Blue State Secession


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Check out the maps at the link. ;)

If you can't beat 'em, leave 'em. :)

Blue State Secession:


The Election of 1860 led to the Secessions of 1861. The Election of 2004 can lead to Secessions in 2005.*

* -- This is a joke....

....but there are a few developments that could prevent the "blue states" from joining Canada and Mexico......


Second Nixon term : After the largest landslide in U.S. history in 1972 (in which the Democrats win only one state), Nixon's Democratic opponents --emboldened by Vietnam and Watergate-- aggressively investigate the President, and force him to resign.

Second Reagan term : After another Republican landslide in 1984 (in which the Democrats win only one state), Democrats launch a probe of the Iran/Contra scandal, and diminish Republican control of foreign policy in Central America.

Second Clinton term : After Clinton handily wins the 1996 election, Republicans aggressively investigate Clinton's private life, and impeach him, weakening his vice president's 2000 White House bid.

Second Bush term? After George W. Bush narrowly wins the 2004 election, Democrats elect a new congressional leadership to replace the complacent Tom Daschle. Democrats aggressively investigate the Iraq War, denials of civil liberties, and security lapses before and since 9/11.

Anything can happen, because a strong opposition has less to lose in a second term.



Apr 25, 2001
Secession? Nah, if anything it seems like this sort of situation is a good time to stick it to the opposition, as history has shown. Don't want them to get too comfortable, keep 'em on their toes and all that :)

Really, I think we could see some interesting stuff from the Democrats in the next 4 years. Anyone who thinks they are going to take this sitting down and just say, "Well, liberalism is obviously dead" needs to have their head examined. And rather than be upset about that, people on both sides of the aisle should be glad. This is what we have an opposition party for. Having one group of people in charge with no one contesting their power would give us some pretty crappy behavior really fast.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2004
People are overreacting to this election.

Talk of moving out of the country? Secession?

How could you possibly secede when in every Blue state, almost half of the voters voted for bush...

Is this Dr. Zoltan Grossman a nut?



Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: JustAnAverageGuy
Originally posted by: Tylanner
People are overreacting to this election.

Bush it bad, I'm not going to argue that. He's not THAT bad though.

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
I know this is a joke, but did you know that the only state that has it in their constituation is Texas? So if Kerry had won, at least one state could have pulled off leaving.


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: JustAnAverageGuy
Originally posted by: Tylanner
People are overreacting to this election.

Bush it bad, I'm not going to argue that. He's not THAT bad though.

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.

And where are the liberals going to get their guns from? As one poster said recently, I'm certainly not going to share.

Aside from that, there isnt nearly as clear cut a division between the sides. It doesnt break down state by state nearly as much as city vs suburbs and rural.


Oct 9, 1999
California would be in a real pickle. If they seceded I'm sure Arizona or Nevada would be all too happy to turn off the tap (of water) at Lake Powell or Lake Mead . . . . :D


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
that's why we'd still have free trade. unless the new united states wanted to eat corn chips and oranges for the rest of their lives. water for fruit and vegetables.

the new united states would be pretty poor in capital, they'd probably turn into a 3rd world country pretty quickly.


Mar 29, 2004
Until they beg for the goodwill of the 4th biggest economic powerhouse in the world that they just p1ssed off.
California is a huge part the United States economiclly population and pretty close to size.
States as small as our neighbors AZ and others would have 0 leverage on what Cali wanted.
Anyhow all 50 states are the United States, seceding from the union is folly.
But, I am pretty sure if it happened Cali would have a pretty good chance on holding their own even against foreign countries.
Quit with the civil war jazz. you dont want to go there, were americans...............


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: JustAnAverageGuy
Originally posted by: Tylanner
People are overreacting to this election.

Bush it bad, I'm not going to argue that. He's not THAT bad though.

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.

And where are the liberals going to get their guns from? As one poster said recently, I'm certainly not going to share.

Aside from that, there isnt nearly as clear cut a division between the sides. It doesnt break down state by state nearly as much as city vs suburbs and rural.

