Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: charrison
Every dollar the govt spends, it crowds out of dollar private spending. This is generally not a good thing.
Actually, it often is. A lot of private dollars go nowhere but to enrich the rich, and the government's dollars often go for priorities set by the society democratically.
Imagine if I said you can cut government spending by 25% next year - but every dollar cut has to go to the top 1%, for them to spend to acquire more of the nation's resources.
That gives you some idea of the contrast betweeen the private and public dollars, why it's not as bleak as you view it. There's a price for civilization and an advanced economy.
Government probably does more to protect to wealthy than anyone. After all it is the wealthy that can buy access to govt. We need better govt, not larger govt.
Use common sense on this. The wealthy without any constraint purely pursuing their own interest is more in their interest than an elected government balancing interests.
But I agree with you, I think government is plenty big and really too big, if we could get its activities shifted to the right things. The problem is when the first cuts are the wrong place.