Budget GPU For Diablo III


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
I. Processor/CPU: i7-2600K

II. Current Graphics Card: Intel HD 3000

III. Display Resolution: 1920X1080

IV. Power Supply Unit Specification (Brand, Wattage, Ampage, Age). If possible, please provide a link to a website containing the power supply specifications: Antec Smart Power 2.0, 500 watt, several years old

V. Case Specifications(N/A, Model, Length, Low Profile, Cooling, HTPC, Water, Silent): Antec P180, 3 120mm Tri-Cool fans.

Purchase Details:

Budget? Please be sure to include currency (If not USD), retailer preferences & specify whether rebates are a viable option.

As little as possible. Used is okay too. Something that will run Diablo III with good details.

Any particular preferences (Manufacturer[nV or AMD], Brand[XFX, Sapphire, EVGA, etc], Cooling Solutions)? None

III. Do you plan to have any Multi-GPU solutions such as Crossfire or SLI? No

IV. Have you previously looked at a product(s) which you feel would fit your needs? No

V. What are your needs for this GPU? Which games(If any)do you intend to play? If you have this information at hand, what are the desired detail levels? Diablo III

VI. Do you plan on overclocking the card you intend to purchase? Maybe

Additional Notes

Feel free to add any details that you feel were not covered within this template! In the dark on what I need to run Diablo III in high settings. My last card was a BFG 6600GT LOL!
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
If you are just playing D3. I would get an nvidia card for being able to apply ambient occlusion in the drivers, which actually helps the mood in D3 by making it appear darker.

I think this feature should be doable on a mid-range nvidia card. Maybe someone else has run it on one and would know.

Cheap, probably 460/560. You are saying as cheap as possible, to the point you will compromise on high settings ? I would get a 560ti, I think they are $250 ? If you must have cheap, get a 460, they are like $150 now I think.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
If you are just playing D3. I would get an nvidia card for being able to apply ambient occlusion in the drivers, which actually helps the mood in D3 by making it appear darker.

I think this feature should be doable on a mid-range nvidia card. Maybe someone else has run it on one and would know.

Cheap, probably 460/560. You are saying as cheap as possible, to the point you will compromise on high settings ? I would get a 560ti, I think they are $250 ? If you must have cheap, get a 460, they are like $150 now I think.

No, it'd be great to play it on high settings. I have had Nvidia cards in the past, so that's fine. I really have no preference on who makes it.

Does that change your suggestions? $250 is more than I can spend right now.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008


That will run it on high at your resolution. Diablo 3 is using an anti-aliasing mode that doesn't incur a perf hit, so it's pretty forgiving. You might be able to also use the ambient occlusion for the game in the drivers, probably on the performance setting.

Can't wait for this game to come out :D


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012


That will run it on high at your resolution. Diablo 3 is using an anti-aliasing mode that doesn't incur a perf hit, so it's pretty forgiving. You might be able to also use the ambient occlusion for the game in the drivers, probably on the performance setting.

Can't wait for this game to come out :D

Price is more inline with what I was thinking. Thanks for the suggestion and link.

EDIT: Now that you suggested a starting point, how does this GTX 550 Ti stack up? http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0360190
Will my 500w PSU be enough?

I can't wait either!
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
The 550ti is junk, slower for the same price as the 460.


Your PSU is fine for a 460.
Nov 23, 2011


That will run it on high at your resolution. Diablo 3 is using an anti-aliasing mode that doesn't incur a perf hit, so it's pretty forgiving. You might be able to also use the ambient occlusion for the game in the drivers, probably on the performance setting.

Can't wait for this game to come out :D

Meh that is the 192bit bus version, I would recommend getting those 6870's that go on sale within $120-$140. Then again Diablo 3 will run easily on that 460 anyway.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
Meh that is the 192bit bus version, I would recommend getting those 6870's that go on sale within $120-$140. Then again Diablo 3 will run easily on that 460 anyway.

Can you elaborate on why a 6870?

EDIT: n/m the minimum PSU is 500w. I have a 500w so it may not be good enough.
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Golden Member
Aug 26, 2008
Diablo 3 has pretty modest GPU requirements so you can't really go wrong. However, like everyone says the 550Ti costs only slightly less than a GTX 460 which is quite a bit more powerful / futureproof.

The drawback is that every single GTX 460 being sold now is the crippled 192-bit version instead of the full fledged 256-bit memory interface full version except for this refurb one


(at NewEgg anyways)

A Geforce 560 ($170 - $180) before rebate or a Radeon HD 6870 are the most bang for the buck purchases available now, which is why snowshredder102 is recommending it.

