Considering coming back to WoW...but would like some company...


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
I used to play WoW but I stopped early this year since it was getting boring. I got a freebie in the mail and was able to play for 7 days without charge. That did not make me want to come back because the server I play on is all but dead on the alliance side.

So why do I want to play? I play as a Warrior, I prefer PvP for the most part...and I really want to get Shadowmourne - the new legendary axe. I've played the game since it pre-TBC and this is the first awesome quest-line they've added since then (IMO) when you could get weapons like Thunderfury after doing the quest chain.

I play alliance side on Demon Soul (US-PvP) and I would like to know if I can get some people together from AT to join me, maybe throw together a guild and pursue these quests.

As I understand it Shadowmourne is a quest reward only available to DK, Warrior and Paladin classes, so anyone who wants to pursue it can do so...but as it stands I have no reason to pay money to blizzard if there is nobody to raid with.

All of the quests in the chain are raids. I know that they added battlegroup LFG but I don't think a pug is going to suffice for this task, besides, I'd rather get some fresh blood on Demon Soul and bring it back to life. :)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
Once you get this, even if it is a possibility, then what would you do? Most likely you will become bored with the game again. It simply is not worth it.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
I am pretty sure that you have to loot an item to begin that quest line. The item drops in a newly released raid instance so you are probably out of luck.

Run away!


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
Once you get this, even if it is a possibility, then what would you do? Most likely you will become bored with the game again. It simply is not worth it.

Sure it is worth it, and who cares what I do after I get it. It is hardly your concern.

I am pretty sure that you have to loot an item to begin that quest line. The item drops in a newly released raid instance so you are probably out of luck.

Run away!

No you do not need to loot an item. All the items required are quest rewards/farmable reagents, but the quests themselves are heroic 25-man raids.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
Sure it is worth it, and who cares what I do after I get it. It is hardly your concern.

The people that would care enough to join a guild with you would be interested in what you plan on doing after you get it. Sure you would enjoy it, but for how long?

You stopped playing WoW originally for a reason.


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
The people that would care enough to join a guild with you would be interested in what you plan on doing after you get it. Sure you would enjoy it, but for how long?

You stopped playing WoW originally for a reason.

I don't necessarily want to be the GM, I just want to get a guild together so I can get the axe and then I can go on my merry way. The guild can do w/e it wants after I get the axe..but until then it must cater to my every whim. :D I don't plan on buying the new expac so I will most likely stop playing altogether when that is released.
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Feb 8, 2004
The people that would care enough to join a guild with you would be interested in what you plan on doing after you get it. Sure you would enjoy it, but for how long?

You stopped playing WoW originally for a reason.

You sound like a fun person to play games with :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Unless you plan to play 24/7 in a raid group of 24 other people who will let you have the drops - it's highly unlikely you will get this epic weapon. Here is info about the questline - it's not something you can easily knock out in a week [simply because 25 man raid instances take 1 week to reset]

Shadowmourne - This is a chain of quests that is only available in the 25-player version of the raid instance - Icecrown Citadel

The crafting requirements are not currently known how much drop - but with a weapon of this epicness - Blizzard will ensure it's VERY Random to ensure you will be farming the mats for a VERY LONG TIME. :)


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
Unless you plan to play 24/7 in a raid group of 24 other people who will let you have the drops - it's highly unlikely you will get this epic weapon. Here is info about the questline - it's not something you can easily knock out in a week [simply because 25 man raid instances take 1 week to reset]

Shadowmourne - This is a chain of quests that is only available in the 25-player version of the raid instance - Icecrown Citadel

The crafting requirements are not currently known how much drop - but with a weapon of this epicness - Blizzard will ensure it's VERY Random to ensure you will be farming the mats for a VERY LONG TIME. :)

It's not as easy to get as something from say ToC but it's not nearly as difficult as a Warglaive was. WotLK was the ultimate dumbing-down of WoW and raids are much easier than they ever were in vanilla.

