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Dec 26, 2004
Searched for a thread on this, but failed to find anything...

Does anyone take these supplements? Do you notice a difference in your energy levels? What dosage do you take a day?

I have read that after 40 years old, your levels of CoQ10 start to decline. With low levels, you get that 'weak' feeling and just disregard it as something that comes with getting older.

FWIW, I'm only 28. I play a ton of tennis, do a lot of cardio/calisthenics at the gym and ride my bike a bunch. Needless to say, I get sore muscles quite often. I frequently use a foam roller on my legs and upper back/shoulder area to remedy any aching/tight muscles and it works well for me. I am wondering if CoQ10 is something I would benefit from or not. I'd like to hear from some people who started taking this and see what they think of it rather than just reading some medical websites about it.

Also noteworthy: the only daily pill I take is vitamin C at the moment. I am thinking about adding fish oil & CoQ10.....

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Meh. If you are mixing up your workouts a lot and giving your body a shock often you are going to get sore. It's just what happens. Your muscles just "forget" that movement. Even taking a week off from pushups can leave me sore the next time I do them.

Warm up well before hand. Do a proper cool down. Chase your workout with a protein shake. Foam rollers are one of the better things you can do to if you don't have the funds or access to a masseuse.

I swear by fish oil. But that's more of a joint thing for me. I have less achy joints after starting that supplement. It's not so much a muscle thing.


Dec 26, 2004
I have the 'meh' feeling as well... was just hoping for some personal experiences from folks here.

I do rotate my workouts, but I wouldn't call it a 'shock' to my body after years of doing the same sort of stuff. I stretch both before and after whatever I'm doing - I learned this the hard way (suffered achilles tendinitis a few years ago). Stretching has helped significantly in that regard. As for the protein shake.... I have one maybe twice a week. The rest of the days I go to a smoothie - flax, fruits, peanut butter, kale, yogurt, whatever else I have to throw in it.

How much fish oil do you take?

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Stretching doesn't seem to be as much a factor as the warm up. Gotta get your muscles prepared and your HR up before hitting it. Post stretch is absolutely important but most research says that it's not going to help you feel better. Just prevent injury and other issues.

Achilles tendonitis is typically due to your hamstrings and calves being too tight. Lots of stretching and heel drops from stairs to help strengthen and stretch those muscles. Been there...done that.

This is what I do for fish oil:


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
CoQ10 is an cofactor for many cellular pathways, including mitochondrial energy production and as an antioxidant. It is both taken in the diet and synthesized in the human body. It has been thought to be involved in several disease processes, particularly inflammatory such as cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis. It has low potential for toxicity. Some studies performed showed that it modifies secondary inflammatory measures such as cytokines and insulin levels in certain populations. However, there is no quality evidence that it modifies any disease process it has been studied in.

In other words, it might help and couldn't hurt if taken at normal supplement levels. It could hurt your wallet, though.
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