Being asked to be on-call when it wasn't part of your original job description


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2005
Has anyone ever worked at a job, where being on-call was never part of the original work agreement but somewhere along the line someone tried to make you an on-call person on the weekend, or some other time during off-hours?

I do level 2 support in IT. I also do some help desk work. As part of the help desk coverage we have an emergency pager that is worn during off hours, incase an outtage occurs and someone calls the help desk to report it. The on-call person then has to contact the proper person and work with them to fix the problem. Typically the pager receives about 5 calls a week.

I was never a part of this rotation and I have worked here for over a year. Recently I changed from contractor status hourly paid to full time employee salary paid and my boss told me that my job description would still be the same.

Now some of my coworkers are trying to get me to share the pager and work me into the rotation. I told them all that I wouldn't. Originally, a few level 3 people shared the pager but eventually that responsibility got passed down to one level 2 person who has worn the pager for several months straight and he is sick of it. He talked 2 other level 2 people into sharing the pager with him and now they are trying to talk me into it too.

Thankfully management hasn't told me that I need to do this yet, and until I hear from them there is no way I'm stepping in, as much as I love my coworkers. Even if management said I needed to, I would still fight it.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
is there an official SLA on the pager (time to respond)? if not, just take it but ignore it. then whoever officially has it will unofficially get in trouble


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Modeps
Does anyone really follow job descriptions?

it doesn't seem like it

i have been shuffled around over the past 1-1.5 years with no job description change, so the whole thing is a joke
so i just do whatever i feel like, since i don't have an official job description, how can someone else tell me i am not doing my job?


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
I was hired as a help desk technician at my last job, by the current network admin/programmer. Apparently he got upset with something and "stepped down" from the position and they basically forced me to take on all his work. This was 2 weeks after I was hired at the salary agreed on. So all his duties became my duties without any questions. When I asked for a raise after 3 years of misery I was shot down and told I'd be laid off soon due to downsizing, I was told it was part of my job to be on call and available anytime after hours because I'm "like a doctor." I was extremely disgusted, and this place was a miserable place to work. I'd get calls from the owner and his son/daughter to help them with personal computer issues at any time of day or night, including 11:30pm one night for some internet problem they should have called their ISP about.

I will never work at a job or company like that again. The funny part is when I gave one weeks notice I was bitched at about how I'm basically being disloyal and that they were kind enough to give me months notice I'd be laid off and I should have given 2 weeks instead of one. Even had the balls to say if he was the company hiring me he wouldn't trust me for leaving my other job in just a week.

Good times.

edit, in case anyone is curious -- o t a b o . com. Their prices are a rip off and 50%+ of their shoes came back with complaints. Never mind the 3 month wait time.


Oct 11, 1999
Is there any more $ involved? I make mad $ for my call time, it costs them a dollar a minute to call me in on weekends.



Aug 17, 2000
Tell them you'll take the pager when they give you a raise.........oh, they're not authorized to give you a raise, well then they're not in charge of job assignments then either.



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
This has bad idea written all over it. Your coworkers will completely lose respect for you and by fighting it you are saying in so many words "I don't want to work here anymore". Your roles and job description can change at any time.


Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Squisher
Tell them you'll take the pager when they give you a raise.........oh, they're not authorized to give you a raise, well then they're not in charge of job assignments then either.


John P

Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
If I were the boss everybody in the group including myself would take equal time with the pager. Perhaps throw that idea out, everybody needs to part of the team - not just "give the pager to the new guy".

Do you get paid OT when you get called "on call" or do you get a straight salary?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Jobs change over time, so I have never believed a job description is written in stone. At the same time, the salary and benefits should change to reflect an increase in responsibility.

I have found that the timing of job duties and pay increase do not always match. When I worked for others, I consistently took on more responsibility than others in the same position, and was then rewarded with promotions and greater pay much faster than others.

Now as a business owner, I reward my employees who show initiative and work harder than other, and will try to better motivate those that chose to leave tasks undone because they believe it is not their job description.

So it is really up to you. If you feel that taking on more work/responsibility will be recognized and rewarded then you might want to take that pager. If on the other hand you believe the company and your fellow employees are just taking advantage of you, then you should be looking for another job.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2004
"Other duties as assigned."

Many job descriptions include this phrase at the end of them.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
Ponder the following phrase:

"Be flexible, or be unemployed, you get to choose"



Senior member
Nov 13, 2001
There is a lot wrong in this situation.

Presumably on-call is in SOMEBODY's job description. Why aren't they doing it?

That said, the fact that pager duty went from 3 high-level techs to 1 mid-level tech and stayed that way for months is a REALLY bad mark for the management of your division. No one should have allowed one person to be the only on-call for that long. Your co-workers have every right to ask you to share the load, but they shouldn't have to. This is a coverage problem that has obviously existed for some time and there should have been ample opportunity to deal with it.

In all honesty if I were you I would get out now.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've never heard a highly successful person refer to their own job description.

I don't think it's a coincidence.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel
I've never heard a highly successful person refer to their own job description.

I don't think it's a coincidence.

Very well said.


Golden Member
May 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Safeway
IT = On-call.
+1...theres a reason why employers legally dont have to pay IT for overtime, it comes with the territory. find a new career path or learn how to play ball.


Platinum Member
Oct 31, 2004
See this is where I kind of have a problem. If you are a direct employee, having the argument of it is not in my job description.... means IMO this person is not who I should hired, def. not the right attitude . I think it is a very good reason to let someone *you perhaps* go.
I am not saying this to be a dick, but I just hate people like that ...KrillBee not my job !

Part of your job description that is common sense is to be reliable.

One of the wireless printers is in my office, I think it looks really bad on me when someone comes to print something and there is no paper in it....? My job description is an Engineer not fill printer paper? Why do I do ? I don't know I never asked myself why...I am at work.
Cig breaks are also not part of ur job description if you smoked.

Whatever man, man up and do work u dont have to do.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel
I've never heard a highly successful person refer to their own job description.

I don't think it's a coincidence.

I agree. However, the exception to this would be a consultant / contract employee. They are paid hourly. If they are required to carry and respond to a pager, they should be compensated even if it never goes off. Otherwise you are basically requiring them to do something for you (be available, within driving distance) without compensation.


Platinum Member
Oct 31, 2004
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel
I've never heard a highly successful person refer to their own job description.

I don't think it's a coincidence.
