Democrats Threaten to Protest…Themselves!


Jun 19, 2000
From "The, you just can't make this stuff up file".

[URL=""]Obama takes heat from Democrats over jobs[/URL]

What an amazing time we live in. Democrats are poised to protest their own policies.

Members of President Obama's own political party are charging that the White House and the Democratic Congressional leadership are not doing enough to help the unemployed and are threatening to organize a march on Washington of jobless Americans.

What's even more amazing, is that it's truly a bi-partisan effort. At this time the "Jobs Now Caucus" is made up of 112 Democrats and 17 Republicans.

It's not business as usual anymore in DC, cannibalism is taking over. Time for Obama to take an overseas trip.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This is just a dog and pony show so the politicians can demonstrate to their constituents that they are "fighting" for them and working to create jobs. Completely meaningless.


May 1, 2006
You are used to the lock-step Rpublican corruption and can't make sense of intra-party disputes eh?


Jun 3, 2002
This is just a dog and pony show so the politicians can demonstrate to their constituents that they are "fighting" for them and working to create jobs. Completely meaningless.

Not only that, but apparently the OP is unaware that the few Dems actually protesting (nowhere near the 117 cited in the OP) are protesting for a jobs bill...aka another stimulus package.

Seriously, right-wing nuts wouldn't be that bad here if they weren't so utterly naive and ignorant.


Jun 19, 2000
A few more quotes for those that won't read the article.

Rush and Kaptur argue that a new jobs program is more important than health care reform

More than one member of the caucus told CNN the stimulus was crafted without enough input from lawmakers whose districts suffer from the highest jobless rates.

Rush was more blunt in his demand. "We don't want to be handed a bill and told, 'Alright vote this bill,'" Rush said. "We want to be part of the creation."

And on Wednesday, members of the Congressional Black Caucus sat out a vote on financial reform legislation - important to the White House - to protest what they said is a lack of attention paid to job growth in the African American community. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the new "Jobs Now Caucus" have accused the administration of listening more closely to Wall Street than to Main Street.

Hmm, protest? This looks more like an implosion. It's going to be virtually impossible to buy off 139 members of Congress.


Jun 19, 2000
Not only that, but apparently the OP is unaware that the few Dems actually protesting (nowhere near the 117 cited in the OP) are protesting for a jobs bill...aka another stimulus package.

Seriously, right-wing nuts wouldn't be that bad here if they weren't so utterly naive and ignorant.
Slow down there. You're confused.

I'll try to explain this slowly for you so you can follow it. I didn't write the article, it was written by a CNN reporter. The quotes in the article are not mine.


Jun 3, 2002
Slow down there. You're confused.

I'll try to explain this slowly for you so you can follow it. I didn't write the article, it was written by a CNN reporter. The quotes in the article are not mine.

Rush and Kaptur argue that a new jobs program is more important than health care reform, but stop short of threatening to hold up a vote on one of Obama's most important domestic policy initiatives.

"We're not there yet," Kaptur said.

Some of the proposals being floated by the caucus include: redirecting existing stimulus and TARP money to jobs programs and pressing for a new jobs bill, which they're careful not to call a "stimulus."

"We continue to work with all members of the caucus and with the Administration to build on the recovery package and other initiatives to help create jobs and grow our economy after years of mismanagement by the Bush administration."

Jesus, no wonder the right is shrinking. This is basic reading comprehension shit.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Why should Democrats agree with each other on anything now? How is this news?

How can you say you can't make these things up when it happens every day?


Jun 19, 2000
Democrat in the White House - check
Democrat controlled Senate - check
Democrat controlled House - check
Democrat majority in the Jobs Now Caucus - check

Democrats protesting against their own policies - priceless

With an added bonus;

More posters in this thread on my ignore list than not - priceless

I almost feel like I'm missing something - almost.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
Not only that, but apparently the OP is unaware that the few Dems actually protesting (nowhere near the 117 cited in the OP) are protesting for a jobs bill...aka another stimulus package.

Seriously, right-wing nuts wouldn't be that bad here if they weren't so utterly naive and ignorant.

