calling a spade a spade...Farcry 2 SUCKS!


Dec 4, 2000
1.running around with the stupid map out....dumb
2.diamond tracker...lame
3. safe houses..why?
4.too dark and too reminds me of doom3 turned inside out.
6.crysis like collision detection.
7.mindless unfun battles
8. flamethrower overrated
9.I dont even UNDERSTAND the weapon system, the ui is cryptic.

it has potential but i hate it.

big time disappointed in this game.
the 1st was much better.


Dec 4, 2000
it does run great on my modest rig (x2-4800+@default,3.0gb ddr2,8800gs stock)
much better than crysis on same settings, and still manages to look and feel solid.
a shame.


Platinum Member
Jan 1, 2006
Originally posted by: spaceman
it does run great on my modest rig (x2-4800+@default,3.0gb ddr2,8800gs stock)
much better than crysis on same settings, and still manages to look and feel solid.
a shame.

What res?


Aug 9, 2002
Eh, I'm about to see if I just wasted money on a 8 year old geared console port.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
I kind of agree thus far... the FOV is very weird and it seems like a GTA/Far Cry crossover, it feels too generic and bland thus far.

I thought the graphics were just okay too, they run great sure but they look average too.

The gameplay is so-so as well, the controls aren't too tight but there sure are some interesting concepts.

I haven't played enough to give a reasonable judgment but so far those are my impressions.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Wow...I really hate this game. Runs great maxed out but I just can't get into it. Spaceman... I don't know about you but I feel kinda ripped off. To me this game is not even close to Crysis or Far Cry in the graphics/gameplay department.

It's funny...I've never even looked at the pc gaming section on Anandtech...until...Far Cry 2...and I expected to see a thread or two like this. Looks like I might stop by now before running out a picking up some games...but I really didn't expect this from FC2.

It's kinda like a crappy version of Cabela's Dangerous Hunts meets Call of Duty except not quite as good as either. Deer Hunter Tournament is actually quite good (for a hunting sim) for any of you hunting fans out there(especially for $20 on the pc).

Here's to demo's :beer:



Senior member
Jul 9, 2008
Agreed. I tried many times to play this game and it sucks. I'm now at like 12% of act1 and I still can't get into it.

1) GPS is useless. No checkpoints or directions so why's it there?
2) To much running around. Where's the taxi?
3) Pill popping hero? WTF
4) Mindless AI. They'll driving into anything.
5) No stealth attacks. Even knifing someone get's everyone's attention.
6) Unlock spots respawn again with enemies. Don't even bother anymore, just drive right through.
7) Diamond hunting is a waste of time. Also money system sucks. 4 diamonds = shotgun.
8) Phone is worthless. You can't get your missions via phone.
9) Is everyone enemies? Where's all the villagers?
10) FOV was messed up. now fixed via hack.
11) Stuttering in DX10. DX9 or capping FPS is only way to fix right now.

Basically it tries to be like GTA, but fails badly.


Dec 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Cabages
Originally posted by: spaceman
it does run great on my modest rig (x2-4800+@default,3.0gb ddr2,8800gs stock)
much better than crysis on same settings, and still manages to look and feel solid.
a shame.

What res?

16x10 mostly medium settings, textures high no aa.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Gee, console port whining. Again.

BTW, have any of you complaining about the lack of directions noticed that the road signs turn red to point you where you need to turn?


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2006
Mark me as another sorely disappointed gamer. What could have been amazing was instead turned to shit for the console players.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2006
Mark me awful confused because I'm loving FC2.

Just because you don't get a blinking arrow saying "go here", doesn't mean it's a bad game. I tend to think the fact you need to track your own position yourself is a good thing.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
I agree with the negative comments. I put in about 2 hours this evening. It is too bright or too dark. It is kind of cool how if you are in the light and glance into a dark space real quick you won't be able to see in. You have to actually look directly at it and let your eyes 'adjust' for a moment and then it focuses in and neutralizes the brightness/darkness. Cool in concept, but taken a bit too far.

The map is a pain to navigate, it doesn't seem accurate. I drive past the roads I need to turn at all the time.

The driving sucks. This is far cry, I don't want to drive. I hated the driving scenes in the original, but luckily they were few and far between. Now I can't do anything with the car.

That stupid zoom monocle is a POS in every way/shape/form.

Combat simply isn't fun.

While the game does look quite good on my machine and runs pretty well, it doesn't make up for everything that's wrong with it.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
I like it so far (played a few hours only).

I hate the cheap scam of calling a game "Far Cry 2" that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original "Far Cry".
I know they bought the right to the name. It is still a cheap sleazy scam.


Dec 11, 2000
I have to say that I don't think it's too bad, I wasn't expecting an epic life changing game though either. Seems like people's expectations were too high. I think it's good for what it is; just another FPS.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
In case anyone here didn't know, Crytek had nothing to do with this game. It was made by Ubisoft. I suspect this is why it feels so drastically different.

In any case, thanks for the heads up, I think I'll be steering clear of this title. I'm anxiously waiting on Fallout 3


Aug 9, 2002
I don't think it's bad, but it's just not good. It kind of reminds me of a STALKER without even the horror and I didn't even like STALKER that much.

The story is sloppy and narrated poorly, the textures and blending are lacking (but still better than STALKERS), the guns are cool but im spoiled from COD4's hip firing action, the game play seems over simplified, the Molotov cocktails might as well be rocks.The AI seems standard compared to any other FPS on PC, so I have no complaints about it. The road blocks and hard points are only there to break up the boredom which it's large map is filled with.