The most time-consuming element to acquire seems to be the primordial saronite, but I'm counting on my Chinese farmers to be slinging that on the AH. The other elements are all quest rewards/drops that are obtained by raiding:

Light's Vengeance - You get this by taking a quest. You can solo this if you are good, or just bring a pally to tank the zombies.

Primordial Saronite (25) - Have to farm this from an raids in icecrown or buy on AH (presumably).

Festergut's Acidic Blood - Quest drop
Rotface's Acidic Blood - Quest Drop

Turn all that in and you get "Shadows Edge", which in itself is a decent axe.

The second most time-consuming element is going to be killing 1,000 lich to get their souls or whatever...but I believe that can be done in any raid, not just 25 man.

The trick is going to be to kill the Lich King within the allotted number of tries...but if the raid group is solid there is no reason why that shouldn't happen. Keep in mind that this chain was designed to be difficult but not too extreme because people are meant to obtain this before the next expac comes out.

You make it sound like it's no big deal to get one of the better items in the game..

Yes, it is a game bro. It's not a big deal.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I'm trying to decide how much of a troll thread this is.

One one hand you have obviously read in great detail about the requirements to obtain the item, but are completely ignorant about the guild politics required to deal with to have another 30+ people help you do the quest line. If you tell anybody in game you only want that one legendary item and after that you're going to quit, they will laugh at you and boot you from the guild.

That is where my dilema is, if you know as much as you show in the thread you should understand all these details. Which would mean the thread was expertly made to flame bait both sides of the community. Those that play will flame you for trying to form a guild to get the one item and then leave. Those that don't will flame you for playing a game to earn a single item. This of course explains why you didn't post this in the giant sticky at the top of the forum labled WORLD OF WARCRAFT.

Grats on the successfull troll!


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Can the quest items be gotten from normal 25 or only heroic 25? You have absolutely no hope of getting this axe if it's only from heroic. There's literally nothing you could do whatsoever.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
You sound like a fun person to play games with :rolleyes:


Anyways, I played a Warlock for over 3 years and spent some time in the top 2 Alliance guilds on my server.

I went through the process of Kael (the most fun fight in all of WoW to me) and Vashj twice. In between the top 2 guilds I was in, I was a GM for over 6 months (after someone stepped down) and the third raid leader when we were pushing through Black Temple. I got our guild up to Illidan and then *poof* my tanks got bored and did not feel like logging on or we would have downed him before 2.4 (I think this was the patch that ruined raiding).

I understand WoW in game politics and was trying to get more info out of the OP as it would be needed to get more answers from people.
As a member of a guild and GM I was laid back and relaxed doing everything except raiding. I had this thing about wasting 24 other people's time because someone would not pay attention. Was I the best Warlock when I played? Nope, but far from being the worst.
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Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
I'm trying to decide how much of a troll thread this is.

One one hand you have obviously read in great detail about the requirements to obtain the item, but are completely ignorant about the guild politics required to deal with to have another 30+ people help you do the quest line. If you tell anybody in game you only want that one legendary item and after that you're going to quit, they will laugh at you and boot you from the guild.

That is where my dilema is, if you know as much as you show in the thread you should understand all these details. Which would mean the thread was expertly made to flame bait both sides of the community. Those that play will flame you for trying to form a guild to get the one item and then leave. Those that don't will flame you for playing a game to earn a single item. This of course explains why you didn't post this in the giant sticky at the top of the forum labled WORLD OF WARCRAFT.

Grats on the successfull troll!

You make it sound like there is nothing in it for the people who help me...on the contrary, they'll be getting emblems and drops. I'm just after the quest items that I need for the axe. I will pretty much pass on anything else unless it would help me raid better.

I didn't post in the sticky because....wait for it...I don't want my post buried in a clutter of talk about junk I don't care about. AT can handle multiple posts about WoW and lumping it all into one thread is the most retarded idea ever to hit forums in a long time.

