Anyone else sick? Ughh


Feb 3, 2004
Woke up at 5 AM this morning with a 104 temp and a super stiff neck, so I decided it was probably best to make a visit to the ER. After a gamut of tests (including a spinal tap), I was diagnosed with a "virus of unknown origin" and sent home. Fever is still spikes at 102-103 every couple of hours, so I just do what I can to get it down. I usually don't feel this bad when sick, but holy crap this has been the worst.

Anyone else miserable out there?

Edit: Despite the doctor's diagnosis, I think I have hand foot and mouth disease. My daughter had it a few weeks back, and the pattern of my symptoms is following hers. Over the passed couple of hours I broke my fever, but my throat feels like I swallowed a knife and I have itchy sores all over my hands.
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Nov 21, 2001
we are on the mend, but it has been a bad go since Thursday. No more fever, but hacking up terrible things. The coughing is kicking our asses now.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
its been coming and going. Nothing serious just the edges of shit. But everyone I know has had it at least once. Expect it to last (at least everything except the fever) for about 3 weeks or longer. Be careful the cough doesnt turn into bronchitis or pneumonia


Apr 10, 2000
I have been sick since Dec 8th. I have no clue wtf it is but I've had cold like symptoms non stop since that day. I also had strep throat 2 times in the month of January. Tested negative for mono. I think I got super ebola or super aids.


Mar 30, 2007
I have been sick since Dec 8th. I have no clue wtf it is but I've had cold like symptoms non stop since that day. I also had strep throat 2 times in the month of January. Tested negative for mono. I think I got super ebola or super aids.

Does it burn when u pee? Or do you get shivers

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
My household has been sick since like the 2nd week of November. This last week was particulary bad.

Last Wednesday after lunch I started feeling like hammered dog shit. Fever, body ached head to toe. Dizzy. Ect. Rode a fever all through the night. Woke up thursday morning to the screaming shits. And continued to shit my brains out every 5 minutes through Saturday morning. The only time I could get a break or sleep was when my body was so dehydrated that it had nothing left to force out of me. By Saturday morning I was so ravaged I could barely stand, my hands were cracked and bloody from washing my hands so much. My ass was raw hamburger from wiping so much. I had recently been on a couple rounds of antibiotics and had a coworker with C-Diff plus my wife works in a lot of inpatient areas. We feared I had picked that up. So off to the ED I went. Tanked up with some IV fluids and finally dropped off a deposit with the ED. Thankfully that came back negative. I finally started bouncing back on Saturday night.

Then on Sunday my one year old started spiking a fever, coughing up piles of phlem, wheezing, and eventually started retracting (very bad labored breathing sign). Off to the ED with him. He ended up getting admitted with pneumonia. So I was at the hospital with him on Monday.

My wife has a terrible sinus infection and can barely breath and sounds like hell.

My five year started spiking a fever a day after her chicken pox vaccine last week. When she was 1 she had seizures 2 days after getting the first round. So we were very concerned she was going febrile this round and at risk of seizing. Thankfully she never went thermonuclear and rode it out ok.

But damn. We've had like 3 rounds of the GI bug, 1 round of the "real" flu. 1 round of bronchitis, and god knows how many combinations of all of those in the last three months. This winter has SUCKED.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Catching a cold now...many thanks to my wife for this one :) First time I've been sick since last winter though.


Dec 7, 2009
I drank too much (not booze) felt a little nauseous. Nausea passed. Hershey squirts. Ate yogurt to stop the chocolate covered amoebic dysentery sans amoebas. Felt 100% better within hours.

Made Irish soda bread. I think the recipe I pilfered off the interwebnet has too much sugar in it (1/3 cup for 1 loaf) but it's still very good though next time I make it I will cut the sugar a tad. It's not sweet like pound cake would be but it's sweeter than the last time I had soda bread. Maybe next time I'll make llembas bread. I'm not a hobbit or anything I just thought I'd try it next time to see what it's like.
Sep 7, 2009
I rarely get sick and pride myself on my immune system. I never get flu shots, and might get some mild virus or bug every other year.

This year, however, has been terrible. I had a stomach bug that was going around a few weeks ago and was down for a good 2 days solid. Then, this week, I pick up the 'real' flu.. Fever of 103, muscle cramps, constant headache, can't sleep, hot/cold sweats.