Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted by: giantpinkbunnyhead
Honestly, nothing out of Florida surprises me anymore.
But still, it's a bunch of B.S. I will continue to call them illegal aliens, or illegals, or wetbacks, or whatever comes to mind. I owe them no courtesies and they deserve none.
That's a really disturbing attitude to take toward people who are trying to escape poverty in the only way possible, illegally.
I have a feeling most of you have no idea what legal immigration involves. It takes years to get a green card and during that time, you can't work with just a Visa and you can't leave the country. If you are one of the few who can "take advantage" of this process, you probably work illegally because otherwise you will starve. What do you think of those people?
It's disgusting how much hate there is for illegal immigrants, because they're illegal. You know what else is illegal? Piracy, and 90% of ATOT members are doing it at this very moment.
They are escaping poverty and moving into poverty??? I don't know many ILLEGAL ALIENS that moved in with their aunti and uncle in Bel Air.
The problem is they are lazy and can do the same amount of work they were doing in Mexico, except here they can milk the system and get a lot more, like free health care and what are the consiquences if they are caught? They get deported just to come right back over the next night.
I say round them up and start randomly shooting some of them, that will make them think twice about coming back.
Dude you really are fvcking clueless.
You are calling illegal workers here lazy? When they will do work here in the states for a fraction of what an american citizen would get paid to do the same thing? You call them lazy because they are taking jobs that Americans are too lazy to do for the money offered? Get the fvck out of here ...
some illegals are lazy, but the majority of them are hard ass workers who will do the nitty gritty down and dirty work for enough money to just get them some food. I've been to a third world country and I have been in the rural areas. My girlfriend is from Nicaragua and I went there last year and I can tell you, the people who are leaving their country are leaving to escape the tough living conditions of their home country.
Some of her cousins are teachers over there, and they make $1200/yr ...
$1200/yr. Most people on this forum make more than that ... after taxes ... in one pay check. Sure they don't have as much mortgage or whatever to pay, but that kind of money is just enough to get by with. We constantly send them our old clothing and stuff so they don't have to buy more.
I just strongly disagree with you when you say illegals are "lazy" when in fact, they are probably harder workers than the majority of low income Americans. If it weren't for my girlfriend's mom coming over here illegally, I wouldn't even have met her. She came here with nothing and was abused/raped on the way over here, then after 4 years of hard working she had enough $$ to pay for her children to come over here.