The one major complaint I have about this game is that the game is just not immersive enough for me. There is no urgency when I drive from point A to point B; the world consists of dark shades of brown and green with an added blur from the sun; and there's no liveliness, vibrancy, character or voice about any of the characters or maps.

Silent Hill or STALKER at least had that creepy sense of loneliness and anxiety. COD4 had a sense of heroism, accomplishment, and hopelessness (with the added flavor of cinematic gameplay). Crysis Warhead was a rollercoaster of intensity and urgency through out the entire game with character that actually showed emotion and spoke dialogue. It just seems like FC2 is missing a big chunk of formula to put it up there with the other FPS'. I don't think it's a bad "port", or Doom 3 turned inside out, I just don't think it's anything special.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harmattan
Mark me awful confused because I'm loving FC2.

Just because you don't get a blinking arrow saying "go here", doesn't mean it's a bad game. I tend to think the fact you need to track your own position yourself is a good thing.

Okay, so what about the game makes it good? I'd like to hear the other side of this


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Harmattan
Mark me awful confused because I'm loving FC2.

Just because you don't get a blinking arrow saying "go here", doesn't mean it's a bad game. I tend to think the fact you need to track your own position yourself is a good thing.

Okay, so what about the game makes it good? I'd like to hear the other side of this

I actually like the Diamond idea, weapon system, and the fights with other humans. I love that I can injure them and come back later to finish them with my knife. What I don't get is why they don't burst into flames when I hit them with a Molotov or flame thrower. Makes no damn sense to me why they decided to stop there on the gore.

The exploration of a large and open map isn't a total bust. It's missing a detection meter though. The detection meter was a big part of FC1s gameplay, and why they neglected it for FC2 makes no sense to me.


Oct 26, 2006
Add me to the disappointed list. :(
I didn't play Far Cry as I wa a console gamer until a year or so ago.
I've played most of the recent titles (COD4, Bioshock, Witcher, TES 3&4, NWN 1&2,Crysis & Warhead, etc) and this just left me feeling nothing.
I'm going to keep playing and hope itgets better somehow.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Harmattan
Mark me awful confused because I'm loving FC2.

Just because you don't get a blinking arrow saying "go here", doesn't mean it's a bad game. I tend to think the fact you need to track your own position yourself is a good thing.

Okay, so what about the game makes it good? I'd like to hear the other side of this

the lighting is awesome, good animation, it runs GREAT on my system, sure Crysis looks better but not that much better seeing how FC2 runs circles around it on my system. The weapon models are some of the best I've seen in any FPS, the fact they can jam up and start to show wear is very cool. I like the environment, yes it's a lot of brown grass and dirt, but it's Africa for fucks sake. From what I've seen on Africa on TV, this is how it looks. The explosions and fire effects are bar none the best I've seen in a FPS. Sound is good too.

The game does have it's faults, but I've never played a game that didn't. I suspect Ubisoft will fix some of the problems with a patch. Issues aside I am enjoying this game way more that I did Crysis. For once I'm agreeing with the reviews, which I rarely do. 85% average on gamerankings. I might give it closer to a 90% but they're definitely on point here. Once you get into it I think it's a fabulous game.



Jul 12, 2000
Good game. Not great, but good. People cry about every game, so take the naysayer's with a grain of salt.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
I'm actually enjoying the game for the most part. The combat is pretty fun once you forget what the developers said about strategy and planning, and just go in guns blazing. There is no need to mess around with the monocle, just take the high ground above whatever it is that you are trying to capture. I was not ever able to successfully plan and execute a stealth ambush, so I stopped trying and I've been enjoying combat a lot more now. I tend to stick to the automatic weapons with decent range, pick off who I can at a distance, and then move in. The sniper rifle will get you into trouble when you're too close because it's not fast enough, and the shotguns don't heave enough range. I keep the flare gun handy to start fires if I need them, I prefer this method to the flame thrower. Plus by using the flare gun to start firs, it allows me to equip the rocket launcher in my "#4" slot.

Granted, aside from the combat there are a number of annoyances...

this is from the other FC2 thread (I didn't feel like typing it again):

- As many have already mentioned, you have to keep clearing out the same bases over and over again. The enemies seem infinite, and this gives the game the feeling that I'm just not progressing much.

- The "magic button" that makes it so I have scouted a checkpoint. First of all, I can have cleared out every enemy there, but until I find the item that has to be touched I don't get credit for having scouted it. Second, what is the benefit of scouting when the next time I roll through it's just going to be re-stocked with equally hostile enemies? Scouting the checkpoints is equally as pointless as unlocking the safe houses on the PC.

- The driving and constant ambushes. The fact that you have to drive everywhere because the world is so big and mostly empty, save a few trees, is not made any more enjoyable by the fact that every time you drive 10 yards some guy in a Pinto wants to play Twisted Metal.

- The mounted guns. Isn't there some rule in FPS games that states that all mounted weapons only have a 180 degree radius and overheat quickly, but in exchange you get unlimited high power ammo? FC2 seems to want to re-write the rule so the mounted guns turn 360 degrees, overheat, have unlimited ammo, but cannot kill anything unless it's 5' in front of you. Actually, it isn't just the mounted guns. The damage modeling basically needs to be re-done for almost everything including the player.