Awesome Pot Prohibition Article by Seattle Attorney who prosecuted Marc Emery

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Jan 12, 2005
Health risks? What health risks? Show me one study that shows that THC is dangerous. One.

THC isn't likely to be dangerous at all. But, when you smoke there are other things that you take in. Just the smoke alone can probably be unhealthy to some degree. But, with that being said it can't be any worse than cigarettes, infact it's probably less dangerous then cigarettes, so it should be a non-issue.

Our current drug laws aren't doing anything to stop drug use, they are just costing a lot of money...


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Awesome. A law professor now knows what even the dumbest pothead has realized for decades. From the comments:

So he comes around to the correct side as soon as he's out of the U.S. Attorney position he could have used to actually DO something about it. Fuck. You.

What exactly do you propose he could have done about it as a US Attorney? US Attorneys are appointed by the President - they are largely political positions (even though they really shouldn't be), and the job is to enforce federal laws as written. If he decides drug laws are not going to be enforced, his replacement will be appointed by the end of the day.

He's doing more about his personal belief now than you seem to be doing - unless you count anonymously bitching about someone else's lack of effort as championing the cause. Criticize him all you want, but wtf are you doing to try and legalize marijuana?


Jan 12, 2005
When is the last time you spent money on something you needed, not just necessarily wanted?

I changed my oil over the weekend. I needed to do that if I wanted to get to work and get my kid to kindergarten, etc. Why?


Jul 2, 2005
What I don't get about all the potheads always posting about this stuff is: why do you have the need to get high all the time? Alcohol is legal, but I don't know many people that are getting drunk regularly, except for college students and those with serious drinking problems. Pot users seem to have this uncontrollable need to get high regularly. Don't you think that's an issue in itself, aside of the legal questions?
Dec 26, 2007
Awesome. A law professor now knows what even the dumbest pothead has realized for decades. From the comments:

So he comes around to the correct side as soon as he's out of the U.S. Attorney position he could have used to actually DO something about it. Fuck. You.

So, you're pissed off at the guy because he helped to hold people to the law? Fact is that people broke the law, and then the police (not him) arrested the person/people. He was doing his job, and in addition to that, people were breaking the law. Regardless of your beliefs, thoughts, opinions, etc by owning/smoking pot, you are breaking the law. The moral/ethical/science is irrelevant, the law states it is illegal to grow, own, smoke pot or have pot related things. You break that law, that's your fault and you should be prosecuted for it.

Now, I do believe that the pot laws are bs and need reformed. I don't smoke (never have before either), but I see no problems with people who do or choose to. Cigarettes and alcohol are both health risks, but legal. Pot is, IMHO, not as "bad for you" as either of those.

Regardless of this lawyers beliefs, he was doing his job in prosecuting people for breaking the law. He might not have agreed with it personally, but his job was to uphold the law regardless of his personal beliefs about it. TBH, pot isn't a big enough deal for somebody to step down from their job because they don't believe in that law.


Sep 19, 2000

You pot heads are so funny. The guy comes out IN SUPPORT of legalizing marijuana and because he thinks it is stupid to do pot you all go batshit insane and call him a moron! Priceless.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
What I don't get about all the potheads always posting about this stuff is: why do you have the need to get high all the time? Alcohol is legal, but I don't know many people that are getting drunk regularly, except for college students and those with serious drinking problems. Pot users seem to have this uncontrollable need to get high regularly. Don't you think that's an issue in itself, aside of the legal questions?

Just like with alcohol, cigarettes and coffee, there are all types of users. There are people that drink coffee all day long. There are people that smoke 3 cigarettes before even getting to work. There are people that only smoke cigarettes socially, or drink socially. It just depends on the user.

There are plenty of pot heads, but there are also plenty of people that use it on the weekends, or simply to unwind after the work day.


Sep 10, 2003
Why would I bother, it's not going to slow down your use. Fact is, it does affect your body, brain, and overall health negatively whether you choose to believe it or not.

The lion's share of the evidence is on the side of "minimal, if any" effect. The only reliable study to show any effect on your likelihood of getting cancer from marijuana use alone (no cigarettes) showed a decrease.


Oct 17, 2002
Nobody can argue that marijuana is not harmful when abused.

But the keyword here is abuse.

Is marijuana harmful when abused by adolescents? Absolutely. There are more than enough studies to show this is the case.

You know what else is harmful to adolescents when abused? BigMacs. Soda. World of Warcraft. TV.

It's called parenting.

You know what causes more driving deaths than marijuana? Texting. In Illinois, driving while texting is now illegal. You didn't see them outlaw texting completely did you? NO! Then why is "omg drugged stoned drivers" a valid reason for banning the substance completely? It's not.


Oct 10, 1999
Carl Sagan was such an idiot! He also talked a lot like Agent Smith. What a copycat!


Jun 5, 2006
THC isn't likely to be dangerous at all. But, when you smoke there are other things that you take in. Just the smoke alone can probably be unhealthy to some degree. But, with that being said it can't be any worse than cigarettes, infact it's probably less dangerous then cigarettes, so it should be a non-issue.

Our current drug laws aren't doing anything to stop drug use, they are just costing a lot of money...

I'm well aware. It was a loaded question and somebody fell for it almost immediately :biggrin:


Jun 5, 2006
/inhales blunt

nothing like a gram of some chronic in the morning.

ah wake and bake my favorite :cool:

It's the belligerent assholes that give pot smokers a bad name. Please don't join that sect.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
First and foremost I would state that I am 100% for the legalization of pot. I grew up with a ton of pot heads. I can tell you that it doesn't take a research lab to see the physiological and mental effects of abusing pot is just as bad as abusing alcohol.

