Today, we caught a little kid trying to steal and I thought of this thread. This kid expressed true regret, facing up to the consequences by returning when we confronted him even when the two who put him up to it refused to stop.
He ended up hugging my security officer when he let him go (after recovering the merchandise, of course). He wasn't just sorry that he got caught. He wasn't just defeated after the other two kids abandoned him. He was truly sorry he had ever associated with them or allowed them to influence him. I doubt this kid will ever try something like that again specifically because he regrets ever doing it. This is over a shirt and not the multi-state coordinated CC or Traveler's Cheque fraud rings I've busted in the past. Those people are too far gone and will almost never express true regret despite the greater severity of their crime. No conscience.
I don't want to see this kid rot in jail in stark contrast with the other jerk we deterred today. Pro tip: we know you don't intend to spend any time shopping when you enter the store with a recently extinguished almost used up Black 'n' Mild in your mouth while pretending to be interested in the most expensive merchandise right next to the open door. You had my attention even before you started looking around to see who else was watching. Yes, I also saw you looking in the window, waiting for my officer to lose interest/leave. I also had people outside with you who you didn't even know were watching you. I did that with my phone and Motorola while you never even laid eyes on me. Glad we could be of DIS-service.