Originally posted by: K1052
Originally posted by: ayabe
What's your definition of "Pro Gun"?
I know of exactly ZERO dems who are actually anti gun, by that definition I mean that they want to outlaw guns completely.
I consider myself "pro gun" but I support the assault weapons ban, mandatory waiting periods, and handgun registration. I also think it should be illegal for civilians to purchase a .50 cal sniper rifle.
Does the name Dianne Feinstein ring a bell? There are a number of Democrats who would outlaw guns completely if given half a chance. They are just laying low currently since every new gun regulation tabled just about anywhere in the US has gone down in flames lately and several states have recently passed CCW laws. It is just a big loser of an issue right now for them.
Your post shows how completely many people have accepted the propaganda of the gun grabber lobby.
The AWB did exactly jack sh!t to prevent crime, all it did was ban 'evil' looking guns and was completely ineffective at even that as the legislation was so full of holes. Zero effect on crime, completely a feel good measure to make the politicians look good. Since the ban susnet there has been no explosion in gun crime from these weapons as its supportes claimed would happen.
Waiting periods are manditory for licensed dealers, though there are exceptions. As an example, I have a FFL03 license from the ATF (for which I certainly underwent a more exaustive check than simply running the NICS) that allows me to cash and carry when I present my license.
Handgun registration? Good luck, the pool of unregisted handguns is so huge (millions upon millions) that you will never be able to tag a meaningful percentage of them anyway and spend a fortune trying (more would just enter illegally over the borders anyway).
.50 BMG firearms have been used in very (about 3-5 depending on your standards) actual crimes in the last 90+ years since the round's invention. More people have been killed with sporks than there are crimes that involve a .50