Any old school Rainbow 6 (original) players here?

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Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
Hey fellas... I used to play on Mplayer back in the day. I was in clan called FCN (F*k Clan Names) with some guys (and a girl)... Can't remember all their names, but I do remember Amnart, TON, Athena. For some reason, I remember another girl that used to play... Beheadr. The good ol' days!
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Junior Member
Nov 14, 2011
Wow lots of old names here. I was a Zoner, my handle was Jesus. Not the fake one(EC_Jezus) lol. I was in tons of clans through the years. CoRE, TDS, DD(first clan ever), HaDeS, SoW, finished up in Bluesquad(Bs.). I played that game from day 1 pretty much until the end of the zone. Also was heavy into Tribes 1 at the time. Two classic games that still leave me trying to fill a void in my life lol.

Kaotik(Joe?) if you are Joe, whats up man, long time!
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Senior member
Jun 11, 2008
Haven't played in at least a decade but can still hear the music in my head from this game...tango down! good times
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lol... this thread keeps coming back up from the depths. I can't believe that people still show up on Voobly and play a 16 year old game. I got on Voobly a couple of times, and the only people that were there are the ones who were always assholes.

Example 1: Jester... notable for being in a hacking clan (187). He's now the one that runs anything and everything Rainbow Six, "keeping the game alive". I wouldn't even sign up on his website, much less install his "anti-cheat" software...that is unless you want to put your personal information at risk.

Example 2: Thallis... notable for being a pedophile and registered sex offender.

Funny both of them made user names just to post in this thread. This is their community.
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Junior Member
Jan 24, 2014
Just had to say what's up. Random searching about the old SeF clan brought me here. Anyone from SeF in on this conversation? Killjoy, gmoney, blackrat, stealth? Brings back some awesome memories. Also was in the ZEN clan now that I just saw the xl2000 old cache.
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Junior Member
Jul 9, 2013
What was your rainbow six name thepladfad? I remember the name from my aim and I remember your real name. I wanna say tyme but that could be wrong.
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Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2003
Just had to say what's up. Random searching about the old SeF clan brought me here. Anyone from SeF in on this conversation? Killjoy, gmoney, blackrat, stealth? Brings back some awesome memories. Also was in the ZEN clan now that I just saw the xl2000 old cache.

Holy crap Mcrusader! River here. Sorry just saw this.
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Junior Member
Jan 24, 2014
What's up Matt? Can't PM cause I need 25 posts first. I was only able to ever contact erin(nastysis) on Facebook and we chatted for a few min and that was it. Maybe one day someone else will come reminiscing and find this forum. Brings back a lot of great memories.
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Golden Member
Sep 7, 2005
I hopped in voobly this weekend and played a few games. We need to get the community back on voobly.

is there a place this can be bought relatively cheap, and installed on windows 7 successfully. i used to play competitively back in the day. We're talking XL2k And DGL. I played mostly on mplayer, but branched out over to MSN Zone and gamespy
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Junior Member
Dec 4, 2014
It seems like yesterday, yet a life time ago, that I stayed up far too late playing Raven Shield, Athena's Sword, and oh... then another one came out, and it sucked. So I stopped playing.
Known as <HELLS>Angel for a very long time, I'd love to get back in touch with the gang!! :)
Also played as (DS)Angel for a brief while.
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Platinum Member
Oct 17, 2010
Being a late bloomer PC gamer (only since 2005) I guess I've been spoiled by R6: Vegas 1 & 2's more "casual"/bro-gamer approach. I have the R6 3 collection on Steam, but I just can't get into it.
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Junior Member
Jan 25, 2015
hate to keep bringing this zombie thread back. Was in a GR clan and we moved to R6, thought we added CS towards the end. Looking for any of my old members Thought we were DFA but I cant remember the clan name was that for sure. I was in washington state at the time, must have been about 2001 -2004 about that time period. If you were on coms back then, you would have heard me. I sound just like Agent Smith from the matrix. I was always imitating him, and did audio tags using that "Mr Anderson....."

