Heh.. I just started a post about this. Computers are one thing, but I just bought an LCD TV and a dvd player and both have the annoying LED's. The dvd player has a Red LED and the LCD TV has a bright blue LED. The ironic thing is that the dvd player has these really soft blue lights when the dvd player is on, but the bright red LED on the power button when the unit is off. Is this supposed to warn me that I need to turn my dvd player on? I don't mind status lights, but bright LED's?
The tv is the same way. No lights at all when the tv is on, but this bright blue LED when it's off. I can fix that easily. I can use a sharpie on it. I had thought about using black touch up paint, but a sharpie is a better idea. The case for the tv is flat black also, so the sharpie will be perfect. The dvd is a problem though. The LED is hidden behind something and I won't be able to get to the LED with a sharpie unless I want to see sharpie black pen smeared all over the on button. Maybe I can use one of those silver paint pens to cover that one up. If I miss the LED light, it should match the silver surrounding the LED.
I just think that it's rediculous that the manufacturers do this in the first place. I can see a computer that a kid might buy, but a LCD tv or a dvd player? Not just kids buy this stuff.