anyone played the ghostbuster game?


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2008
I haven't played it yet but I read Gamespot's review and it seems to be a very fun title. They gave it a 7/10, good.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yup - about 15 minutes of it so far - lots of cut scenes - but fun so far.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003


I played through it a few days ago. Pretty fun game. I enjoyed it. Because it's so linear and no multiplayer, it will probably be shelved forever now.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2006
Good game. Too bad about the multiplayer not on PC, but worth $30 clams, especially if you're a fan of the movies.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2001
Played through it. It is fun but short. My short summary would be that if you like the Ghostbuster movies its worth the $30 for the PC version. If you separate the license from the game play I thought the game play was ok but not great.

In more detail, my gripes were
- Save system sucked. It is checkpoint based, you can make fairly educated guesses as to where checkpoints are but it isn't explicitly communicated to you. It seems to do weird things are well. At one point I quit after a boss fight while back at HQ and when I continued I was at the next location. I had to go out, reload the boss fight portion of the mission and redo it just to go back to HQ and get the important plot points I would have missed.
- There are pretty severe spikes in difficulty.
- Game is very linear, this plus the difficulty spike makes the idea of playing through on a higher difficulty not terribly appealing.
- Game engine cut scenes look better than pre rendered cut scenes.
- Game ran surprisingly poor at places.
- At times you have to do the exact right thing to get things moving forward and it isn't always clear what that thing is.

On the plus:
- Game did an excellent job integrating you into the existing team.
- There were definitely some fun highlights that brought a smile to my face or made em chuckle.
- The early levels where you come into a decent looking place and after dealing with the ghosts leave the place in ruins are alot of fun, the later levels kind of lack this due to them taking place in fairly choatic settings.
- There are a decent variety of level types.
- It manages to keep the fights from getting old and repetitive.
- It is just plain fun to run around busting ghosts while Akroyd, Murray, etc are yelling and talking.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
lot of consolitis. mouse and keyboard controls made me want to puke, i had to pull out a 360 controller. and it doesn't run very well at all- i can max assassin's creed, hawx, prototype, and other console ports, but this thing is just sluggish.

and honestly not even all that fun. i'm just playing through for the story, i guess.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2008
I was going to pick this one up, but no multiplayer plus online authentication DRM? Why do I need to go online if all i'm getting is a single player game? That makes no sense, and I refuse to support nonsense like that.

I did get a chance to play it on a 360 over at a buddy's house. It's pretty fun. A bit repetitive, but fun enough to play through if you're a fan of the movies like I am.


Jun 23, 2005
Are the suggested system requirements for Ghostbusters serious? I have a Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66Ghz with two gigs of ram and an X1950XT. yet the box says you need four gigs and other stuff to play it well. Is this for real? or is it overstated? I mean, I sure hope so. It apparently runs very well on the 360 that only had 512mb of ram. Needing four gigs to run it on a PC seems crazy. >.<


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: minmaster
no multiplayer, no buy.

i'll buy with no multiplayer, but not for more than 9.99...unless its somehow ridiculously higher in quality than the average game that comes out


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
Rent it for console, you can finish it in 2 days easy if you have some free time.

Though I played the 360 version, I assume it's no different (cept mp) from PC. In short it is a very linear shooter with a great story worth playing though once. Also note secret items you find will appear back at the office.

If only they gave you a sand box feel, sort of GTA 3 style where you had some freedom and could allow some investigation to complete your objectives along with giving you a choice of what you wanted to do.

(MINOR SPOILER: When you see a stone baby angle, keep moving, keep your health up, sprint around if you need to regen health, and glue them to the gate)


Jun 5, 2006
I just finished it and basically feel exactly the same way everyone else in this thread does.

The game gets a HUGE thumbs up. I loved the movies (own a boxed set), loved the cartoons, etc.

The only thing that disappointed me is that there was no involvement with Ecto 1B other than watching someone else drive it and one level where you get to use the super-trap on top as a wrangling goal. Even the original NES game had some Ecto 1 fun. Booooo... (lol see wut I did thar)

The game looks GREAT with everything cranked up, too. The visuals put me right into the movies. I liked how the backpack transformed as you changed weapon types.

Anyhow, a great spend of $6. Well worth the Steam sale!

I love this toooooown!


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
The mouse acceleration was too much for me to get over in this game and I gave up after 15 or so minutes. I HATE it when they don't make that shit optional.
Apr 17, 2003
Rent it for console, you can finish it in 2 days easy if you have some free time.

Though I played the 360 version, I assume it's no different (cept mp) from PC. In short it is a very linear shooter with a great story worth playing though once. Also note secret items you find will appear back at the office.

If only they gave you a sand box feel, sort of GTA 3 style where you had some freedom and could allow some investigation to complete your objectives along with giving you a choice of what you wanted to do.

(MINOR SPOILER: When you see a stone baby angle, keep moving, keep your health up, sprint around if you need to regen health, and glue them to the gate)

stone baby angels were the most annoying enemies :p


Nov 27, 2001
I picked it up during Steam's Thanksgiving sale, but I haven't played it yet. I think it was only $10.

I just took a peek and the game is only $6.79 on Steam as I'm writing this post:

Apparently, there is no extra DRM other than Steam as it would be listed under a "3rd Party DRM" section on the right side.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
It wasn't a bad game.
But it had some severe difficulty in some areas.
And it looked kind of assy. The game seriously needed AA, and it doesn't support it. It supports super sampling AA if you edit the game's ini file, and that looked really good, but it wasn't playable on my hardware (9800gtx+ 512MB).