APPLE sucks, don't buy from them!!!

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Jul 29, 2001
You only get 10 days to return something to Apple? What a joke. 30 days with dell, and they will price match within that 30 days too.

I get a dead pixel in a dell lappy, I just return it for another. Simple as that. I sure don't want to look at a dead pixel in the middle of my screen.

I don't call that bad luck, I call that bad quality and it's going back.


Mar 11, 2000
Originally posted by: jfano
You only get 10 days to return something to Apple? What a joke. 30 days with dell, and they will price match within that 30 days too.

I get a dead pixel in a dell lappy, I just return it for another. Simple as that. I sure don't want to look at a dead pixel in the middle of my screen.

I don't call that bad luck, I call that bad quality and it's going back.
That 30 day policy is good, but it's about the only thing Dell laptops have going for them. The build quality of those in general is mediocre at best. I'd much rather buy a Fujitsu or IBM or Apple, and none of them have a 30 day guarantee.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
You should have 30 days on that puppy.

My PowerBook G4 arrived in January with a battery issue. They nicely replaced the battery via overnight mail. Before they did that, they had me ship the laptop to them, they paid, to be sure it wasn't the computer its self. Very fast and great service.

I had things happen to my Apples that weren't covered in the warranty, like a brown out which fried a mobo...they replaced it.

On screen issues, you MUST contact them ASAP. Since they started with all the LCD's, like most companies, it takes multiple pixels for them to exchange it. In the case with the laptops, they require that you call ASAP (1-2 days) to report dead pixels, or they can assume you may have done something dumb with it, you know? Not to say you did, but you have to see both ends.

What you have to do is call in to Apple's Executive Relations and explain that you got it this way and you've "wasted" 2 weeks complaining to customer service. That'll get you a response you'll like.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: thorin
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just bought a 17 inch G4 powerbook online. This is what I got:

1. A machine that wouldnt boot until 3 days later( Had a runtime error that "magically" disappeared...yeah right).
Well if it "magically" disappeared then where do you think the problem was? I suspect it was between the chair and keyboard but that's just me
2. No airport card.
You didn't investigate this when you purchased? Or it was supposed to and they didn't package it or something?
3. A dead pixel in the middle of the screen.
No biggy most OEMs incl. Dell, Compaq, IBM, etc... require like 6 to 10 dead pixels for a replacement.


thats the cruel reality they don't tell consumers. basically all of em have a dead pixel policy like this. why they don't just sell dead pixel screens at discount and disclose i dunno.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
I don't get the missing AirPort card though. I thought the 17" machines all came with it, so that seems off. Anyway, if its missing it, I'm sure you'll get it ASAP from them. I seem to remember them being forced to ship desktops without the GeForce 3Ti a bit back due to lack of supply, so they shipped them with the best ATi cards they had, which you could keep, then sent you the nVidia later and an offer to have it installed for free, if you didn't want to yourself.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Eug
Originally posted by: jfano
You only get 10 days to return something to Apple? What a joke. 30 days with dell, and they will price match within that 30 days too.

I get a dead pixel in a dell lappy, I just return it for another. Simple as that. I sure don't want to look at a dead pixel in the middle of my screen.

I don't call that bad luck, I call that bad quality and it's going back.
That 30 day policy is good, but it's about the only thing Dell laptops have going for them. The build quality of those in general is mediocre at best. I'd much rather buy a Fujitsu or IBM or Apple, and none of them have a 30 day guarantee.

You are incorrect, IBM does indeed offer a 30 day money back gurantee (minus SH)
"IBM offers a 30 day return policy on Personal Computing Products (new IBM PCs, IntelliStation workstations, ThinkPad notebooks, Netfinity servers, xSeries servers and accessories that are bought under the IBM Product Acquisition Agreement). Shipping and handling charges are not refunded.

These Personal Computing Products can be returned for a refund within 30 days from date of purchase.

Complete details on this return policy are contained in the IBM Product Acquisition Agreement. To review a copy of that Agreement prior to placing your order, visit or call IBM customer service at 1-888-SHOP-IBM (1-888-746-7426). Other products sold on may carry a different return policy. An customer service representative (1-888-SHOP-IBM) will be happy to assist you with questions regarding our return policy prior to or after your purchase. "



Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Eug
Originally posted by: jfano
You only get 10 days to return something to Apple? What a joke. 30 days with dell, and they will price match within that 30 days too.

I get a dead pixel in a dell lappy, I just return it for another. Simple as that. I sure don't want to look at a dead pixel in the middle of my screen.

I don't call that bad luck, I call that bad quality and it's going back.
That 30 day policy is good, but it's about the only thing Dell laptops have going for them. The build quality of those in general is mediocre at best. I'd much rather buy a Fujitsu or IBM or Apple, and none of them have a 30 day guarantee.

Well I have to disagree with you about Dell. I've had a few of thier laptops and they are made great, and they cost half as much as a mac.

I'm not going to bash macs, I own 3 myself. But damn dude...they are not the second coming or something.