There were two classes of people from my high school. Those of us who casually used and those of us who made drugs/booze their life. Everyone I know who has ever abused drugs became a low life. I don't mean they were addicted and sold their mom's wedding ring for more pot, I mean they never did anything with themselves that was productive. They had noticeably retarded mental growth, grew fat/lazy, and have down syndrome like facial features.

Speaking to my now 30 year old school mates from high school who still get high was like talking to mental midgets. They had no goals, everything was the fault of someone or something out of their control, and they were losers. By contrast, everyone I know who only casually used or refrained from use has good jobs, looks healthy, and is actually able to have a conversation with me.

I'm not saying this is a reason to ban the drug. I'm just saying that anyone who says there are no negative long term effects to daily drug use are just using too many drugs to notice. That said, if it was legal I would probably smoke a joint now and then. Just like I drink a beer now and then. I also think we could use the tax money.


Oct 17, 2002
First and foremost I would state that I am 100% for the legalization of pot. I grew up with a ton of pot heads. I can tell you that it doesn't take a research lab to see the physiological and mental effects of abusing pot is just as bad as abusing alcohol.

There were two classes of people from my high school. Those of us who casually used and those of us who made drugs/booze their life. Everyone I know who has ever abused drugs became a low life. I don't mean they were addicted and sold their mom's wedding ring for more pot, I mean they never did anything with themselves that was productive. They had noticeably retarded mental growth, grew fat/lazy, and have down syndrome like facial features.

Speaking to my now 30 year old school mates from high school who still get high was like talking to mental midgets. They had no goals, everything was the fault of someone or something out of their control, and they were losers. By contrast, everyone I know who only casually used or refrained from use has good jobs, looks healthy, and is actually able to have a conversation with me.

I'm not saying this is a reason to ban the drug. I'm just saying that anyone who says there are no negative long term effects to daily drug use are just using too many drugs to notice. That said, if it was legal I would probably smoke a joint now and then. Just like I drink a beer now and then. I also think we could use the tax money.

Yep. There are dangers for long term abuse. We can acknowledge that, and as you said, that's no reason to justify expensive prohibition when there are many legal things that are arguably more dangerous when abused than pot, such as Big Macs, soda, etc.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Speaking to my now 30 year old school mates from high school who still get high was like talking to mental midgets. They had no goals, everything was the fault of someone or something out of their control, and they were losers. By contrast, everyone I know who only casually used or refrained from use has good jobs, looks healthy, and is actually able to have a conversation with me.

I'm not saying this is a reason to ban the drug. I'm just saying that anyone who says there are no negative long term effects to daily drug use are just using too many drugs to notice. That said, if it was legal I would probably smoke a joint now and then. Just like I drink a beer now and then. I also think we could use the tax money.

I would say the drug use is more of a symptom than a cause. Most users I've known are and as far as I can see will be meandering losers, and would be even without the drugs.

I would agree with the OP's article, most people who use are idiots. Not because they use, but because I think that kind of behavior attracts idiots. You can name all the famous, successful people you want who use, but that's really just grasping at straws. That's like saying all the people who don't go to college will become the next Bill Gates. It just isn't going to happen. Of course there are decent, productive people that use. But for each one of those, I'd wager that each one of us can think of far more directionless nobodies. That is if you even can remember they exist.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2004
The anti crowd hasn't a leg to stand on. It's pretty funny to watch them flail about in their own pool of ignorance though.


Sep 10, 2003
First and foremost I would state that I am 100% for the legalization of pot. I grew up with a ton of pot heads. I can tell you that it doesn't take a research lab to see the physiological and mental effects of abusing pot is just as bad as abusing alcohol.

There were two classes of people from my high school. Those of us who casually used and those of us who made drugs/booze their life. Everyone I know who has ever abused drugs became a low life. I don't mean they were addicted and sold their mom's wedding ring for more pot, I mean they never did anything with themselves that was productive. They had noticeably retarded mental growth, grew fat/lazy, and have down syndrome like facial features.

Speaking to my now 30 year old school mates from high school who still get high was like talking to mental midgets. They had no goals, everything was the fault of someone or something out of their control, and they were losers. By contrast, everyone I know who only casually used or refrained from use has good jobs, looks healthy, and is actually able to have a conversation with me.

I'm not saying this is a reason to ban the drug. I'm just saying that anyone who says there are no negative long term effects to daily drug use are just using too many drugs to notice. That said, if it was legal I would probably smoke a joint now and then. Just like I drink a beer now and then. I also think we could use the tax money.

Selection bias? A lot of the kids in highschool I knew who did whatever drug they could get (usually alcohol, often weed, and some idiots even huffed) turned into losers. Other kids who smoked weed did ok.

Most of my friends in college did a lot of drugs while there, and many still do. Most have been quite successful. The drug dealer I roomed with who did tons of drugs is now pretty high up in a successful telecom company and travels the world on business. One friend whos smoked weed multiple times a day and did tons of acid is getting his PhD from RAND and his fiance is getting a MD + PhD. He still smokes tons of weed, goes to burning man for nice long acid trips, and is going to be pretty rich. I have a Masters degree and am considering my options on what 2nd masters I will soon pursue.

Weed didn't turn the loser delivering your pizza into a loser. He was a loser to begin with. People are usually surprised when they learn I smoke. I dress conservatively, speak intelligently, and project a conservative, professional image.

You'd be surprised how many of us in the Cannabis Closet are out there:

[nsfw pot images]