Originally posted by: LunarRay
Originally posted by: marincounty
Originally posted by: LunarRay
I see little difference between a gun and a car when either is misused.. I can't really think of how to legislate so that only prudent and proper folks can own either.. so I won't.. I say and believe in the ability for citizens to own guns of any type well.. with some exceptions.. Fully auto guns should not be made or sold but to the military and police..
Felons and drunks should not be permitted to own guns or drive cars..
Both should scan the DNA of the owner and not function if the user is not the owner...
Deer and Mooses should be issued flak jackets.. and anti human cannons.. Fish should be educated well in their schools and Terroists should be made to register with the FBI.. so we can do away with the Patriot Act... What a name that is ... Patriot Act..
The difference is-guns are designed to kill, and only to kill. The automobile is designed to transport people and goods, and (usually) only kills accidently.
And yet we require licensing, registration and insurance to operate the automobile.
Maybe we should require all gun owners to be licensed and insured, so that if they accidently shoot someone, the medical bills and such are covered, thus paying for the billions in medical care necessitated by gun violence.
Great idea, by the way, to ban Felons and drunks from owning guns or drive cars.
Guns are designed to facilitate placing of some kind of item within reasonable proximity of where the 'operator' desires. Cars are similar in that regard. And both have the energy to produce death to a living entity.
Either in the hands of bad guys usually ends up in a situation that society deems unwanted and preventable.
Society is wrong.. it is not preventable so long as there are both bad guys and cars or guns.
Laws don't do a thing to stop the 'heartless' bad guy hell bent on misusing either.
heheheh Insurance.. how many auto owners have insurance in say... California and how many don't .. it is the law to insure autos in California..
The only real solution might be to send all bad guys on a one way trip to Montana and build a big fence around it. That pre- supposes the fact that auto accidents and on-purposes-es along with criminal use of guns will happen and accept that as a consequence of Freedom.
Crime is the consequence of immoral anonymity. Cell phone technology and embedded chips can do away with anonymity. Your location can and should be part of a computer record that can identify if you were present at a crime scene. Motion detectors and lasers on light poles, etc, can identify human bodies moving around without chips and zap them and tag them for disposal. If threatened you should be able to tap your teeth causing the laser batteries to issue orders for all in your location to freeze. Every dollar that changes hands can also be tracked.