The main issue Jesus addresses is loving your fellow man and letting God work in you so that you can get past your own selfish lust, selfish greed and selfish pride.
God is perfect; he will create a reality with us in it that incorporates what is perfect in us. For now existence is flawed, the birthing pains of our future reality: would you be who you are without your suffering? To have faith in Christ is to love others at the cost of selfishness. To love others at the cost of selfish desires is to love Christ.
All of this selflessness is not earned; it comes from God giving us the ability.
A baby has no concept of others; a baby cannot be selfish if it doesn't know there is selflessness. A baby is a potential for future love or harm, but before that state it is only a beauty that allows for us to love it.
Christ lives in every human and how we treat every human is how Christ will judge us for having treated him. Babies are the greatest of all of Gods saved creatures, not because they are 'innocent' but because they live entirely by grace and love. We should strive to be politically and socially aware enough to work against everything that increases infant mortality and work towards everything that decreases it. I truly hate how this loving idea has been co-opted by many institutions that seek the opposite outcome. This is what Christ stands for: love, selflessness and helping because it is the human-loving thing to do.
God became Jesus, this is impossible. Jesus-God had the needs of a man, this is also impossible. God-Jesus died because some guys nailed him to a tree for saying how it would be a good idea if we all were just nice to each-other, this too is impossible. God-as-man came back from the dead after three days, this is also... impossible. Jesus spoke, in the flesh and blood, to thousands who were willing to testify to the death that they encountered him, after his death, which is of course impossible. Christ Jesus was then raised into an ethereal reality where he now sits at the right hand of the creator of all existence (which he happens to also be) and prepares a place for those of us who love him, which as we all know is impossible as well.
SO! If you're able to believe in six impossible things before breakfast, why not top it off with self-denying faith in Christ? Faith doesn't make logical sense, but if you accept selfless-other-loving truth and side with God against yourself you'll have the most fulfilled existence possible!
I'm not trying to preach, not really. And I don't expect to convince anyone of anything: your world view is yours, that's cool, I don't think you're "wrong" just different. Jesus said he didn't come for the people that don't need him. He came for the crack-addicts and emotionally broken. I just wanted to clear up what seem like a number of misconceptions about the biblical Jesus.
You're "not trying to preach?" Seems like that's exactly what you're doing. Whatever happened to that commandment about not bearing false witness?
Senior AnandTech Moderator/Administrator
God is perfect; he will create a reality with us in it that incorporates what is perfect in us. For now existence is flawed, the birthing pains of our future reality: would you be who you are without your suffering? To have faith in Christ is to love others at the cost of selfishness. To love others at the cost of selfish desires is to love Christ.
All of this selflessness is not earned; it comes from God giving us the ability.
A baby has no concept of others; a baby cannot be selfish if it doesn't know there is selflessness. A baby is a potential for future love or harm, but before that state it is only a beauty that allows for us to love it.
Christ lives in every human and how we treat every human is how Christ will judge us for having treated him. Babies are the greatest of all of Gods saved creatures, not because they are 'innocent' but because they live entirely by grace and love. We should strive to be politically and socially aware enough to work against everything that increases infant mortality and work towards everything that decreases it. I truly hate how this loving idea has been co-opted by many institutions that seek the opposite outcome. This is what Christ stands for: love, selflessness and helping because it is the human-loving thing to do.
God became Jesus, this is impossible. Jesus-God had the needs of a man, this is also impossible. God-Jesus died because some guys nailed him to a tree for saying how it would be a good idea if we all were just nice to each-other, this too is impossible. God-as-man came back from the dead after three days, this is also... impossible. Jesus spoke, in the flesh and blood, to thousands who were willing to testify to the death that they encountered him, after his death, which is of course impossible. Christ Jesus was then raised into an ethereal reality where he now sits at the right hand of the creator of all existence (which he happens to also be) and prepares a place for those of us who love him, which as we all know is impossible as well.
SO! If you're able to believe in six impossible things before breakfast, why not top it off with self-denying faith in Christ? Faith doesn't make logical sense, but if you accept selfless-other-loving truth and side with God against yourself you'll have the most fulfilled existence possible!
I'm not trying to preach, not really. And I don't expect to convince anyone of anything: your world view is yours, that's cool, I don't think you're "wrong" just different. Jesus said he didn't come for the people that don't need him. He came for the crack-addicts and emotionally broken. I just wanted to clear up what seem like a number of misconceptions about the biblical Jesus.
You're "not trying to preach?" Seems like that's exactly what you're doing. Whatever happened to that commandment about not bearing false witness?
Senior AnandTech Moderator/Administrator
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