Awesome Pot Prohibition Article by Seattle Attorney who prosecuted Marc Emery

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Apr 8, 2001
Oh no, there's no problem with it. Heller, mind going over your employment history again. (We'll leave the medical history for next week's episode)


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2006
Oh no, there's no problem with it. Heller, mind going over your employment history again. (We'll leave the medical history for next week's episode)

I worked in a video shop my dad owned for 4 years.
Worked at CVS Pharmacy as a pharmacy tech for 1 year
Now i work at office depot.

3 jobs in 6 years. not bad for a teenager.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
The funniest thing is the public safety argument.

Let see....
You take a revenue stream away from a drug cartel.
Those cartels have to sell more of other drugs to keep profits.
Since there is a limited demand they must decrease the supply.
The only way to decrease supply is through the elimination of competition.
The only was to eliminate competition is violence.


Sep 10, 2003
Oh no, there's no problem with it. Heller, mind going over your employment history again. (We'll leave the medical history for next week's episode)

You realize that this dude is on the very extreme end of mj use, right? If he were a drunk, he would die of liver failure in his 40s and probably not have made it through college. If he were a WoW player he would be reduced to living in his parents' basement through his 40s, deathly pale from lack of outside time, and weighing 300 pounds.

In all honesty, I've seen more people's lives seriously impeded by MMO's than weed. I've seen a marriage break up because of WoW, but not weed.


Sep 10, 2003
The funniest thing is the public safety argument.

Let see....
You take a revenue stream away from a drug cartel.
Those cartels have to sell more of other drugs to keep profits.
Since there is a limited demand they must decrease the supply.
The only way to decrease supply is through the elimination of competition.
The only was to eliminate competition is violence.

Well, in THE REAL WORLD, as opposed to the fantasy world in your ignorance addled head, when a country decriminalizes, drugs gang violence goes way down and public health seriously improves.

As in portugal:

Do you have any actual evidence to support your drivel?


Senior member
Jul 19, 2010
This thread really degenerated towards the end. I am a proponent for legalization but if it is ever going to happen people have to be mature about it. Posting tons of weed pictures in a debate does nothing to further your argument, if anything it detracts from it and makes you look juvenile. Just remember that there are plenty of productive members of society out there who happen to indulge. I don't like the taste of the smoke or coughing, so personally I abstain, but I do have many friends (successful, happy, healthy people) who choose to indulge from time to time. I don't smoke weed but even so based on the posts in this thread I guess that many of you would still consider me a "loser" because I don't have a high paying job, I haven't traveled the world, ect but honestly ~ I don't care. I am happy and healthy, and that's more then many people can say. Think before you judge or put yourself above other people, members at every level of society (i.e. service) are needed for our country to function.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2006
the pics were to were a way for me to show you guys why i smoke. I believe if you guys had acess to name brain strains for free, you'd all be smoking too.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
My post is right there above you. Point out where I said he could change laws. Your post is indicative of the correlation between being anti-marijuana and being a dishonest fuckbag.

His office sent people to jail with decade-long sentences for pot charges. If he, as a Republican political appointee had come out about his views while in office it would have been a huge boon to the legalization movement. As demonstrated over and over in this thread, pot has an image problem. He ended up getting shitcanned anyway, so what difference would it have made? But the coward waited until it could no longer hurt him politically.

Honestly, coming out as being pro-legalization at this point is like coming out as anti-racism. You want a fucking cookie?

How would that have helped legalize pot? It would have been just another person who wants to legalize it. He's not the president, he would have been replaced immediately.

BTW, I'm not anti-marijuana, I think it should be legalized. And yes I am a conservative. You are a perfect example of why people resist legalizing it and why partisan bullshit is tearing the country apart. Good work!