My New Years was a bit strange. I took my daughter to the airport in Vegas for an 11:00PM flight. It was delayed an hour and a half. We waited with her until My short term parking meter was about to expire(BTY,I won $187.50 playing a slot machine while waiting

)so we left for the parking lot. My car was facing a grande view of the entire Las Vegas strip and the parking lot was packed with people and camaras and revelers. My wife and I got to witness a spectacular 1/2 billion dollar fireworks show. SWEEEEEET!!!!. When it was over,it took 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot,and then a 2 hour drive home. No drinking for me. I gave it up for health reasons 15 years ago.
Happy New Year to all the AnandTech members,sober,hungover,still partying.I hope you all have a fantastic and prosperous new year!