With the best will in the world, you're not going to be doing very or even halfway tough 4WDing in a RAV4 anywhere
It doesn't have low-range, or even proper 4WD AFAIK, just some viscous/trick centre diff that can direct some power to the rear wheels (but not all, and not exclusively either, from my limited knowledge re RAV4s), and the clearance and overhangs are poor, so you are going to get in trouble very quickly.
That said, you have to smack a diff or sump pretty hard to crack one, so just be sensible, slow down over rocky obstacles, and I don't know if you get termite mounds there. but here on infrequently used bush tracks you can get them peeking up in the middle of the road, where otherwise you could be moving quite fast
Being sensible it is amazing how far you can take non-4WDs (which I'd loosely define as a minimum as having a low-range transfer case) - especially if you have other people with you to assist in case of getting bogged, or are happy to extract yourself (top-tip, it's best done without the missus in the car!)
That, and I would imagine there are plenty of aftermarket bash plate manufacturers in the US, there certainly are in Aus. Or find a friendly local metal fabricator and get him to make you one
My bro has reinforced the one stock Toyota bash plate under the Prado that is not metal (a mid-body one in front of the long-range tank that covers the brake lines and the fuel lines) with a home-made aluminium reinforcing strut and guard to stop it tearing at the front edge when you hit water at speed repeatedly, so you could even work one yourself if you have the time and tools