Had a bozo of a UPS driver drop a package off outside my front door, while I was home, with no knock or ringing of the bell. I didn't even hear him walk up and drop the package, which was a pretty sizable box, with a Coleman cooler in it!
I only discovered it the next morning, when I went to work. So I hauled it inside, went to work, and called UPS to complain, later on. Got a call that day, from the local supervisor, apologizing. I told them it wasn't my intention to get anyone in trouble, it's just a courtesy thing, ya know?
Later that day, the SAME driver stops by my house to deliver another package, and I meet him at the door, after he banged on it (pretty loudly). As he hands me my package, he asks, "Hey, did you call and complain about me?", to which I told him that it was because he had delivered and not knocked or rang the doorbell the previous day.
Bozo then proceeds to tell me, "Well, you'd better be home for any other deliveries I make here, or I'll leave you a notice, 3 days in a row, then send the package back!" Wow. Really?? Um, dumbass, I've got your supervisor's phone number!
As soon as he left, I called the supervisor back, and told them what had just happened. They couldn't believe it! I told them that I didn't want to see that guy delivering in my neighborhood again, or the complaint would be escalated.
I now have a new driver. He still leaves packages at the door, even if they're marked as requiring a signature, but at least he rings or knocks. :thumbsup: