Abigail Disney visits Dineyland undercover and is livid about what she saw.

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Jul 13, 2005
If you want to help people it's going to require much more than just giving them money. You need to start at the base of the issue:

1. Better education
a. Financial education specifically
b. Realistic Priorities
c. Work ethic

Just handing people money isn't something that tends to fix their problems and they tend to just expect it. Much like children than come back and ask their parents for money over and over after they graduated. Look at any number of sports (former) millionaires, and/or lottery winners who are now broke. Many more people will take the handouts than try to build themselves up with it.

Additionally there is an extreme lack of work ethic that seems to be spreading. It isn't that they don't WANT to work (in mass), but they don't want to do what they don't want to do, and expect money for nothing. I've seen this first hand in job applicants increasingly over the years. I think the 'youtube'/twitch' movement has really made unrealistic expectations regarding 'doing what you love' for the majority. I can overlook cultural shifts in generations, but if you only want to play on your phone during work, then don't expect to make $100k a year.

Working on priorities in life is also something that needs to be addressed. The "i want it now' and 'keeping up with the jones'' mentality is worse than it has ever been in our culture. They may not be buying cars, or the same things their parents/grandparents did, but they are spending large amounts of money they don't have on expensive items. The difference is that in the past people worked for months/years to afford certain things (such as a car).

The simple act of raising wages just has the impact of higher costs to everyone. There are many loopholes that need to be closed before the CEO's we are talking about bring home less money. If they have a way to get out of it, they will try. This is pretty much standard since the inception of capitalism. I don't know a good solution for this because this is just human nature. This is when values and morals come into play but dictating those via legislation is always tricky and seems to fail more than it succeeds. I know many seem to hold the mentality that making a law that does "X" will solve those issues, but they don't. They just find new ways around it. I do not believe that reinvesting into a company/workers is something most companies will do in any manner that takes away from their own profits. I know there are companies that do do things like this, and that's good, but that only shows they have a different mentality to begin with. That's a very fine distinction.
Wrong rant at the wrong person!! Unlike Trump I am not afraid to apologize!! Sorry!!
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Also, let's be clear, if we were talking about coal miners or refinery workers these hypocritical pieces of shit wouldn't care at all

I wonder if that's because coal miners and refinery workers already make good wages. Yaknow, because they're union.
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Jul 17, 2003
Careful. If the TDS suffering fucktards are triggered anymore today they might bust that one blood vessel in their heads.

Also, let's be clear, if we were talking about coal miners or refinery workers these hypocritical pieces of shit wouldn't care at all

I like that you keep proving you have nothing to add beyond your own partisan assumptions. I work with the Canadian terminal in Montreal, getting that fuel into America, and I still advocate weaning ourselves off fossil fuels and going renewable ASAP. Add to it I have family outside Berkley Springs (good turkey down there) so Rim Job, do take that bucket of fail you're so attached to and reinsert it up your ass where it came from. Even Hillary had a plan to ease folks into the 21st century. Your dipshits plans involves "clean coal," whatever the fuck that is. Trump Dick Suckers like you have no room to issue a diagnosis to anyone. Fuck off, or do I have to get the hose?


Jul 13, 2005
Careful. If the TDS suffering fucktards are triggered anymore today they might bust that one blood vessel in their heads.

Also, let's be clear, if we were talking about coal miners or refinery workers these hypocritical pieces of shit wouldn't care at all
I`ve said it before and I will say it again -- IJTSSG is the best Troll on these forums -- bar none!!
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Golden Member
Aug 12, 2014
I like that you keep proving you have nothing to add beyond your own partisan assumptions. I work with the Canadian terminal in Montreal, getting that fuel into America, and I still advocate weaning ourselves off fossil fuels and going renewable ASAP. Add to it I have family outside Berkley Springs (good turkey down there) so Rim Job, do take that bucket of fail you're so attached to and reinsert it up your ass where it came from. Even Hillary had a plan to ease folks into the 21st century. Your dipshits plans involves "clean coal," whatever the fuck that is. Trump Dick Suckers like you have no room to issue a diagnosis to anyone. Fuck off, or do I have to get the hose?
Triggered babbling bitch. LoL.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Honestly, California has a supply problem in terms of housing. It's not a thing that most working class people can wage growth themselves out of, there needs to be more supply to bring down the cost of supply contrained stuff.

I think the whole LA/SoCal area + the Bay Area need to work on getting more *well planned* high density housing constructed so you can fit and transport more people in a limited space.

If you look at SoCal and the Bay area, there is a huge flat sprawl that just goes on forever. Time to start building up and bringing down rent and home prices.

If the Pols had a plan, this could be sorted out, but there are a number of monied interests that will fight to keep rent and housing values from going down.
Mar 11, 2004
Honestly, California has a supply problem in terms of housing. It's not a thing that most working class people can wage growth themselves out of, there needs to be more supply to bring down the cost of supply contrained stuff.

I think the whole LA/SoCal area + the Bay Area need to work on getting more *well planned* high density housing constructed so you can fit and transport more people in a limited space.

If you look at SoCal and the Bay area, there is a huge flat sprawl that just goes on forever. Time to start building up and bringing down rent and home prices.

If the Pols had a plan, this could be sorted out, but there are a number of monied interests that will fight to keep rent and housing values from going down.

