Conservatism grows, negatively correlates with, well... everything

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Nov 4, 2004
]Nice stab at making no sense whatsoever.[/b] I guess the only problem is when Conservatives get richer. The Liberal Elite is immune to such criticism.

That's right, you sir are the beacon of logic around here! lol...


Mar 29, 2004
You're ignorant. I could name a thousands places I would love to visit in USA and NYC isn't on that list.

Edit - actually NYC is on that list, but my point still stands.

Natural features and cool stuff like Hoover Dam yes. The rest of the USA's actual towns are shit fast food parking lot/stripmall wastelands.

Maybe they have the worlds biggest rockingchair or ball of yarn? lol whatever floats your boat. They could be wiped off the map and no one would care. One less watertower and greasy mc donalds franchise inhabited by sad lonely people hoping that talk radio BS will give them a reason to exist or matter.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nice stab at making no sense whatsoever. I guess the only problem is when Conservatives get richer. The Liberal Elite is immune to such criticism.

Liberals are wealthier on average than conservatives, but as with all cases of large numbers their average wealth falls within 1 standard deviation of the mean, maybe a little bit more.

The complaints about 'the rich getting richer' are very seldom complaining about anyone who is not at least a member of the top 10% of households, which is well outside that average.

Therefore liberals can be 'richer' than conservatives and still not be 'rich' by the terms of the discussion on income inequality as they are commonly phrased. I was hoping you were smart enough to figure this out for yourself, but it appears I gave you too much credit.


Nov 4, 2004
Natural features and cool stuff like Hoover Damn yes. The rest of the USA's actual towns are shit fast food parking lot/stripmall wastelands.

Maybe they have the worlds biggest rockingchair or ball of yarn? lol

You're really into gross generalizations. It sounds like you live in NYC, ever travel upstate?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Actually, the Castro is known for being the most uptight, cop calling, "get off my lawn you kids!" group. They picked the Castro themselves to set up as a "safe place" from middle american bullshit. And they run it like the places they came from in many ways you can tell. We have a huge HIV+ population for a number of reasons, but no, most are not getting the disease here. They come from elsewhere as we have the infrastructure to keep them from being sick and support from fellows who can help them ease their plight.

The Castro is a fascinating place, a microcosm of middle american dysfunction taken to extremes culturally as they were oppressed by where they came from and come here to "act out" now that they have freedoms.

It's like the freshly 21 year old girl hitting the bar on birthday night. You can see the inhibitions melt away and the person acts a total fool at times.

This is what happens when you raise your kids to be trogolytes in suburbia to "protect" them.

San Francisco is a great city. It can't hold a candle to New York, but then again what can? Your posts are just revealing your ignorance though, if you can't find amazing and unique experiences in the cities around this country it's your fault, not theirs.

You need to figure out what you're doing wrong, because you're missing out. A smug sense of superiority might help you sleep at night, but it won't actually allow you to experience all the great stuff out there. It's your loss, really.


Mar 29, 2004
You're really into gross generalizations. It sounds like you live in NYC, ever travel upstate?

I have lived in Manhattan and Brooklyn (early 90s) and Jersey City a few years ago. I have also lived in LA, New Orleans, Atlanta, Tallahassee, Tampa, Ft Worth, Phoenix, and Portland. I have visited the windy city many times extended but never lived there. Upstate NY is beautiful, the Catskills are more colorful and animated then our mountains out here in CA where I live currently that have so little color year round. And yes, I live in downtown San Francisco, the most beautiful place in the north american continent.

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Gays generally do not breed. Our gay population are refugees from a abusive violent intolerant highly damaged culture from the rest of America. They being here are but a reflection of the rest of the USA really. Take that as you will.
By the way, gay folks live in one neighborhood mainly. We have far more then the Castro as its only a couple dozen blocks on the side of potereo hill.

And no, we are not trapped, it is hard as hell to live here as everyone and their dog wants to. We also have the highest COL in the USA.

Some folks make a decision that "dealing with others and real life" is too hard and run for it thinking they will be a better person if they hide. Caucasian folks epically tend to be idealogical cowards like that.

Like raising your kids to be ignorant and isolated is "saving " them from the real world somehow. Sad thing is you can spot these folks a mile away, they play catchup most of their lives socially.

Ever wonder why small-town america breeds so many fucked up people like serial killers, child molesters, violent alcoholics and republicans? Because the culture is a 100% mindfuck that breeds damaged and apathetic individuals whos sociopathic tenancies are fed by tvs artificial idea of US culture instead of having those ideas constantly challenged by real life.
Why do you hate gay people? (Or love irony?)

See, this is what happens when you claim to be searching for "diversity" when you are actually looking for people just like you in different-colored wrappers.

I'm not surprised at this particular study. Society is changing, generally becoming more liberal. When times are good, people tend to view these changes as good and are more likely to identify themselves as part of the movement driving these changes. When times are bad, people tend to view these changes as bad and are more likely to identify themselves as opposing the movement driving these changes. Also, society tends to change in leaps and bounds rather than a slow progression. When a society changes more than a majority are comfortable with, they become more conservative. Their children, growing up with and comfortable with the new status quo, will tend to be more liberal. Right now bad economic times coincide with the end of a liberal push, so it's a particularly good time for conservatives.


Mar 19, 2007
Liberals are wealthier on average than conservatives, but as with all cases of large numbers their average wealth falls within 1 standard deviation of the mean, maybe a little bit more.

The complaints about 'the rich getting richer' are very seldom complaining about anyone who is not at least a member of the top 10% of households, which is well outside that average.

Therefore liberals can be 'richer' than conservatives and still not be 'rich' by the terms of the discussion on income inequality as they are commonly phrased. I was hoping you were smart enough to figure this out for yourself, but it appears I gave you too much credit.

Oh, I see, Liberals dominate the upper middle class and upper class with the exception of the top 1%. The Conservatives dominate the top 1% and the lower-middle class and the lower class. Ya, that makes sense.


Mar 29, 2004
Why do you hate gay people? (Or love irony?)

See, this is what happens when you claim to be searching for "diversity" when you are actually looking for people just like you in different-colored wrappers.

Some leave to "expand their horizons" others leave because they are not accepted and feel they have no peers or that the people around them are just clueless in a twilight zone of banality. These are the big reasons for leaving home. Some folks move away when they breed to mainly seek acceptance from their very own families they wanted to get away from, some stick around.
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Nov 4, 2004
I have lived in Manhattan and Brooklyn (early 90s) and Jersey City a few years ago. I have also lived in LA, New Orleans, Atlanta, Tallahassee, Tampa, Ft Worth, Phoenix, and Portland. I have visited the windy city many times extended but never lived there. Upstate NY is beautiful, the Catskills are more colorful and animated then our mountains out here in CA where I live currently that have so little color year round. And yes, I live in downtown San Francisco, the most beautiful place in the north american continent.


So you lived in major cities that spill over for miles into the burbs, that explains the heavy bias. At least you got to see upstate NY. Visit Yosemite yet?


Aug 23, 2007
So the Liberals are richer, yet they constantly complain that the rich are getting richer.

Half his country is liberal, and they're the people who tend to live in high cost of living places. The rich who are getting richer aren't the liberal half, they're the top 1%. The rest of us, both liberals and conservatives, are getting poorer, sicker, fatter, crazier, and sadder.
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Feb 7, 2005
Society is changing, generally becoming more liberal.

Is this not the opposite of their conclusion?

"Liberalism, which is stronger in richer, better-educated, more-diverse, and, especially, more prosperous places, is shrinking across the board and has fallen behind conservatism even in its biggest strongholds. This obviously poses big challenges for liberals, the Obama administration, and the Democratic Party moving forward."


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Is this not the opposite of their conclusion?

"Liberalism, which is stronger in richer, better-educated, more-diverse, and, especially, more prosperous places, is shrinking across the board and has fallen behind conservatism even in its biggest strongholds. This obviously poses big challenges for liberals, the Obama administration, and the Democratic Party moving forward."
Yes, but my point was that we are becoming more liberal over generations, not just at the moment. At the moment, clearly the country is becoming more conservative, but what is contained within conservatism today includes much that would have been considered radically liberal if not progressive thirty years ago.


Mar 29, 2004
Visit Yosemite yet?

I try to get into the mountains every year or so. I want to get out to Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore soon as I have not been there yet.


Me and my buddy at half dome Yosemite.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
The reasons for the tax difference has almost nothing to do with left and right and everything to do with cost of living and our progressive tax system.

You missed where the Nascar Nation is a bunch of uneducated, poor, religious nutjobs.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999


Brain differs in GOP, Dems

Using data from MRI scans, researchers at the University College London found that self-described liberals have a larger anterior cingulate cortex--a gray matter of the brain associated with understanding complexity.

Meanwhile, self-described conservatives are more likely to have a larger amygdala, an almond-shaped area that is associated with fear and anxiety.

The study, which was conducted with the help of 90 young adult volunteers, comes on the heels of other research that linked political beliefs to genetic differences between liberals and conservatives.

One unknown is whether people are simply born with their political beliefs or if our brains adjust to life experiences

"It's very unlikely that actual political orientation is directly encoded in these brain regions," he said in a statement accompanying the study.

"More work is needed to determine how these brain structures mediate the formation of political attitude."

It's pretty clear, Republicans are full of fear, anxiety, simple minded and are just plain wusses

Its no wonder they hate the country


Mar 19, 2007


Brain differs in GOP, Dems

Using data from MRI scans, researchers at the University College London found that self-described liberals have a larger anterior cingulate cortex--a gray matter of the brain associated with understanding complexity.

Meanwhile, self-described conservatives are more likely to have a larger amygdala, an almond-shaped area that is associated with fear and anxiety.

The study, which was conducted with the help of 90 young adult volunteers, comes on the heels of other research that linked political beliefs to genetic differences between liberals and conservatives.

One unknown is whether people are simply born with their political beliefs or if our brains adjust to life experiences

"It's very unlikely that actual political orientation is directly encoded in these brain regions," he said in a statement accompanying the study.

"More work is needed to determine how these brain structures mediate the formation of political attitude."

It's pretty clear, Republicans are full of fear, anxiety, simple minded and are just plain wusses

Its no wonder they hate the country

They studied 90 people. The sure doesn't sound like a wide slice out of society.


Mar 29, 2004
San Francisco is a great city. It can't hold a candle to New York, but then again what can?

As far as the actual topography with urban area SF wins easily, the Hudson and canal are nice, but not surrounded by mountains forest and skyscrapers. (yes I know the more north you go on the Hudson it gets hilly but its not in the actual city area up there)

As far as actual City stuff NYC (of course!) wins hands down. SF has a lot also, Chicago and LA are "urban" areas in name really. SF or NYC have grown "up" the rest of the USA are mainly grown "out". So NYC and SF are in a class all their own. (Boston, Philly are a few others should get a mention for having personality in their large centuries old urban cores they have preserved into high standards of living.)

This is all superficial though, to me really having neighborhoods of Pakistan one block, China on another, Polish over here, Jewish 2 blocks down all living, meshing and working/coming together is what kills conservatism dead when people move away from places like middle america.

It's funny to watch people change from being Conservative when they move from middle America places, at first you see them get upset that all these prejudices are wrong they have been told and their idea of "normal" is because they were sheltered. Then people just adapt and mesh. It's a awesome trait that humanity has.

Conservatism is reinforced by selling the ignorant the idea that other people are out to get you instead of knowing we all are trying to do and out for pretty much the same thing. To survive and feed our families with as much dignity as possible.
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Aug 23, 2007
There's nothing inherently wrong with cities growing outward and low density development. What is wrong is poor urban planning. The best suburban developments are the ones set up as villages, or that grew around small towns with an urban core. The best small towns are the ones with a true urban core and gridded neighborhoods.

For example, Bozeman MT has a population of 37k but the core and surrounding neighborhoods feel as urban as any big city. It's not about skyscrapers and subways.

The Woodlands is a suburb of Houston set up according to principles of New Urbanism. My urban geography professor helped design it. It has a core with shops, a movie theatre, a mall (gasp), etc, and it works. A couple big businesses have set up there, and a lot of their employees live in walking distance.

Commuting from suburbs to cities is terrible and needs to end, but that doesn't mean suburban development has to end. We just need to turn suburbs into towns, which is exactly what is happening.


Mar 29, 2004
There's nothing inherently wrong with cities growing outward and low density development. What is wrong is poor urban planning. The best suburban developments are the ones set up as villages, or that grew around small towns with an urban core. The best small towns are the ones with a true urban core and gridded neighborhoods.

For example, Bozeman MT has a population of 37k but the core and surrounding neighborhoods feel as urban as any big city. It's not about skyscrapers and subways.

The Woodlands is a suburb of Houston set up according to principles of New Urbanism. My urban geography professor helped design it. It has a core with shops, a movie theatre, a mall (gasp), etc, and it works. A couple big businesses have set up there, and a lot of their employees live in walking distance.

Commuting from suburbs to cities is terrible and needs to end, but that doesn't mean suburban development has to end. We just need to turn suburbs into towns, which is exactly what is happening.

I support this. It is not the size but how you use it in this case for sure. (I feel very at home in downtown Portland for example -since they used some common sense in urban development it is rather vibrant) -even though it seemed everyone was either blonde blue eyed or Chinese. (Swedish/Finnish settlers liked it up there I guess in the 1800s)
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Jul 28, 2006
Liberals are wealthier on average than conservatives
Where did you get that from?

And did the study include difference in cost of living?

Liberals tend to live in high cost of living areas so it would make sense that they are 'wealthier' but if you adjust cost of living it would most likely even out a little bit more.

I would also wonder how they classified 'liberal' and 'conservative' in that study and whether they included urban poor in their figures or not.

Also, the fact that there are so few self proclaimed liberals would probably skew the numbers as well.

My guess is that you have a few well educated and paid liberals living in expensive cities being compared to masses of conservatives who live in rural areas with a few high income earners.

A better comparison would be people who vote Democrat vs people who vote Republican since that would eliminate all the 'moderates' and others who don't want to categorized with the group that they probably belong too.


Feb 5, 2006
So many masses of conservatives, so few high income earners? Coincidence? I think not :D


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
So many masses of conservatives, so few high income earners? Coincidence? I think not :D

So many conservatives yet so many abortions, homicides, and a ruined economy. Do you think it has anything to do with the conservative penchant for pointing fingers at everyone except themselves?


Oct 10, 2006
As far as the actual topography with urban area SF wins easily, the Hudson and canal are nice, but not surrounded by mountains forest and skyscrapers. (yes I know the more north you go on the Hudson it gets hilly but its not in the actual city area up there)

As far as actual City stuff NYC (of course!) wins hands down. SF has a lot also, Chicago and LA are "urban" areas in name really. SF or NYC have grown "up" the rest of the USA are mainly grown "out". So NYC and SF are in a class all their own. (Boston, Philly are a few others should get a mention for having personality in their large centuries old urban cores they have preserved into high standards of living.)

This is all superficial though, to me really having neighborhoods of Pakistan one block, China on another, Polish over here, Jewish 2 blocks down all living, meshing and working/coming together is what kills conservatism dead when people move away from places like middle america.

It's funny to watch people change from being Conservative when they move from middle America places, at first you see them get upset that all these prejudices are wrong they have been told and their idea of "normal" is because they were sheltered. Then people just adapt and mesh. It's a awesome trait that humanity has.

Conservatism is reinforced by selling the ignorant the idea that other people are out to get you instead of knowing we all are trying to do and out for pretty much the same thing. To survive and feed our families with as much dignity as possible.

ROFL, and modern liberalism isn't? Just look at gun rights. Liberals in your state don't even trust themselves or their neighbors to physically hold onto a gun (hence the reason a California approved gun has to pass a ridiculous "drop test"). Or the recently proposed ban on open carry. A bunch of liberals want to make it illegal for someone to carry an unloaded gun out in the desert of California where they could shoot in any direction and have literally 0 chance of hitting a person anyway.

The liberal attorney general of New Jersey openly stated that law-abiding citizens carrying guns are a threat to the public. To rephrase, she stated that citizens obeying every single one of New Jersey's very strict gun laws are a public threat if they abide by those laws in public.

For an example from another arena, look at the recently proposed California bill to put mandatory breathalyzers in all cars. Guess who's saying you can't trust your neighbor to drive sober?

Hardcore liberals are as much about fear as hardcore conservatives, they just express it differently. Usually through feel-good legislation that just fucks up everyone more. Thankfully 80% of the nation is some form of moderate.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
The rest of ny will happily donate Nyc but you have to take albany. The master needs his slave.