Originally posted by: beserker15
so it was your ram that was holding you down? for some reason with my computer...prime 95 will always get errors, and my computer will reboot in games/music/movies if i set it to like 2.1ghz or more...regardless of voltage. from stock 1.65v to 1.8v doesn't seem to make a difference for stability in my system. i got an epox 8k5a2 (which i know can handle fsb up to like 195mhz) and corsairs value ddr3200 ram.
well the first pair of ram was rma'd for another exact same pair because the first ones failed memtest86 at stock speeds. I also felt that my original 333 fsb rated epox 8rda mobo was holding me back. So i swapped it out with the 400 fsb rated epox 8rda3I mobo. I am so happy with epox, amd, and anandtech forums!!!