Well, there is that .... and the NeanderCons are fully vested in the Lee Atwater 'Negative' Attack Mode in an effort to squash turnout in the 2010 elections.....

while at the same time whipping their base into a frenzy over the typical wing-nut personal attacks, strawmen and other Contard fallacies.

It's deja-vu all over again.




Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Democrat in the White House - check
Democrat controlled Senate - check
Democrat controlled House - check
Democrat majority in the Jobs Now Caucus - check

Democrats protesting against their own policies - priceless

With an added bonus;

More posters in this thread on my ignore list than not - priceless

I almost feel like I'm missing something - almost.

A brain? The democrats haven't agreed on anything for years. This is non news. Just more spam.

Saying you are ignoring someone is not actually ignoring them. It is what a child does.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Democrat in the White House - check
Democrat controlled Senate - check
Democrat controlled House - check
Democrat majority in the Jobs Now Caucus - check

Democrats protesting against their own policies - priceless

With an added bonus;

More posters in this thread on my ignore list than not - priceless

I almost feel like I'm missing something - almost.

Please provide a quote or a link where the Democrats are attacking their own policies.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If you couldn't read and comprehend it the first time, don't be so sure you will the second time.

Obama takes heat from Democrats over jobs

If you want to say that Democrats wanting the apportionment of stimulus funding to be more centered in their own districts and desiring additional bills to be passed in the same vein as the stimulus is 'protesting Democratic policies'... uhmm.... okay. That's like if Republicans say that a tax cut they voted for should be even bigger that they are protesting Republican policies. In that case pretty much every bill of consequence ever passed in the entirety of American history is 'protested by their own party'.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
More "Blognews" for the masses.

Democrats aren't in lockstep, never have been, never will be..


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
LOL Stupid right wing-nuts at CNN!

Guys, the quote is the actual title of the CNN article. It's the height of irony to accuse the OP of reading comprehension failure. The stimulus bill was written completely by Democrats and passed without a single Republican vote if memory serves. Whether the Democrats in question think the original was flawed of that it wasn't big enough and we need another, better stimulus bill, they are criticizing a completely Democrat effort. You may call them idiots, or call them greedy skin-deep Democrats, or simply default to blaming Bush, but they are unquestionably Democrats questioning (and some threatening to protest) Democrat policies.

Unless you want to argue that Democrat policy is different from what Democrats actually do when they have complete control of government. In that case, please specify if you think the Democrats are dishonest, incompetent or insane. . .


Jun 3, 2002
Democrat in the White House - check
Democrat controlled Senate - check
Democrat controlled House - check
Democrat majority in the Jobs Now Caucus - check

Democrats protesting against their own policies - priceless

With an added bonus;

More posters in this thread on my ignore list than not - priceless

I almost feel like I'm missing something - almost.

The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Hey, looks like we don't need to put the Republicans back in control of Congress to have gridlock.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

Looks like he probably can't see you. I'm tempted to make him be the first on my Ignore List just because of his little Jab at those on his. Must be swell to never hear an opposing view?

That said, I'm probably on his Ignore as well. :D:D


Jun 19, 2000
LOL Stupid right wing-nuts at CNN!

Guys, the quote is the actual title of the CNN article. It's the height of irony to accuse the OP of reading comprehension failure. The stimulus bill was written completely by Democrats and passed without a single Republican vote if memory serves. Whether the Democrats in question think the original was flawed of that it wasn't big enough and we need another, better stimulus bill, they are criticizing a completely Democrat effort. You may call them idiots, or call them greedy skin-deep Democrats, or simply default to blaming Bush, but they are unquestionably Democrats questioning (and some threatening to protest) Democrat policies.

Unless you want to argue that Democrat policy is different from what Democrats actually do when they have complete control of government. In that case, please specify if you think the Democrats are dishonest, incompetent or insane. . .
You're a better man than I am. I had no intentions of explaining this to them.


Jun 19, 2000
Looks like he probably can't see you. I'm tempted to make him be the first on my Ignore List just because of his little Jab at those on his. Must be swell to never hear an opposing view?

That said, I'm probably on his Ignore as well. :D:D
Neither of you are. I regret typing that this morning. I should have kept that information private. But what's done is done.