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Just to answer some questions:

1. I would return it, but since I've had it for more than 10 days(14 days) they don't accept returns!!!! Also they want to charge me $300 to return it. I'll ask my credit card company what I can do though. Good idea.

2. I don't think the computer wouldn't start up because of me. Unless pressing the power button to turn it on is a user error haha. It would have a mac-boot screen with a run-time error, then load with a picture of a file with a question mark on the screen(what a great OS). This error disappearing randomly has me really disturbed because I need a stable system for work! Replace the damn laptop Apple!

3. Of course it was supposed to come with an airport card, why else would I complain about not getting one!

4. I wouldn't care if the dead pixel was to the side, but this guy is right there staring at me in the middle!

5. Please no more stupid comments(ex: 2 and 3 by users who will remain nameless =P)

On a side note, I was pro Apple until this occurance. My family has bought their products since they started out. Probably averaging a few thousand dollars a year for their products! Their reluctance to help me out really dissapoints me and shows they have no customer loyalty. Why don't they want to replace 1 laptop out of the millions they sell? My family has given apple a small countries budget worth of business!

Thanks for any input you guys have. I know Apples are usually good products so I'm not hating on them. I'm just saying that I am never buying from these cheap-ass theifs again =P. $3000 = a world of trouble for the customer? Come on, Apple, wake up!

People asked if you ordered an Airport card 'cause many people read "airport ready" as having an airport card pre-installed (which of course is an incorrect assumption). Also, the Applecare plan you purchased extended the warrnety for your PB from 3 months phone/1 year hardware to a total of 3 years for both phone and hardware support. "Why don't they want to replace 1 laptop out of the millions they sell?" You do realize that everyone who has a problem w/a product says this right? If a company "made an exception" for every person who asks for one said company won't be very profitable. As for the dead pixel? That's just tough luck. Stuck/dead pixels are just a fact of life w/LCDs right now.

I'd try calling back and hopefully you'll get a different, more giving, support person. Also, what # did you call? Was it 1-800-MY-APPLE? IIRC 1-800-MY-APPLE is there customer service number (not tech support). You might have more luck talking to a CSR rather than a support tech. Is there any Apple store near you? Might not hear to plead your case there as well. My parents' iMac got fried by lightening and the guys at the local Apple Store replaced the logic board for free (even though lightening strikes aren't covered under warrenty). My parents are like "We don't know what happen to it" and the techs played along. As far as customer service goes it really depends on who you talk to and what mood they are in.



Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001
Really unfortunate experience. I think you have a right to return w/o restocking or to get a replacement. I've never seen a dead pixel 1sthand (only the stories associated). Yes, I was delighted when my Compaq 2200 Barton notebook came dead-pixel free and when I found every component in it to work optimally :) (Hey, it's only $760 after phatcash, 10% off and rebate :))


Mar 11, 2000
OK, I stand corrected. Even a better reason to go IBM over Dell. The build quality of the Dell laptops is mediocre at best.

Originally posted by: RichieZ
You are incorrect, IBM does indeed offer a 30 day money back gurantee (minus SH)
"IBM offers a 30 day return policy on Personal Computing Products (new IBM PCs, IntelliStation workstations, ThinkPad notebooks, Netfinity servers, xSeries servers and accessories that are bought under the IBM Product Acquisition Agreement). Shipping and handling charges are not refunded.

These Personal Computing Products can be returned for a refund within 30 days from date of purchase.

Complete details on this return policy are contained in the IBM Product Acquisition Agreement. To review a copy of that Agreement prior to placing your order, visit or call IBM customer service at 1-888-SHOP-IBM (1-888-746-7426). Other products sold on may carry a different return policy. An customer service representative (1-888-SHOP-IBM) will be happy to assist you with questions regarding our return policy prior to or after your purchase. "




Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Eug

OK, I stand corrected. Even a better reason to go IBM over Dell. The build quality of the Dell laptops is mediocre at best.



Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
If I may ask, what was the solution to the startup problem? The issue you describe means the firmware can not find the OS, which usually implies a bad install, or a hardware failure. A bad install is a piece of cake to fix(just pull out the restore or OS X CD's), while hardware failures are covered for a year.

As for the AirPort card, they're "built-in" to 17" PowerBooks(it's not chipset logic I imagine, but they ship ever one with the mini-PCI card installed), so no 17" should be missing its AirPort card guys(although this reminds me of a funny story on a forum of a woman calling about her missing AirPort card, not knowing it was internal;)).

The support you bought, AppleCare, extends the built-in support. You actually have until the end of the year to buy it, so you don't have to buy it right away.


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2003
"APPLE sucks, don't buy from them!!!"

Gee, I think I could've figured this one out all on my own! Thanks for the advice though. :)

Another thing... for 3k that computer better f... me and s... me... Does their new line of Macs do that? Wondering

It sounds like it did F@#K him....;)


Platinum Member
May 25, 2003
That's funny because I jsut bought a 12" Powerbook, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed with Apple.

