in SotU speech are not fundis.. But keep on keepin on.


Wonder if Gross has gotten his head out of the sand yet. Treasuries are rallying, the Dollar carry trade unwinding, the dollar strengthening, BRICs falling, Europe burning.

You're doing a heck of a job Grossie. Perhaps you should just turn your funds over to Gundlach.


Jul 16, 2001
Once the debt ceiling gets too high, we will not be able to pay our debt. When that happens our bond rating will go to hell and the country will no longer be able to borrow any more money. Then you will see total collapse and loss of all government subsidies.

So did you actually write that diatribe, or did you copy it from somewhere?

If you are quoting, at least give us the source.

likely scenario. Failure is already in progress. Is it a recoverable failure or will it snowball beyond control into a financial death spiral? Moving the debt from private to public this soon was a mistake and indicates a lack of nerve and vision. As painful as it may have been bankruptcy should have been allowed to take it's course in 2009. The healing would be well underway and we would be in recovery mode instead of sinking in the quicksand of public debt.


Feb 6, 2002
Once you borrow enough money, eventually what happens is you end up missing a payment to your creditors like China or Japan and then what happens is the interest rate on the borrowed debt goes up. Then you have to collect even more taxes to pay back the interest. Also you will not be able to borrow an more money(Shred your credit cards). Then you are forced to live within your means. Just watch some shows about the great depression.


Sep 19, 2000
Boom Not Found


What, you looked into your magic 100% accurate crystal ball for the entire future of the world and found that there will never be a time when an economy does unusually well?

How's that $10/gallon gas and $5/gallon of milk prediction coming?

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
Wonder if Gross has gotten his head out of the sand yet. Treasuries are rallying, the Dollar carry trade unwinding, the dollar strengthening, BRICs falling, Europe burning.

You're doing a heck of a job Grossie. Perhaps you should just turn your funds over to Gundlach.

Damn it LK, couldn't you have left the troll thread alone? :(