Can the quest items be gotten from normal 25 or only heroic 25? You have absolutely no hope of getting this axe if it's only from heroic. There's literally nothing you could do whatsoever.

It doesn't specify heroic, but it is likely that the drop are from heroic raids. That would not be an issue...heroics in WotLK are hardly difficult.

WoW's better off without another one of you

Actually you got that backwards, chump.


Anyways, I played a Warlock for over 3 years and spent some time in the top 2 Alliance guilds on my server.

I understand WoW in game politics and was trying to get more info out of the OP as it would be needed to get more answers from people.
As a member of a guild and GM I was laid back and relaxed doing everything except raiding. I had this thing about wasting 24 other people's time because someone would not pay attention. Was I the best Warlock when I played? Nope, but far from being the worst.

Let me rephrase that - if I wanted to play the game with losers whose life solely revolves around WoW, I'd just ask this in a WoW-specific forum. Politics? Haha Whatever, everyone is in it for themselves at the end of the day so at least I am being up front about my intentions. I am forming a guild with a purpose, and once that purpose is achieved I have no reason to continue playing. Unlike you, my "real life" is not so unbearable that I need to spend countless hours deluding myself with a game that has no end.

I just game back too. If you transfere to Archimonde (Horde) I would be more than happy to play.

I'm not willing to pay $30 or whatever to move my char...on top of the monthly fees of the game it's just a rip-off.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
You make it sound like there is nothing in it for the people who help me...on the contrary, they'll be getting emblems and drops. I'm just after the quest items that I need for the axe. I will pretty much pass on anything else unless it would help me raid better. there's really nothing in it for anybody else? Since that's pretty much how raiding don't generally Need/Bid on an item helps you raid better.

Also, most serious raiders are swimming in emblems and end up blowing them on random gems or what-not. realize how insanely difficult it is going to be to acquire Shadowmourne, right? Why would 24 other people willing agree to invest all that time in order for you to get the sweet legendary?

Most of the elite raiding guilds will probably only eventually get one Shadowmourne, and it will either go to the GM and/or the #1 DK/Paladin/Warrior DPS in the guild (my bet is on a DK or Warrior).

Due to the epic nature of it and the immense amount of effort required to get it, there is naturally going to be a large amount of drama and politics around who gets Shadowmourne, even in the most elite and established raiding guilds.


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
0 there's really nothing in it for anybody else? Since that's pretty much how raiding don't generally Need/Bid on an item helps you raid better.

Also, most serious raiders are swimming in emblems and end up blowing them on random gems or what-not. realize how insanely difficult it is going to be to acquire Shadowmourne, right? Why would 24 other people willing agree to invest all that time in order for you to get the sweet legendary?

Most of the elite raiding guilds will probably only eventually get one Shadowmourne, and it will either go to the GM and/or the #1 DK/Paladin/Warrior DPS in the guild (my bet is on a DK or Warrior).

Due to the epic nature of it and the immense amount of effort required to get it, there is naturally going to be a large amount of drama and politics around who gets Shadowmourne, even in the most elite and established raiding guilds.

There is no reason a new guild cannot get this weapon for its eligible classes...there are multiple dungeons to raid in icecrown so even though you can only do 1 per week, there is more than one you can do each week. It's all about the primordial saronite and between buying it with badges - maybe - and getting it off the AH - most likely - it shouldn't be hard to wrack up enough.

Shadowmourne is a quest reward just like Thunderfury was it is not a drop as you seem to think and it's not going to go to anyone who is not a Warrior, DK or Paladin because those are the only 3 classes who can get it. It is an upgrade to Shadow's Edge, which is also a quest reward and not a random drop.

All you really need to do to get it is put in the time...and I want to make sure I put in as little time as is necessary. This isn't WoW vanilla, this is is the "casual player's wow". Or did you fail to notice how just about every dungeon is devoid of virtually all strategy. If your raiding party consists of people who have the cognitive ability to click a few buttons and press a few keys, you win.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
It doesn't specify heroic, but it is likely that the drop are from heroic raids. That would not be an issue...heroics in WotLK are hardly difficult.