BTW, here is a more current and relevant comparison between those cards


The GTX 460 is a 2010 video card while the 560 is its replacement in 2011. As you can see there are much closer than that old comparision.
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Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
Well 256 versus 192 is a no brainer.


EDIT: Checked New Egg & MC prices on the Zotac. $150 ar. Never heard of Zotac. Cheapest 560. Thoughts?
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Nov 23, 2011
Well 256 versus 192 is a no brainer.


EDIT: Checked New Egg & MC prices on the Zotac. $150 ar. Never heard of Zotac. Cheapest 560. Thoughts?

Zotac is an okay brand, the non 560 Ti version is still slower than a 6870. You made me dig for deals on the 6870. Here's a $160 6870 with a $30 rebate so after rebate it comes out to $130 (tax not included of course). It's an XFX which is a pretty good brand, they also have decently quick rebates as I received mine after month of sending it in earlier this year.

Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...ction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16814150561

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...inc-20&tag=slicinc-20&ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
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Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Didnt see anyone post it for you, not sure why but, here is the official video card support list for D3... Not necessarily a very precise list but... Might help you...


The general idea I get from that list is, almost anything will "play" the game its just a matter of how much performance you want. When I see even HD1000,2000 graphics, if the game does actually play at "low performance", than thats pretty impressive.
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Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
Zotac is an okay brand, the non 560 Ti version is still slower than a 6870. You made me dig for deals on the 6870. Here's a $160 6870 with a $30 rebate so after rebate it comes out to $130 (tax not included of course). It's an XFX which is a pretty good brand, they also have decently quick rebates as I received mine after month of sending it in earlier this year.

Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814150561

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Okay, you convinced me! :biggrin: Good price too.

Didnt see anyone post it for you, not sure why but, here is the official video card support list for D3... Not necessarily a very precise list but... Might help you...


The general idea I get from that list is, almost anything will "play" the game its just a matter of how much performance you want. When I see even HD1000,2000 graphics, if the game does actually play at "low performance", than thats pretty impressive.

Thanks, I saw that, but it made no sense to me since I have been out of the market for so many years.
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Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Blizzard is known for being fairly budget friendly. Just look at D2. When that was released, it was 640x480. :p

Anyways, I have a $60 5770 I bought used off forums and I have no doubt that will probably max D3 with my 2500k. However, I do play at lower resolutions usually and care little about quality.


Oct 7, 2000
Blizzard is known for being fairly budget friendly. Just look at D2. When that was released, it was 640x480. :p

Anyways, I have a $60 5770 I bought used off forums and I have no doubt that will probably max D3 with my 2500k. However, I do play at lower resolutions usually and care little about quality.

not the case anymore with SC2. thing eats up CPU like nothing xD and doesnt even use quad .


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
Blizzard is known for being fairly budget friendly. Just look at D2. When that was released, it was 640x480. :p

Anyways, I have a $60 5770 I bought used off forums and I have no doubt that will probably max D3 with my 2500k. However, I do play at lower resolutions usually and care little about quality.

I still have the D2 CD. I wonder what it would look like now. They spent so long working on it the graphics improved once you got deeper in the game.

I want details. All the smoke, all the everything. ;)


Jul 22, 2011
I have the beta client for D3. I just ran it maxed out on my 5770, and it seemed playable enough. I have no idea if the released game's graphics are going to be more demanding than the beta, though.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2012
Just a nice side note. I just checked and I have two never used PCI-e connectors to plug in to my PSU.

Will have to wait and order next week as I just bought a new monitor. Or get state tax return...whichever comes first.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Diablo 3 has pretty modest GPU requirements so you can't really go wrong. However, like everyone says the 550Ti costs only slightly less than a GTX 460 which is quite a bit more powerful / futureproof.

The drawback is that every single GTX 460 being sold now is the crippled 192-bit version instead of the full fledged 256-bit memory interface full version except for this refurb one

My bad for recommending that card. I looked for the SE moniker and didn't see it and assumed it was a normal 460 without checking specs. Guess they are re-branding all the 460SE as 460 :thumbsdown: Nice.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2011
Get a 6850/6870 both should be able to max Diablo 3, but you can get the 6870 for a bit more to be on the safe side. Or get the GTX 460 256bit if you want Nvidia's AO settings in Diablo 3 and can avoid all the crippled cards out there.


Golden Member
May 23, 2005
Happy to see that my 3.5 year old 4870 is listed in High Performance category. Gonna be a long 4 week wait!