Conservative snowflakes are now melting down over Microsoft making the new Xbox more efficient. No, really.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
This is just getting pathetic.

This is exactly the same effect tobacco company propaganda had on the right (and the left for the first 2 decades) for 4 decades.

Why conservatives are accusing the Xbox of being ‘woke’
The criticism comes after the brand said this month it’s rolling out updates to improve the energy efficiency of the video-game consoles
Move over, gas stoves. There’s a new household item that’s been thrust into the culture war over climate change.

That would be the Xbox.

Microsoft, the tech behemoth behind the video game console, said earlier this month it will update Xboxes to run more efficiently, saving users money on their electric bills and trimming the gaming industry’s carbon emissions.

But now conservative commentators and politicians are lashing out at Xbox, calling the brand “woke” for worrying too much about the planet.

“It’s crazy what they’re doing,” Fox News host Jimmy Failla lamented in a recent segment. “They’re trying to recruit your kids into climate politics at an earlier age.”

The Xbox is the latest product to join a long list — one that includes hamburgers, cars and, most recently, stoves — of everyday items targeted by conservatives who argue efforts to curb carbon emissions threaten Americans’ way of life.

It follows a flaming-hot debate over gas stoves sparked off this month after a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission said he had not ruled out banning or regulating the appliance due to the health risk of toxic fumes. The agency later backtracked on the remarks after vocal Republican criticism.

“Now the woke brigade is after video games” said the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative group. And Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) quipped on Twitter this week: “First gas stoves, then your coffee, now they’re gunning for your Xbox.”

So what’s really happening to my Xbox?
On Jan. 11, Xbox said in a blog post it is rolling out a number of updates to improve the energy efficiency of existing consoles in an effort to meet Microsoft’s corporate goal of becoming “carbon negative” by the end of the decade.

For instance, when possible, the company said, it will schedule updates for games, apps and other software during times of the night when renewable sources are generating a higher proportion of electricity on the local grid.

And Xbox will automatically update certain older consoles to an energy-saving mode meant to reduce electricity consumption when game time is over. That mode is already the default on newer models.

The change comes at a small cost to gamers: It takes about 15 seconds to boot up an Xbox in power-saving mode compared to a “sleep” option from which the machine can instantly be woken up, according to the tech publication the Verge.

Microsoft declined to comment beyond its Jan. 11 blog post.

The conservative website the Blaze accused Microsoft of trying to “force gamers to power down to fight climate change.” But the company emphasized users can switch back if desired.

“You can adjust your settings at any time, choosing what works best for you,” wrote Blaine Hauglie, a technical program manager for Xbox.
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Dec 10, 2005
Some people just like to make waves for clout.

This is a good thing overall: the consumer probably won't see much real savings (ie, one of the "problems" of many individual actions); but spread that tiny energy savings over tens of thousands of units and that add up to quite a bit of savings for society as a whole.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
As long as there is a choice for power options, this is a good thing IMO. More choices / modes are useful. Traditionally consoles have had far fewer options and tweaks that could be done than on a gaming PC, but it is good to see them becoming more like gaming PCs, with more options, and better performance as well.
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Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Can you be any more pointless in existence than to be snowflaking about this? Holy fucking christ these idiots are wastes of oxygen.

I thought the crying about stoves was bad, but this is even worse. Typical conservatives though...rail against progress (aka improvements).


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Carbon is one of their trigger words. They can't help flinging their poo when they hear a trigger word.

Hopefully Musk takes them to Mars. I here the fishing is good on Mars.
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Oct 11, 2005
It's like these people haven't used any kind of recently made consumer electronics ... this kind of setting has been around forever.
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Feb 24, 2009
This is just getting pathetic.

This is exactly the same effect tobacco company propaganda had on the right (and the left for the first 2 decades) for 4 decades.

Why conservatives are accusing the Xbox of being ‘woke’
The criticism comes after the brand said this month it’s rolling out updates to improve the energy efficiency of the video-game consoles
Move over, gas stoves. There’s a new household item that’s been thrust into the culture war over climate change.

That would be the Xbox.

Microsoft, the tech behemoth behind the video game console, said earlier this month it will update Xboxes to run more efficiently, saving users money on their electric bills and trimming the gaming industry’s carbon emissions.

But now conservative commentators and politicians are lashing out at Xbox, calling the brand “woke” for worrying too much about the planet.

“It’s crazy what they’re doing,” Fox News host Jimmy Failla lamented in a recent segment. “They’re trying to recruit your kids into climate politics at an earlier age.”

The Xbox is the latest product to join a long list — one that includes hamburgers, cars and, most recently, stoves — of everyday items targeted by conservatives who argue efforts to curb carbon emissions threaten Americans’ way of life.

It follows a flaming-hot debate over gas stoves sparked off this month after a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission said he had not ruled out banning or regulating the appliance due to the health risk of toxic fumes. The agency later backtracked on the remarks after vocal Republican criticism.

“Now the woke brigade is after video games” said the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative group. And Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) quipped on Twitter this week: “First gas stoves, then your coffee, now they’re gunning for your Xbox.”

So what’s really happening to my Xbox?
On Jan. 11, Xbox said in a blog post it is rolling out a number of updates to improve the energy efficiency of existing consoles in an effort to meet Microsoft’s corporate goal of becoming “carbon negative” by the end of the decade.

For instance, when possible, the company said, it will schedule updates for games, apps and other software during times of the night when renewable sources are generating a higher proportion of electricity on the local grid.

And Xbox will automatically update certain older consoles to an energy-saving mode meant to reduce electricity consumption when game time is over. That mode is already the default on newer models.

