Diamond Member
- Jan 24, 2004
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The first circle of Hell, you mean.
I meant the first circle of baskin robins obviously : p
The first circle of Hell, you mean.
WTF is this bullshit?
Let me save you (and everyone else) the trouble of sifting through all the convoluted nonsense surrounding religion.
I've written a new book called "The Atheist Bible" that is due for publication in December this year..but I think I'm going to post it for free now as a public service. Members of every world religion should find something of value in it's pages. I did my best to capture and capsulize the most useful and profound insights from the prophets of every religion (including Christianity). If you follow the advice within, not only will it ensure you live a good and moral life, but it will also save you countless hours that would otherwise have been wasted in church hearing the same message preached with a lot of unnecessary baggage.
Prepare yourself. This is powerful stuff...
The Atheist Bible
Chapter 1
Don't be a dick.
The End.
Haha, that is awesome. Some of my religious friends keep telling me how awesome religion is to keep us from doing bad stuff, and I tell them I don't need a book to tell me not to be a dick.
To love others at the cost of selfish desires is to love Christ.
I'm not trying to preach, not really. And I don't expect to convince anyone of anything: your world view is yours, that's cool, I don't think you're "wrong" just different. Jesus said he didn't come for the people that don't need him. He came for the crack-addicts and emotionally broken. I just wanted to clear up what seem like a number of misconceptions about the biblical Jesus.
Excellent. A few questions.
(1) Isn't the loving of Christ as a means to eternal salvation the exercise of the ultimate selfish desire?
(2) Are you a crack addict or emotionally broken? What disability makes Jesus a specific need and provision for you? Who are those who don't need Jesus, and why?
(3) How do you love those who don't love Jesus? How does Jesus love them? How do you love those who oppose Jesus? What exactly is your stance towards those who follow Islam or any other major religion besides Christianity? What exactly is your stance towards them with respect to salvation or damnation?
(4) What is the eternity of Hell? How is Hell fair and deserved by those who don't follow Jesus? How does Jesus love when he condemns someone to Hell? How do you love someone if you agree that though they may have lived a virtuous life, that they don't accept Jesus is sufficient for their damnation?
(5) If your faith in Christ happens to be such that you don't believe he condemns to eternal torment those who don't satisfy his requirements as in (4), what is your answer for those Christians who do, and moreover insist that that is the correct interpretation of Christianity?
We've been over such questions many times in this forum, and this line of questions takes two parts, in view of the fact that many Christians take such a hard line: (a) Where do you stand on that hard line. (b) How do you respond to those that do. Note in addition that the concern doesn't end with me or you, but all those who would be affected by that hard line policy.
Now as to my own world view, thank you for recognizing that it's mine and understanding that you're not going to change it here. What you might do however is explain yours and those of other Christians.
Unfortunately the OP is bonkers.
Is it possible that we are animated organic machines with a spirit that makes us each individual? Are we not members of an infinite reality. Are we not mere specks on the whole of existence. Do we not communicate via signals that shoot through the air? My view is that we know precious little when it comes to infinity. We can't truly comprehend what the possibilities are. I' for one think we should live this existence with love and gratitude that we are impossibly existing and open our minds to the infinite and our ignorance. View the world and each other with the wonder of children. Truly there is more to life than being a slave to paying bills and breathing polluted air, and gossip and innuendo as our entertainment. Don't forget violence and refusal to just support and care for each other. No judge harshly the down-trodden, exalt the greedy and ambitious that they should destroy the earth that is our host. Stupid parasites kill their host.God doesn't exist. It's an impossibility. People like to relate the nature of humans to deities but that's impossible.
Is it possible that we are animated organic machines with a spirit that makes us each individual? Are we not members of an infinite reality. Are we not mere specks on the whole of existence. Do we not communicate via signals that shoot through the air? My view is that we know precious little when it comes to infinity. We can't truly comprehend what the possibilities are. I' for one think we should live this existence with love and gratitude that we are impossibly existing and open our minds to the infinite and our ignorance. View the world and each other with the wonder of children. Truly there is more to life than being a slave to paying bills and breathing polluted air, and gossip and innuendo as our entertainment. Don't forget violence and refusal to just support and care for each other. No judge harshly the down-trodden, exalt the greedy and ambitious that they should destroy the earth that is our host. Stupid parasites kill their host.
Do you really believe that crap?
And how do you know that your faith is the correct one? Perhaps the ancient Egyptian gods are the correct ones. Horus is gonna be mighty pissed you have been worshiping a false man god by the name of Jesus.
Humans cannot assign blame for our failings to any made up gods. Most things can be explained by science. Science has done more for man kind than any religion.
Religion is dying. Give it a couple of generations and as science makes more medical advances and we clean up the planet we shall do away with 2000plus year old silly beliefs.
My view is that we know precious little when it comes to infinity.
Interesting thought, but Jesus says that whoever seeks to save his life will lose it and who ever loses it for his fellow man saves it. The right thing to do is not corrupted simply because you know it is the beneficial thing to do.Isn't the loving of Christ as a means to eternal salvation the exercise of the ultimate selfish desire?
I was raised in a negative situation, but I'm not looking to convert people and it's hard to present my story without it sounding that way, but if you PM me I'll respond.Are you a crack addict or emotionally broken? What disability makes Jesus a specific need and provision for you?
