Corrected title: Now the GOP has accomplished massive tax reform

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Alpha One Seven

Golden Member
Sep 11, 2017
So, cutting taxes and still spending is better? Get a clue. You guys never own up to creating the vast majority of debt through deficit spending that you do so well. I know, you'll just wait for the Dems to get in power again and whine about the debt (that was created by magic) I guess.
As was said, the budget has been cut by a substantial amount. Guess you missed that news while watching CNN. :)
BTW, you are wrong about me, I earn a lot more than I spend. No deficit here.


Nov 11, 1999
As was said, the budget has been cut by a substantial amount. Guess you missed that news while watching CNN. :)
BTW, you are wrong about me, I earn a lot more than I spend. No deficit here.

Pure deception. They're cutting the budget & increasing deficits at the same time in order to provide gratuitous taxcuts to their ultra wealthy right wing donors. Like they've earned it in fulfilling their role as Job Creators or something...
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Nov 11, 1999

Alpha One Seven

Golden Member
Sep 11, 2017
Do you see cutting revenues in a time of rising deficits as a good thing?
They are cutting the budget as well, haven't you been keeping up? It's called being conservative rather than spending money you don't have liberally.
The deficit has been cut already and will be seeing more cuts, hopefully. Less dependency on government and being more self sufficient is always a good thing.
When the citizens are completely reliant on the government, the government has way too much power over our daily lives.
Mar 11, 2004
Republicans and Conservatives won't rest until they destroy Capitalism.

They already did. Literally they coined a term for modern Republican economics: voodoo. That's no longer economic ideology that's religion as seen with their pleas to have faith in their economic beliefs.

Trump's tweet that Flake will oppose the tax bit is a bit of a head scratcher. He is officially undecided so far. Either he's tweaking him for no reason or Flake has indicated privately that he opposes the tax bill unless, I assume, there are changes to his liking.

If the latter is the case that means there is more opposition in the Senate than generally known.

I think in Trump's mind, him denigrating Flake over supporting the tax reform plan is appealing to Flake's honor over pushing for the tax cuts, and so is publicly shaming him. Much like how him citing needing Republican votes to push it through is a perfectly justifiable reason to support a sexual predator (that if the guy were a black teenager he'd probably take out full page ads saying he needs to be put to death).


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
They are cutting the budget as well, haven't you been keeping up? It's called being conservative rather than spending money you don't have liberally.
The deficit has been cut already and will be seeing more cuts, hopefully. Less dependency on government and being more self sufficient is always a good thing.
When the citizens are completely reliant on the government, the government has way too much power over our daily lives.
Put up or shut up, Russian.

Alpha One Seven

Golden Member
Sep 11, 2017
They already did. Literally they coined a term for modern Republican economics: voodoo. That's no longer economic ideology that's religion as seen with their pleas to have faith in their economic beliefs.

I think in Trump's mind, him denigrating Flake over supporting the tax reform plan is appealing to Flake's honor over pushing for the tax cuts, and so is publicly shaming him. Much like how him citing needing Republican votes to push it through is a perfectly justifiable reason to support a sexual predator (that if the guy were a black teenager he'd probably take out full page ads saying he needs to be put to death).
Glad you used the qualifiers, " I think, and probably" at least you don't believe any of that is true or actually happened.


May 15, 2000
Put up or shut up, Russian.

I don't think the dumb ass even knows the difference between debt and deficit. "Cutting the deficit" is meaningless.

He, like most trump supporters, are simply cult members who will recite whatever is told to them by their leader and he's simply regurgitating talking points, it's why he can't explain it when you asked him to.


Nov 11, 1999
They are cutting the budget as well, haven't you been keeping up? It's called being conservative rather than spending money you don't have liberally.
The deficit has been cut already and will be seeing more cuts, hopefully. Less dependency on government and being more self sufficient is always a good thing.
When the citizens are completely reliant on the government, the government has way too much power over our daily lives.

How can they be cutting deficits when their plan admittedly increases the debt by $1.5T over 10 years?
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Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
They are cutting the budget as well, haven't you been keeping up? It's called being conservative rather than spending money you don't have liberally.
The deficit has been cut already and will be seeing more cuts, hopefully. Less dependency on government and being more self sufficient is always a good thing.
When the citizens are completely reliant on the government, the government has way too much power over our daily lives.