The change comes at a small cost to gamers: It takes about 15 seconds to boot up an Xbox in power-saving mode compared to a “sleep” option from which the machine can instantly be woken up, according to the tech publication the Verge.

Microsoft declined to comment beyond its Jan. 11 blog post.

The conservative website the Blaze accused Microsoft of trying to “force gamers to power down to fight climate change.” But the company emphasized users can switch back if desired.

“You can adjust your settings at any time, choosing what works best for you,” wrote Blaine Hauglie, a technical program manager for Xbox.
You're taking my supplemental heater away! Yaaahh!!!!


Apr 8, 2013
Yet another example of the over-broadening/dumbing down of the meaning of "woke" to be...anything coming from the left. So combatting climate change is "woke" now LOL. And this

“It’s crazy what they’re doing,” Fox News host Jimmy Failla lamented in a recent segment. “They’re trying to recruit your kids into climate politics at an earlier age.”

Is idiotic even by their standards. LOL that owning a more power efficient xbox makes you a climate warrior. If only it did.

Must have been a slow news day over at Fox.


Oct 18, 2005
Yet another example of the over-broadening/dumbing down of the meaning of "woke" to be...anything coming from the left. So combatting climate change is "woke" now LOL. And this

Is idiotic even by their standards. LOL that owning a more power efficient xbox makes you a climate warrior. If only it did.

Must have been a slow news day over at Fox.

Even worse implementing something that may save some people a little on their bills is "woke". Honestly any outrage over this is just fucking dumb.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Yet another example of the over-broadening/dumbing down of the meaning of "woke" to be...anything coming from the left. So combatting climate change is "woke" now LOL. And this

Is idiotic even by their standards. LOL that owning a more power efficient xbox makes you a climate warrior. If only it did.

Must have been a slow news day over at Fox.
And they call others snowflakes
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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Back in my day, I had to get up and push a button to shut the Nintendo off! That was when we were real men and did real work. None of this fancy snowflake "sleep" nonsense.

Back in the day you didn't have day one DLCs, loot boxes, product placement, and always online required single player games.

It was not nearly as good as you remember.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Culture warring 2024 GOP candidates are going to be screaming their heads off about gas stoves, power saving modes on electronics, marxist librarians, and forcibly submitting your kids to genital inspections. Going to look more than a little weird to normal voters.
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Jun 4, 2004
Today I learned that waste heat is an actual problem. Going to be a problem.

Haven’t watched it yet but imma call bullshit.

the oceans have a mass of ~1.35x10^18 metric tons and an average temperature around 3-5C. With water having a specific heat of 4.186J/gC it would take 5.3685x10^26J of energy to boil. That’s about 1000x the excess energy global warming has dumped into the oceans in the last 50 years.

but wait there’s more

Bodies in space radiate energy at a rate equal to their temperature to the fourth power times a constant.

To boil the oceans Earth would have to be at ~ 100C which means it would be radiating at ~878 W/m^2 while we currently radiate at around 342 W/m^2

our imbalance due to global warming is only in the 1W/m^2 neighborhood so in the next 400 years it would have to get 500 times worse.

If the video is talking waste heat from human activities it’s even more BS. Humans use about 10^19 joules per year or ~ 1/10,000,000 the energy required to boil the oceans even without taking increased heat loss into account from the world warming.

Nope the only way to boil the oceans in 400 years is some sort of cataclysmic change to make us like Venus.


Mar 17, 2008
Haven’t watched it yet but imma call bullshit.

the oceans have a mass of ~1.35x10^18 metric tons and an average temperature around 3-5C. With water having a specific heat of 4.186J/gC it would take 5.3685x10^26J of energy to boil. That’s about 1000x the excess energy global warming has dumped into the oceans in the last 50 years.

but wait there’s more

Bodies in space radiate energy at a rate equal to their temperature to the fourth power times a constant.

To boil the oceans Earth would have to be at ~ 100C which means it would be radiating at ~878 W/m^2 while we currently radiate at around 342 W/m^2

our imbalance due to global warming is only in the 1W/m^2 neighborhood so in the next 400 years it would have to get 500 times worse.

If the video is talking waste heat from human activities it’s even more BS. Humans use about 10^19 joules per year or ~ 1/10,000,000 the energy required to boil the oceans even without taking increased heat loss into account from the world warming.

Nope the only way to boil the oceans in 400 years is some sort of cataclysmic change to make us like Venus.

Sometimes bad you tube videos are just bad you tube videos

Sorry guys, but Sabine is the authority on calling out bad science, not you two ;).
Seriously though.
Watch it before you call bullshit. The 100 degrees is with a few pinches of salt, she dives into the paper and takes it apart, but at the end of the day, exponential growth is gonna kick your ass sooner or later.


Jun 4, 2004
Sorry guys, but Sabine is the authority on calling out bad science, not you two ;).
Seriously though.
Watch it before you call bullshit. The 100 degrees is with a few pinches of salt, she dives into the paper and takes it apart, but at the end of the day, exponential growth is gonna kick your ass sooner or later.
Just watched it. The physics isn’t wrong but the title is click bait.

The underlying assumption to reach boiling oceans in 400 years is continuous exponential growth in our power usage equivalent to rate we’ve been increasing over the last couple of centuries.

That’s a poor assumption for a few reasons. Power usage is tied to population growth which is predicted to peak this century not continue exponentially. Throw in increasing efficiency of power usage, increasing use of renewables, and we would be dead if it occurred well before the oceans boil and that assumption isn’t going to come to pass - as she basically says in the video.

The study that proposed that assumption wasn’t wrong for the point they were making but again it does make for a click bait article.