Played through it. It is fun but short. My short summary would be that if you like the Ghostbuster movies its worth the $30 for the PC version. If you separate the license from the game play I thought the game play was ok but not great.
In more detail, my gripes were
- Save system sucked. It is checkpoint based, you can make fairly educated guesses as to where checkpoints are but it isn't explicitly communicated to you. It seems to do weird things are well. At one point I quit after a boss fight while back at HQ and when I continued I was at the next location. I had to go out, reload the boss fight portion of the mission and redo it just to go back to HQ and get the important plot points I would have missed.
- There are pretty severe spikes in difficulty.
- Game is very linear, this plus the difficulty spike makes the idea of playing through on a higher difficulty not terribly appealing.
- Game engine cut scenes look better than pre rendered cut scenes.
- Game ran surprisingly poor at places.
- At times you have to do the exact right thing to get things moving forward and it isn't always clear what that thing is.
On the plus:
- Game did an excellent job integrating you into the existing team.
- There were definitely some fun highlights that brought a smile to my face or made em chuckle.
- The early levels where you come into a decent looking place and after dealing with the ghosts leave the place in ruins are alot of fun, the later levels kind of lack this due to them taking place in fairly choatic settings.
- There are a decent variety of level types.
- It manages to keep the fights from getting old and repetitive.
- It is just plain fun to run around busting ghosts while Akroyd, Murray, etc are yelling and talking.