Are you a mathematician, accountant or statistics geek? If not, why don't you listen to the people who are for their analysis which is:

n 2019, those making less than $25,000 would get an average $50 tax reduction, or 0.3 percent of their after-tax income. Middle-income earners would get average cuts of $850, while people making at least $746,000 would get average cuts of $34,000, or 2.2 percent of income.

The center also said the Senate proposal would generate enough economic growth to produce additional revenue of $169 billion over a decade. That's far short of closing the near $1.5 trillion in red ink that Congress' nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated the bill would produce over that period.

Massive gift to the rich.... check.....

Increasing debt in the face of a booming economy..... check......

Bottom line, this should be a time to decrease deficits and not increase them. They are creating 1.5 trillion dollars of debt just so they can give it to billionaires. It is frightening that sane middle class folk like yourself will allow themselves to get fucked in the ass like this and then THANK the rapist. Are you some kind of masochist?


Oct 18, 2005
They are cutting the budget as well, haven't you been keeping up? It's called being conservative rather than spending money you don't have liberally.
The deficit has been cut already and will be seeing more cuts, hopefully. Less dependency on government and being more self sufficient is always a good thing.
When the citizens are completely reliant on the government, the government has way too much power over our daily lives.

You suck at trolling


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
By the way, how long will it take after this bill is passed for republicans to demand cuts in social welfare spending because we ‘can’t afford it’?

Trump is already talking about "welfare reform" next which I assume is conservatives nuts in congress whispering in his ear to loot SS, cut Medicare-Medicaid, and any other programs they can get their hands on.

It seems this presidency will be defined by a concerted effort to literally kill poor/elderly/sick people in order to give corporations a tax cut and eliminate the estate tax. Some populism this is.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
The esteemed Senator from Alaska is looking like she might back the new tax bill because it pushes up health care premiums by 10%.

The Hill - Murkowski backs repealing ObamaCare mandate in boost to tax reform

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said Tuesday that she supports repealing ObamaCare's individual mandate, in what appeared to be a significant boost to the GOP tax bill that includes mandate repeal.

Murkowski, a key moderate swing vote, wrote in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner that she supports giving people additional freedom by repealing the mandate, which requires people to have insurance or pay a fine.

"Repealing the individual mandate simply restores to people the freedom to choose," Murkowski wrote. "Nothing else about the structure of the ACA would be changed."

She contrasted the provision with GOP ObamaCare repeal bills earlier this year, which she said went too far by restructuring Medicaid and making other changes.

Murkowski was a key vote against those earlier bills. She was one of three GOP senators to help defeat a "skinny repeal" bill in July which had the central component of repealing the mandate.

Murkowski did not mention the tax bill in her written piece on Tuesday, but her support for repealing the mandate indicates she would not object to including that provision in the tax bill.

She said she worried that insurance is not affordable for some people and they are being fined for going without coverage by the mandate.

"People have been forced out of the market by the high cost of insurance, with some often forced to pay a tax because the price of insurance was too high for them to afford," she wrote.

She pointed to a bipartisan ObamaCare stabilization bill from Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) as being important to help bring stability. But she did not specify that the measure needed to pass before the tax bill.

"While I support repealing the individual mandate, I strongly support enacting the bipartisan compromise Alexander/Murray legislation into law as fast as possible to stabilize our markets, provide more control to states and more choices to individuals," she wrote.

Insurers and many health policy experts warn that the market would be destabilized and premiums would rise without a mandate because fewer healthy people would sign up, leaving just sicker and costlier people.

The Congresssional Budget Office estimates premiums would rise 10 percent but markets would remain stable in almost all areas of the country without a mandate.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has taken a tougher stance than Murkowski, saying Alexander-Murray and another bill to provide stability funding known as reinsurance should pass before the tax bill with mandate repeal.​


Dec 15, 2015
"Repealing the individual mandate simply restores to people the freedom to choose," Murkowski wrote. "Nothing else about the structure of the ACA would be changed."
Either she doesn't understand how the collective cost of a shared good works, or she's being intentionally disingenuous about the potential outcome of the individual mandate repeal.


Feb 5, 2006
Republicans are really insistent on owning the collapse of private health insurance markets. They must be secret universal single payer fans.
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Dec 10, 2005
By the way, how long will it take after this bill is passed for republicans to demand cuts in social welfare spending because we ‘can’t afford it’?
That's the whole point of these deficit driving tax cuts: government revenue falls, giving a convenient excuse to push cuts in social programs. Nevermind that they were warned up front about the deficit nature of these cuts...

It's as if they only care about budget shortfalls when they can use that megaphone to advance their own agenda...