Man...are people EVER going to let this issue go away? I am getting a tumor from all of the ATI vs. nVidia Half Life 2 threads. I know what the preliminary benchmarks have said. I know what the developer has said. But here's the bottom line: A game company is not going to alienate half of their potential customer base just because of a grudge they have against nVidia. Not everyone is willing to upgrade their video cards just to play ONE game. Which means they will either have to make their game play well on nVidia cards or be prepared for a lackluster sales quarter. I have a feeling that their sales and marketing department isn't willing to forego all those profits just so they can be "cool" in the eyes of their fellow ATI fans.
Bottom line: I have a 5900. If it runs HL2, awesome. If it doesn't, I won't buy it. Maybe I will in another year when I get a different card, but by then it will be $20 anyway, so either way I'm in good shape.
Until then, is there a way to filter these forums so I don't see any threads that have "ATI", "nVidia", or "Half Life 2" in the text???