You're never going to beable to form a guild that's coherent enough to do hard modes. You're never going to get into a guild that is doing them, and even if you did you'd be 5th in line to get it. So I'll repeat, if it requires heroics you're never going to get it, and I'll add you might as well give up on the idea now.

The 25 saronite is the hard part of getting the epic axe. The hard part of getting the legendary is going to be the 40 shards of the frozen throne, which probably only drops off a few bosses.
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Golden Member
Aug 21, 2008
In order to start the quest to acquire Thunderfury, you had to get the Bindings of the Windseeker, which was a drop off of Garr. Something like a 1% drop.

The rest of your post is so full of fail I don't even know where to begin, but I am absolutely convinced that you don't know a damn thing about raiding, or WoW at all for that matter.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
My reply wasn't even towards you. Here you go though:

Let me rephrase that - if I wanted to play the game with losers whose life solely revolves around WoW, I'd just ask this in a WoW-specific forum. Politics? Haha Whatever, everyone is in it for themselves at the end of the day so at least I am being up front about my intentions.

There are guild politics in WoW, apparently you must not have been in an endgame raiding guild or you just did not pay attention to anything that went on that mattered.

I am forming a guild with a purpose, and once that purpose is achieved I have no reason to continue playing.

There is the answer I wanted, you will quit once you get your item leaving everyone else high and dry.

Unlike you, my "real life" is not so unbearable that I need to spend countless hours deluding myself with a game that has no end.

My real life is very good, thanks for ASSuming something you know nothing about.

One last thing, I do miss the chats I had with my old guild MT when I was GM. He was the best tank I ever played with personally, amazing threat generation and awareness I never saw from any other tank. Our warrior officer even said the MT was amazing.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Wow... it's hard to believe people could possibly think this quest was something that's attainable by more than .5% of the WoW population.

This quest is hard... and by hard I mean you basically would have to have an uber guild gathered around you capable of doing heroic 25 man content that is willing to pass up all the drops to you to get the weapon, and even then it's going to be hard to get. This is the type of weapon that you only would stand a chance at getting if you were the main tank in your guild and you raid every week.

This isn't some weapon where you just hop in the game, do a few quests and bam it's yours.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
There is no reason a new guild cannot get this weapon for its eligible classes...there are multiple dungeons to raid in icecrown so even though you can only do 1 per week, there is more than one you can do each week. It's all about the primordial saronite and between buying it with badges - maybe - and getting it off the AH - most likely - it shouldn't be hard to wrack up enough.

Shadowmourne is a quest reward just like Thunderfury was it is not a drop as you seem to think and it's not going to go to anyone who is not a Warrior, DK or Paladin because those are the only 3 classes who can get it. It is an upgrade to Shadow's Edge, which is also a quest reward and not a random drop.

All you really need to do to get it is put in the time...and I want to make sure I put in as little time as is necessary. This isn't WoW vanilla, this is is the "casual player's wow". Or did you fail to notice how just about every dungeon is devoid of virtually all strategy. If your raiding party consists of people who have the cognitive ability to click a few buttons and press a few keys, you win.

You aren't going to get this weapon by putting in as little time as necessary. If you're willing to play 20 - 40 hrs per week every week, and manage to wrack up the DKP for the shards after waiting for other guildmembers who have more DKP to get theirs first, then maybe you could get it after a solid 6 months of raiding. That's assuming you are an awesome player that can get into an uberguild, which based upon your posts I don't think is the case.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
EricMartello is just trolling the forum for laughs, there is no way he could be serious.

I know people like to talk about WoW being EZ-mode but the hard modes of the game are actually difficult, for example 3 drake Sarth back when you still got the achievement and drake for doing it. The difficulty lies in coordinating the guild to do precise actions and counting on people not to screw up.

I therefore have come to the conclusion that EricMartello is trolling for his own amusement.
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