Sold a wireless keyboard and mouse to this guy on craigslist, even threw it a free flash drive. He calls me a few hours after the sale saying it doesn't work, when i ask him specifically what doesn't work (it was tested thoroughly before the sale), he tells me every time i connect the receiver to my usb port, windows returns a memory dump and crashes the os.
First he is trying to blame me for crashing his computer, then when he calls back the 2nd time, he tries to blame the receiver as being infected with a virus or something.
The guy turns out is running Windows ME. I politely told him, i'll reformat your pc and make it work at my rate of $75 per hour for consulting fees or you can try to get it work for yourself.
The 3rd time he calls back, he tells me he has some anger issues and smashed the keyboard with a hammer or something and wants his money back. After that, his number has been blocked on my phone.
First he is trying to blame me for crashing his computer, then when he calls back the 2nd time, he tries to blame the receiver as being infected with a virus or something.
The guy turns out is running Windows ME. I politely told him, i'll reformat your pc and make it work at my rate of $75 per hour for consulting fees or you can try to get it work for yourself.
The 3rd time he calls back, he tells me he has some anger issues and smashed the keyboard with a hammer or something and wants his money back. After that, his number has been blocked on my phone.
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