This thread really degenerated towards the end. I am a proponent for legalization but if it is ever going to happen people have to be mature about it. Posting tons of weed pictures in a debate does nothing to further your argument, if anything it detracts from it and makes you look juvenile. Just remember that there are plenty of productive members of society out there who happen to indulge. I don't like the taste of the smoke or coughing, so personally I abstain, but I do have many friends (successful, happy, healthy people) who choose to indulge from time to time. I don't smoke weed but even so based on the posts in this thread I guess that many of you would still consider me a "loser" because I don't have a high paying job, I haven't traveled the world, ect but honestly ~ I don't care. I am happy and healthy, and that's more then many people can say. Think before you judge or put yourself above other people, members at every level of society (i.e. service) are needed for our country to function.