think it was ||DFA||Agt_Smitty was my name. Looking for Bear, Rattlesnake (our clan leader) "K" (Every kill begins with K) Mobb (we were always talking smack on coms), he set up the sniper school with me in GR, there is others I cant remember......dont really know why I walked from the clan, except for gaming almost cost me my wife at the time lol....
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Junior Member
Mar 7, 2015
Man, what a lifetime ago, I spent hours playing that game with some of the greatest gamers around... my clan was SI and AOS. been searching for some of them for a very long time... If anyone knows of these clans please reach out to me. I do have some news for them and would like to make contact with them...
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Junior Member
Mar 17, 2015
I was just talkin with my bro (prohomy) about the old r6 days and maps and stumbled upon this thread. would love to play this game again... brings back a lot of fond memories.

remember a lot of the names and clans mentioned in this thread and my brother an I were even members of some. we were mainly zoners but we played some mplayer too (joined the clan TDS). I was a clanhopper so I won't even begin mentioning the clans I was in, lol.

Hey, man. It''s been a while. I remember both you and your brother. I actually remember quite a few of the people here from the Zone. I was in KBs, DSC, SaP, and a few other clans as well. Jackal and myself used to play with you two, along with Bianchi, Snipesman, Maverick (Jon), Sublime, Camo, Paradigm, and many others. Good to see everyone is alive and well. Cheers!

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Junior Member
May 24, 2015
Hey guys i played r6 religously back in the day lol. I barely missed out on mplayer, but i was on zone till the very end. I was apart of many known from 'Clan 187' with Jester which is my cousin. I remember some of you guys. Me and Jester(Derek) visited voobly lastnight and had a match on the 1.04 patch lol. We all should try to get it going again! I miss the game and the community, best online gaming experience I ever had. BTW 'Athlete's Village and Oil Rig' were the best maps^^ huk! Imma try to name some old clans: Sr6, OTN, UTA, DAWGS, RoC, MyM, SaP, MIN, HYK....the list goes on. Now some old players: Creptic, Jester-OTN, MadFlava, Recoil, McCoy, xzycer, Prohomie, amdTaz, Kaisersoze, Shrapnel, Fossil, Nautica, and the list goes on....

Ahh cool, I played with many of them on zone. R6 was my first shooter - ever. I think the high point for me was passing some of them on the 1vs1 ladder (top 10). Prohomie - damn, is that dude still around?! Xycer = Punisher. I remember that. Brothers. Man the interwebz is funny.
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Junior Member
May 17, 2012
yup, prohomy and I are still around. We were just talking rainbow six again and revisited this thread just to see if we recognized anyone posting.
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Was a fun time back in the day, but like I said previously, this game should be nothing more than fond memories.

IMO, please don't install voobly, that is unless you like putting your personal information and/or computer at risk. The people who run the anti-cheat portion of the game (if it even still exist) are not trustworthy people at all.
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Junior Member
Sep 19, 2015
This thread makes me smile. Every few months it gets bumped by someone who registered just to post in it. :D

I am doing the R6 Siege beta and thought I would look for some old game members and this thread is still up on the interwebs list! So ya, I'm gonna use it to try finding some old clan mates!

Hope to see some of you in the future! I am Chuan and HYK, OTN, TRS were my main clans back in the R6 days. I remember a lot of names that have been mentioned here, and a few of the old guys I am still in contact with and trying to bring around for Siege.
hoping to find some old members like:
Iggy, kalimzan, Caps, AP and SV, Deathsniper, Release, Cyberwolf...
Hump Your Kill and Off the Nuts guys if you see this and are still gaming, message me or something!

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Junior Member
Nov 27, 2015
Played mPlayer, GSA, and Zone.

Miss this game so much. Have always and will always attribute this game to the origin of my video gaming life. The best community I will ever be a part of. Played WoW and while the experience was more immersive....nothing compares to r6. Getting home from school and finally able to get online and see whose on, who had practices going on before matches on....XL, XL2k, DXL (i think?), VGN, OGN, as well as a bunch of other ladders.

VGN was the best run, but was predominantly a GSA ladder, while OGN was Zone.

My boys, Chastise, KG, PHish, Chopper, Axiom, Natey, Hollywood, and so many more. I remember when Wood told us VGN was shutting down in the middle of a VGN Match. Sad times so many years ago. We made the migration to OGN and did pretty well.

Anyways..add me to the list of old timers coming back to keep this thread alive.

Anyone see Chastise let him know the FBI is still looking for him.
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