Wow... man did this thread light up while I was taking my finals...
Guys, its not like his tires were removed from the rims before the rims were stolen on his maxima... I think you're all being waaaay too harsh here. The only things I would take against him are that
1) the movie was clearly legit (it would be different if it was Divx)
2) they arent charging admission (he hasnt said otherwise)
3) the organizers haven't done anything malicious against *him* to warrant this kind of treatment
that's an occasion that calls for a "morality adjustment" as the youth group leaders would call it, not a torch bearing lynch mob. It really bothers me that its only for these lynch mobs that this forum ever really lights up and NEVER for causual conversation. While a lot of this dirt is impressive in the fact that it was uncovered, it was rather unnecessary to display it this publically considering how minor this is ESPECIALLY compared to AIMSTER.
M4H: and for the record... I think it is most certainly possible for a well-kept 99 or later V6 mustang to get over 100 in a quarter mile... just not when the temps are under 80F (not that it actually matters) :beer: