Boston and Beyond...


Jun 24, 2003
Sorry, you're not going to convince me that most of the Middle East loved (or even liked) America before the drone campaign began. If it wasn't this reason it'd be another reason why they hate us. They're always going to hate us.

As I've pointed out before, drones are the most significant development in warfare ever. It's hard to even think of anything comparable. They feed us a constant stream of intelligence, provide the ability to strike targets anywhere in the world in a moment's notice and represent no risk to US military members. They keep the bad guys from meeting. They keep the bad guys from using cell phones and radios. They force the bad guys to live in a state of terror, worrying that they may be killed at any moment. They have single handedly destroyed entire terror networks all over the world.

So you're telling me we need to end the most significant and efficient advancement in warfare ever because some people who hate us are traumatized by the constant fear of drones? Hah. No shits given.

The reality is that we live in a very free country, where anyone who wants to can easily build a powerful bomb and kill Americans. This will happen more frequently in the future, as the enemies of our nation realize how effective these simple attacks can be. The only way to stop them is to surrender our freedoms to a police state that monitors all communications and can search without warrant. It's simply not worth it. We'll just have to learn to accept that the world is a violent place, and a constant struggle, and sometimes the violence winds up on your doorstep.


Jun 24, 2003
Oh, and trying to pin the polio situation on us is ridiculous. I'm very familiar with the polio vaccination campaign in Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan (Waziristan.) The insurgents feel that the Westerners are spies, so they either a) attack, kidnap and kill the medical workers administering the vaccines or b) threaten the people with retaliation if they talk to the foreigners in order to get vaccinated.

The presence of intelligence gather apparati in the vaccine administration program is immaterial. It wouldn't be a problem if these backwards, bearded dickheads weren't terrorists in the first place. Now they're terrorists that are keeping their own people from getting polio vaccine. Fuck 'em, I'd like to see the next generation try to hobble over the mountain on crutches to shoot at me.


Senior member
Dec 13, 2010
"There was no direct way to prevent the Boston murders."

Of course there was

Noam Chomsky is only still famous because of his name. If his name was Al Smith he would be just another forgotten hate America firster who would never dream of living somewhere else. The only question now is who is uglier Choam Nomsky or Jabba the Hutt?


Jun 24, 2003
"There was no direct way to prevent the Boston murders."

Of course there was

Noam Chomsky is only still famous because of his name. If his name was Al Smith he would be just another forgotten hate America firster who would never dream of living somewhere else. The only question now is who is uglier Choam Nomsky or Jabba the Hutt?

Exactly, I've got a great solution: Don't import people from places that hate us and pay them to hate us here at home.


Jun 23, 2004
I see Nebor has no issue with acts of war, sans declaration of war. Nor are you making any distinction for people generically hating us, VS those whose families we have used as collateral in our drone strikes.

You need to appreciate the difference it makes when it is personal revenge.


Feb 5, 2011
I don't hate Chomsky. He is sometimes right, sometimes wrong.

He went full retard with this statement:
Rather, the full force of the U.S. killing machine might have been used to extricate them, quite possibly leading to nuclear war.

But otherwise echoing what many have said. That the US creates new terrorists with how it acts.

He goes on about the surveillance state, which I agree with.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
This is an absolutely absurd article and the author is an idiot. Terrorists hate us because of McDonalds and Applepie simple as that. They also have and always will, pre-1950's they attacked Pearl Harbor and before in the 1800's they ignited our civil war with their radical beliefs.

Christ has ANYONE not read the 9/11 Commision Report or listened to the guy who was in charge of the Bin Laden task force?


Nov 23, 2001
We're talking about people who rally in the tens of thousands in support of blasphemy laws; they hate us simply because we are not Islamic. Absolutely nothing we do will make them not hate us anymore.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
We're talking about people who rally in the tens of thousands in support of blasphemy laws; they hate us simply because we are not Islamic. Absolutely nothing we do will make them not hate us anymore.

Not sanctioning them and bombing the shit out of them might be a start.


Jun 24, 2003
Not sanctioning them and bombing the shit out of them might be a start.

No, it'll just enable them to build up their resources to attack us better than ever. You have to understand that this isn't like any enemy we've faced before. We naturally want to believe that they are, that they're like everyone else we're used to dealing with and will respond to kindness, fairness and logic. It's simply not true. They'll take our kindness as weakness and build their strength to strike at us.


Jun 24, 2003
I see Nebor has no issue with acts of war, sans declaration of war. Nor are you making any distinction for people generically hating us, VS those whose families we have used as collateral in our drone strikes.

You need to appreciate the difference it makes when it is personal revenge.

The families of named objective enemy combatants are exactly that, collateral damage. No tears shed. Plus, doesn't that help to mitigate the "personal revenge" factor? :cool:


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
Ok Nebor, answer this question real quick. What are the goals and objectives of the war on terror and what are the milestones for victory.

I'd also like your insight as to the history of islamic terrorism in this country and what it stems from but you don't really have to answer that question as I know the answer.