Yeah really, we know which side would lose.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: X-Man
California would be in a real pickle. If they seceded I'm sure Arizona or Nevada would be all too happy to turn off the tap (of water) at Lake Powell or Lake Mead . . . . :D
Without California's money both of those states would shrivel up and die. Add all the other Blue States with CA and the rest of the country would become a second tier World Power!


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: JustAnAverageGuy
Originally posted by: Tylanner
People are overreacting to this election.

Bush it bad, I'm not going to argue that. He's not THAT bad though.

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.

And where are the liberals going to get their guns from? As one poster said recently, I'm certainly not going to share.

Aside from that, there isnt nearly as clear cut a division between the sides. It doesnt break down state by state nearly as much as city vs suburbs and rural.

Yeah really, we know which side would lose.
Lol be funny if the neocons went nuts and declared war on their own country I am sure their are plenty of friends of America out there, Have to call the French in for a few favors, maybe some war material and help to overthrow the imperialists again -oh the irony if it things came down like that.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: steeplerot
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: JustAnAverageGuy
Originally posted by: Tylanner
People are overreacting to this election.

Bush it bad, I'm not going to argue that. He's not THAT bad though.

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.

And where are the liberals going to get their guns from? As one poster said recently, I'm certainly not going to share.

Aside from that, there isnt nearly as clear cut a division between the sides. It doesnt break down state by state nearly as much as city vs suburbs and rural.

Yeah really, we know which side would lose.
Lol be funny if the neocons went nuts and declared war on their own country I am sure their are plenty of friends of America out there, Have to call the French in for some war material and help to overthrow the
imperialists again -oh the irony of that one if it came down like that.
The French would make for good target practice!



Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: glugglug

I really think he is. If he isn't impeached within a year or so, Titor will be proven right about us going into the 2nd civil war.

Don, Don..where are you to comment on this guy??? or was that only when it was directed at Kerry did you care about the interests of the nation...


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: X-Man
California would be in a real pickle. If they seceded I'm sure Arizona or Nevada would be all too happy to turn off the tap (of water) at Lake Powell or Lake Mead . . . . :D
Without California's money both of those states would shrivel up and die. Add all the other Blue States with CA and the rest of the country would become a second tier World Power!

Lack of water trumps lack of capital. Besides which, Cali split 5.4mil for Kerry, 4.4mil for Bush. Like I said earlier, the "battle" isnt between states nearly as much as between city and non-city.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: X-Man
California would be in a real pickle. If they seceded I'm sure Arizona or Nevada would be all too happy to turn off the tap (of water) at Lake Powell or Lake Mead . . . . :D
Without California's money both of those states would shrivel up and die. Add all the other Blue States with CA and the rest of the country would become a second tier World Power!

Cali split 5.4mil for Kerry, 4.4mil for Bush.
Tell that to the moronic Rubes who think CA is the center for Liberalism


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Mookow
Cali split 5.4mil for Kerry, 4.4mil for Bush.
Tell that to the moronic Rubes who think CA is the center for Liberalism

Well, CA does contain the center for Liberalism... I mean, the University of Berkeley :p. But besides the coastal counties, Kerry didnt carry many counties in CA.

Although CA isnt entirely full of Liberals, many of the most liberal ideas do end up making national news in CA. And so CA is closely associated with "liberalism".

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Mookow
Cali split 5.4mil for Kerry, 4.4mil for Bush.
Tell that to the moronic Rubes who think CA is the center for Liberalism

Well, CA does contain the center for Liberalism... I mean, the University of Berkeley :p. But besides the coastal counties, Kerry didnt carry many counties in CA.

Although CA isnt entirely full of Liberals, many of the most liberal ideas do end up making national news in CA. And so CA is closely associated with "liberalism".

It's also associated with healthy living, good looking people and great weather but do the Rubes from Podunkia ever mention that?;)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
associating california with liberalism is making thomas jefferson spin in his grave


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
I was telling this to a co-worker earlier today.

Everytime I see the image of the US broken down by Red and Blue States I think about John Titor