But I guess you can't blame the whole company for your misfortune. Surely these kind of things happen with all companies. Oh and abotu the computer being 3k, don't knock the price, many PC laptop makers make highend laptops for that same price i.e. Alienware.

If you had a bad experience with them, it's one thing to compain about it. But to tell the whole world that the whole company is off because of your one bad experience, that's not cool. I could always complain about AMD because a K6-2 I had sucked big time, but I don't and I still have an AMD cpu in my other computer.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2000
I've never had trouble with Apple products before. The first time I do, they provide no help. Just warning people of their poor support if you get a faulty product. I think it's a good idea for consumers to look out for each other, don't you? Otherwise we're all going to let each other get ripped off and pissed off. Definitely not good for the struggling economy.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
I can see your point, but on the other hand, whenever I've had an issue with an Apple, they've always made more than good on it. On my desktop system, they came to my place the very next day to replace the parts.


Golden Member
Sep 21, 2000
JASANITY instead of more editorializing maybe we can get your problem solved. I really got a kick out of using a 17" PB. (It's now being used by somebody else as a mobile editing station.)

It sounds as if you have 3 distinct problems. It also sounds like you ordered from Apple.

1. A runtime error occurs when an application is looking for a library and can't find it. Since it's a new machice I would troubleshoot this by poping the reinstall discs into the slot and doing that dance.

2. The 17" PowerBook comes with an AirPort Extreme card preinstalled. link If you do not have one return the machine for what you ordered.

3. Dead pixels are a fact of buying an LCD. Every computer company has an allowable dead pixel policy. Fortunately you have cause to return your machine so the next one may be better.

Here's a suggestion. Do your return at an Apple Store and ask them to open up the new PowerBook and make sure it does not have these isues.

There is no such thing as "ICare" you bought AppleCare.

Otherwise send an email to Steve. If worked for these folks.
If you are looking for anecdote (On the internet no less!) there are also stories of the CEO of Apple getting involved and solving customer problems.


Theifs!? I before E except after C. (There are a few exceptions.) :)


Senior member
Dec 10, 2000
I'm a little confused on the airport card. It says that it is built-in. Does this mean that it is a separate card inserted in a PCI slot(i think its pci), or is it actually supposed to be integrated with the motherboard? If it is the latter, how could they give me the wrong mobo!!!!

I already had called their support and they refused to replace the system. That's what pissed me off in the first place. Also with the dead pixel, it is right there smack in the middle. I wouldn't care if it was to the side.

I feel like I got an unstable/poorly built unit, and would like it replaced with one that runs the first time and comes with all the hardware. Fixing a few issues would be great, but this one has all the makings of a lemon. Is a stable/reliable laptop that is not visually distracting, too much to ask for when dishing out $3000???

Where is this "peice of mind" they promise in their apple care program? I certainly don't have it for the $300 I spent to extend it!


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
If they won't replace the system will they fix it? Tell them it's got a dead pixel and they might do an rma for ya.

I feel for ya though! They want every penny coming towards them because they aren't getting much.


Platinum Member
May 25, 2003
If you are truly dissatisfied with your computer find an Apple store and take it back and like others said, see what real people say about it. The Airport cards are built into a slot behind the battery. Maybe perhaps they did not install the Airport software for you? If it is installed, there should be an icon up by the clock. Otherwise, like any premade PC, use the discs that came with the machine and do a clean install of everything.

I knwo that Applecare can be no help as I needed help with something and they didn't really help me at all, but that was partly because it was with hardware that wasn't Apple so they didn't relaly have the resources to help me.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I'm a little confused on the airport card. It says that it is built-in. Does this mean that it is a separate card inserted in a PCI slot(i think its pci), or is it actually supposed to be integrated with the motherboard? If it is the latter, how could they give me the wrong mobo!!!!

I already had called their support and they refused to replace the system. That's what pissed me off in the first place. Also with the dead pixel, it is right there smack in the middle. I wouldn't care if it was to the side.

I feel like I got an unstable/poorly built unit, and would like it replaced with one that runs the first time and comes with all the hardware. Fixing a few issues would be great, but this one has all the makings of a lemon. Is a stable/reliable laptop that is not visually distracting, too much to ask for when dishing out $3000???

Where is this "peice of mind" they promise in their apple care program? I certainly don't have it for the $300 I spent to extend it!
As I've said in a previous post, the AirPort card is "built in", but Apple uses that term loosely. They've been using mini-PCI cards for all their AirPort needs(laptops, desktops, base stations, etc), so what "built in" means is that every 17" machine ships with the card installed. The mPCI slot is internal however, so you'll never see the card. onlyCOpunk might be right about the software issue, so if you haven't already, grab the latest AirPort software here.

As for the pixel, you're SOL I'm afraid. Apple's pixel policy allows for at least a few pixels before they'll replace it, so you can try an RMA, but it's unlikely to suceed.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
And what's up with the commercial with Jeff Goldblum telling me it's the world's fastest, most powerful personal computer? ;)