Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2002
All this theorizing and postulating are null. Women like men with self-confidence. End of story. If you need to believe that self-confidence equals arrogance, that's your business.

Juice Box

Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2003
dude, im in this exact position with someone.....i just wish she'd make the right choice....


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: Juice Box
dude, im in this exact position with someone.....i just wish she'd make the right choice....

Dude, don't wait for her to make the "right" choice. Go find someone else to bang and don't even hide that from her.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
Originally posted by: brigden
All this theorizing and postulating are null. Women like men with self-confidence. End of story. If you need to believe that self-confidence equals arrogance, that's your business.

I have heard that... why do we think though, that they (females) put so much eggs into the 'have selfconfidence' basket.

i think it's a trait desired that comes from a self fulfilling prophecy. all the 'seventeen, ym, vogue', whatever mags probably run quibs and tidbits every quarter about 'what makes a man hot' blah blah blah and they put this characteristic in there... readers read, again and again and wham...

Men want women to have self confidence too. But for as big as females hold up the desirable trait of self confidence, is this trait going to address the female's other needs of their man: take out the trash, go supermarket shopping, change the diaper, fix the leak in the faucet, being a good father, being a faithful husband? Not likely.

I can see a male with abundance of self confidence... say so much so that it's way beyond his looks, he can be a 'bad' boy... and bring other characteristics that the female can't deal with: a constant wandering eye, a playful, outgoing flirt of a husband to the waitresses... good luck females!

So locating self confidence is a female thinking not with her head.

Ever see those dating shows or something.... girl says 'oh i like a guy that can'

1. make me laugh (wait don't we all)
2. outgoing (isn't this overplayed? don't we all need some outgoingness, but suddenly do you still want the guy to be 'outgoing' when you gave birth to two kids?

Suddenly no, the women is always demanding the guy be present at home, come home on time from work even...

what happened to the outgoing trait you wanted in your man, you want it to disappear just cuz you got kids?

& why you want your man to come home on time from work, don't you want him to work... how's he going to get $ ?)

See how 'F'ed up the female mind can be?


Senior member
Aug 5, 2004
On this very topic, I watched "The Tao of Steve" last night. Any of you with questions about the arsehole/nice guy conundrum should see that movie.


Aug 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Sunbird
Relationship wise yes, rest of life wise, nah.

i have never thought about it this way. but i think your conclusion is still wrong. nice guys finish last in every aspect of life.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2000
Originally posted by: yllus


That said, you're liable to attract more girls in the 18-25 year old age bracket by greeting them with a smack on the ass than you are with a polite hello and inquiry as to if they would like a drink.

That got me off her list for 5 years until she would even talk to me again. Bad idea to smack em in the ass when you meet them. :thumbsdown:

Being bad guy didn't work for me, but that's probably cuz I'm fugly. :laugh:

But it doesn't matter anyways cuz I'm married now to someone I was "nice" to. :)