Jun 30, 2003
Not sanctioning them and bombing the shit out of them might be a start.

sanction threats tend to work best, but making a threat and not following through on it makes all future threats worthless.

Sadly when you follow through is when the populace really suffers
Apr 27, 2012
Noam Chomsky is an idiot but he is right on this issue. The reason they hate us is because the US government is invading their countries and killing their children. Many innocent civilians and children have been killed by drone strikes and this is a perfect way for terrorists to recruit the parents of dead children.


Jun 24, 2003
Ok Nebor, answer this question real quick. What are the goals and objectives of the war on terror and what are the milestones for victory.

I'd also like your insight as to the history of islamic terrorism in this country and what it stems from but you don't really have to answer that question as I know the answer.

To continuously degrade existing and emergent terror networks in order to keep them from threatening US interests at home and abroad. There is no victory, only vigilance. As global economic inequity continues to rise, and the world is made "smaller" by easy air travel and telecommunications, we'll see increased threats against America and our interests across the world. By tracking new anti-America groups from the outset, crippling them early on via arrests made by foreign security forces and drone strikes we keep them from amassing the resources necessary to threaten us and create a deterrent effect.

Islamic terrorism in our country is the result of allowing muslims to immigrate here. They naturally congregate together, get most of their information and guidance from their mosques and rarely "integrate" into Western society. They view us as weak, liberal heathens whose time of reckoning just hasn't come yet. It's really not complicated. Those who aren't actively supporting terrorism are tacitly approving of it, since war made by Muslims against non-Muslims is always appropriate.

I highly recommend you read the Control Factor. It's a psychology book that addresses why most people react to Islam the way they do: because it's the easiest thing to do. We don't want to come to terms with the fact that we're facing a threat unlike any we've ever seen before, a people that won't be pacified or quelled under any circumstance.


Jun 24, 2003
Noam Chomsky is an idiot but he is right on this issue. The reason they hate us is because the US government is invading their countries and killing their children. Many innocent civilians and children have been killed by drone strikes and this is a perfect way for terrorists to recruit the parents of dead children.

You realize that the US is invading their countries and killing their children because they already hated the US, right? And they were actively working to harm Americans and American interests.

That helps to explain the lack of US drone strikes in Iceland, Japan and South Africa.
Apr 27, 2012
You realize that the US is invading their countries and killing their children because they already hated the US, right? And they were actively working to harm Americans and American interests.

That helps to explain the lack of US drone strikes in Iceland, Japan and South Africa.

They hated us because we were invading their countries and messing with their government by appointing our own dictators onto them.

Do you not remember what we did to Iran with the Shah of Iran?


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
To continuously degrade existing and emergent terror networks in order to keep them from threatening US interests at home and abroad. There is no victory, only vigilance. As global economic inequity continues to rise, and the world is made "smaller" by easy air travel and telecommunications, we'll see increased threats against America and our interests across the world. By tracking new anti-America groups from the outset, crippling them early on via arrests made by foreign security forces and drone strikes we keep them from amassing the resources necessary to threaten us and create a deterrent effect.

Islamic terrorism in our country is the result of allowing muslims to immigrate here. They naturally congregate together, get most of their information and guidance from their mosques and rarely "integrate" into Western society. They view us as weak, liberal heathens whose time of reckoning just hasn't come yet. It's really not complicated. Those who aren't actively supporting terrorism are tacitly approving of it, since war made by Muslims against non-Muslims is always appropriate.

I highly recommend you read the Control Factor. It's a psychology book that addresses why most people react to Islam the way they do: because it's the easiest thing to do. We don't want to come to terms with the fact that we're facing a threat unlike any we've ever seen before, a people that won't be pacified or quelled under any circumstance.

I'd recommend you to read the 9/11 Commision Report and read up on Michael Scheuer's stance. I'd also recommend you correlate between US acts of aggression in the Middle East against Radical violence against the US.

Apart from that though, I usually play around and say LOL or LMAO at times here but that bolded part actually made me laugh out loud here in the office.

There is a pretty damning argument to be had in regards to all of this but I'll leave it for another thread as I don't have the time to break down time lines, the commissions report, and the completely irresponsible foreign policy this whole terrorism thing puts us on.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
Exactly, I've got a great solution: Don't import people from places that hate us and pay them to hate us here at home.

"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"

It's actually Noam Chomsky's words...

Think about:

"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"


Jun 23, 2004
"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"

It's actually Noam Chomsky's words...

Think about:

"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"

Bad question. Answer will be "cause they are evil".

The human answer and motivations may be circumvented by that cop out.


Jun 24, 2003
"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"

It's actually Noam Chomsky's words...

Think about:

"If we are so good, why someone should hate us?"

And if you continue to believe that the average Muslim has the same logic and reasoning mechanisms as the Western world, you'll continue to misunderstand the situation. They hate us because we won't submit. These are people that are literally willing to die for their religion. That largely doesn't exist in the West, and it's hard for us to understand.