I can't speak for anyone else but me: but anyone who feels that they have it all together, feels that their life is on track and is fulfilled and happy, anyone who is happy and feels he is alreagdy loving others instead of himself as much as he wants to; well we already have to many 'Christians' like that. Faith in Christ, as opposed to trusting in wealth or religion, is something that few can accept because few can be broken enough to let God put them back together.Who are those who don't need Jesus, and why?
Jesus told us that whatever we do to the most lowly of people is what we do to him; Samaritans were evil from a Jewish perspective, but he advocated the Godliness of one that loves his fellow man.How do you love those who don't love Jesus?
I don't know... a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.How does Jesus love them?
sometimes I suck at it, sometimes I figure they aren't down for the cause because of their environment but sometimes I get angry, like at terrorists and particularly televangelists... is it right, i can't say; I don't know what the loving thing to do in all occasions is, but I hope that I try... but then I know that I failHow do you love those who oppose Jesus?
My Muslim friends have there own way, Jesus isn't for people that figure they've got it all together and having religion of any kind can do that for you.What exactly is your stance towards those who follow Islam or any other major religion besides Christianity?
I think Jesus said that he was the only way to God not because everyone needed to read the bible but because he was the epitome of God's design for man: loving of others at the expense of selfishness.What exactly is your stance towards them with respect to salvation or damnation?
That is the bit of you that wasn't perfect being 'cleansed' or wiped from existence.(4) What is the eternity of Hell?
so the grave/trash of the bible (a couple of words that get translated to hell) is where someone who's never followed Jesus goes, not because God hates them but because they hated perfection and didn't want to be saved. Be careful here, following Jesus means allowing God to help you deny other-hurting selfishness, just like Christ did, no doubt people have been doing this long before they ever heard of Jesus.How is Hell fair and deserved by those who don't follow Jesus?
He doesn't condemn us except in that he made us and let us live in an imperfect world. But at the same time he offers us the ability to accept a free gift of grace that will let us out of this condemnation we've created for ourselvesHow does Jesus love when he condemns someone to Hell?
First, there are to many people who've lived 'virtuous lives' that have been selfish other-hurting at every turn; in and outside of every religion or lack there of. It is only through self-denying faith that we can every truly follow Christ and be lifted out of the damnation of our own creation.How do you love someone if you agree that though they may have lived a virtuous life, that they don't accept Jesus is sufficient for their damnation?
Romans chapter 2:If your faith in Christ happens to be such that you don't believe he condemns to eternal torment those who don't satisfy his requirements as in, what is your answer for those Christians who do, and moreover insist that that is the correct interpretation of Christianity?
This is what the bible says; the mind-controlling tradition of religion being your salvation is so far out of line from the bible, grace and the love of God that I can totally see why people would balk at it.1You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?...12All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
the hard line is in the heart of the man, not in the religion of his dad.Note in addition that the concern doesn't end with me or you, but all those who would be affected by that hard line policy.
There is an interpretive point of view that takes into account the moving of the Holy Spirit, historical context, the literal scripture and church tradition when trying to understand what is right, it is a Wesleyan point of view that makes a lot of sense, i think, when we drop the tradition part.Now as to my own world view, thank you for recognizing that it's mine and understanding that you're not going to change it here. What you might do however is explain yours and those of other Christians.
Excellent. A few questions.
(1) Isn't the loving of Christ as a means to eternal salvation the exercise of the ultimate selfish desire?
(2) Are you a crack addict or emotionally broken? What disability makes Jesus a specific need and provision for you? Who are those who don't need Jesus, and why?
(3) How do you love those who don't love Jesus? How does Jesus love them? How do you love those who oppose Jesus? What exactly is your stance towards those who follow Islam or any other major religion besides Christianity? What exactly is your stance towards them with respect to salvation or damnation?
(4) What is the eternity of Hell? How is Hell fair and deserved by those who don't follow Jesus? How does Jesus love when he condemns someone to Hell? How do you love someone if you agree that though they may have lived a virtuous life, that they don't accept Jesus is sufficient for their damnation?
(5) If your faith in Christ happens to be such that you don't believe he condemns to eternal torment those who don't satisfy his requirements as in (4), what is your answer for those Christians who do, and moreover insist that that is the correct interpretation of Christianity?
We've been over such questions many times in this forum, and this line of questions takes two parts, in view of the fact that many Christians take such a hard line: (a) Where do you stand on that hard line. (b) How do you respond to those that do. Note in addition that the concern doesn't end with me or you, but all those who would be affected by that hard line policy.
Now as to my own world view, thank you for recognizing that it's mine and understanding that you're not going to change it here. What you might do however is explain yours and those of other Christians.
We do not have burning bushes and parted seas. We have stories about burning bushes and parted seas, but then we also have stories about dog-headed aethieopians, cyclops, minotaurs, mermaids, chupacabras, etc, etc...
A lot of people have visions and hear voices. Nobody's ever demonstrated heavenly origins of any of them, and quite often we put those people in mental hospitals.
Funny thing about so-called "prophecies"... when people aren't out-and-out fabricating stories of their fulfillment, they are both deliberately attempting to fulfill previous predictions while simultaneously ignoring the slews of failed predictions that encompass them. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Even a blind hog gets a corn cob once in a while. Pick your metaphor. At the end of the day, it's all confirmation bias.
You mean like all those people "miraculously" healed by Benny Hinn? Should we delve a little deeper into those?
You can't show someone a miracle.