With some high speed rail, that would do wonders for improving the situation. And that might be why they're not building up the housing development. They know they need to address transportation, and I think ok'ing the residential buildup first could make that a near impossibility. Just a random guess though.


Sep 5, 2000
Careful. If the TDS suffering fucktards are triggered anymore today they might bust that one blood vessel in their heads.

Also, let's be clear, if we were talking about coal miners or refinery workers these hypocritical pieces of shit wouldn't care at all

look at this outraged snowflake.
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Mar 25, 2001
Those workers likely moved to Orlando to work for Disney. They knew full well the pay and expenses. They could have moved elsewhere and got a different job, or look for a different job in Orlando.


Jul 17, 2003
I`ve said it before and I will say it again -- IJTSSG is the best Troll on these forums -- bar none!!

Then I guess I'll say 'your standards need work' then. There are plenty of more competent trolls here, and they're not hard to locate. Many at least try to make coherent arguments, and there's at least one limp effort to support them - instead of immediately rolling over and wetting themselves like pusswad here does.

Notice how Rim Job gives actual debate a wide berth in pretty much every thread he/she partakes in. I've met 4th graders who are more original, who can talk better smack. Don't idolize mediocrity yoda, don't be that guy!


Dec 7, 2004
I'm always amazed when people side with businesses over people, especially when that business is doing really, really well. Its like they feel they will be personally negatively affected if a business takes very care of its employees.

I suspect these types of people are the same people who get upset at others good fortune or who enjoy the misery of others, you know who piece of shits.

It's the classic "my life must be okay if someone else has it even worse". Hell for them would be everyone doing pretty well.


Feb 24, 2009
I'm always amazed when people side with businesses over people, especially when that business is doing really, really well. Its like they feel they will be personally negatively affected if a business takes very care of its employees.

I suspect these types of people are the same people who get upset at others good fortune or who enjoy the misery of others, you know who piece of shits.
Someday they will own a company like that and you are holding them back don't you know.


Feb 24, 2009
Those workers likely moved to Orlando to work for Disney. They knew full well the pay and expenses. They could have moved elsewhere and got a different job, or look for a different job in Orlando.
Most jobs in Florida pay shit. You're getting all that wonderful weather for free. There's your benifits.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
If you want to help people it's going to require much more than just giving them money. You need to start at the base of the issue:

1. Better education
a. Financial education specifically
b. Realistic Priorities
c. Work ethic

1 - people are more educated than ever, while education is good it’s not a silver bullet. In many cases all it’s done is saddle people with debt in order to be eligible for low level positions.

The better we get at automating and the cheaper it gets the less a honest days work is worth. An awful lot of people are not capable of generating enough value, or it’s often just some degree of luck as to who gets the jobs that do create a lot of value and are paid accordingly.

We may have to soon face up to the fact that there aren’t going to be enough high paying jobs generated by the market.
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Jan 8, 2010
1 - people are more educated than ever, while education is good it’s not a silver bullet. In many cases all it’s done is saddle people with debt in order to be eligible for low level positions.

The better we get at automating and the cheaper it gets the less a honest days work is worth. An awful lot of people are not capable of generating enough value, or it’s often just some degree of luck as to who gets the jobs that do create a lot of value and are paid accordingly.

We may have to soon face up to the fact that there aren’t going to be enough high paying jobs generated by the market.

I would argue that education outside of college has slipped and lost its focus. I agree it is not a silver bullet, and not the only thing that needs to happen, but it needs to be a good base for everything else you want to do/accomplish or you're just creating a waste environment. I think this is one large area we've failed as a nation and continue to fall.

I do think college is....optional in its current form. I do not think all degrees are equal and I think the cost of college has diminished it's overall usefulness. If we want to give everyone free college (which I am for) then we need to basically just make it the equivalant of additional grades. Kind of like how in the military everyone does the 'basic' training, then go into their chosen field schools. Prioritize the options based on need. Maybe not 100% ideal, but it's at least a start.

I do agree that future job prospects may look grim. Automation is a good thing, but yes, there's a end game there that no one has really figured out how to account for yet. I keep thinking that people think that we are aiming for something like the economy in Star Trek - but that economy is actually a form of slavery - even if it is for the better of the human race.
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Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
Most jobs in Florida pay shit. You're getting all that wonderful weather for free. There's your benifits.

Florida has a about 3 months of wonderful weather, the rest of the time it is hell, cannot fathom what drives people to move there.


Nov 11, 1999
I do agree that future job prospects may look grim. Automation is a good thing, but yes, there's a end game there that no one has really figured out how to account for yet.

Right wing Capitalists have it all figured out. Automation> layoffs> profit. And fuck youse if you don't like it. They don't owe the rest of us a damned thing. Y'all are just obsolete equipment.
Nov 8, 2012
It's the classic "my life must be okay if someone else has it even worse". Hell for them would be everyone doing pretty well.

Right wing Capitalists have it all figured out. Automation> layoffs> profit. And fuck youse if you don't like it. They don't owe the rest of us a damned thing. Y'all are just obsolete equipment.

Left wingers have it all figured out - Demand High Wages for low skilled labor -> See Jobs die to automation -> Any remaining are outsourced.

All the while, embrace liberal globalism in the name of "helping others"... in reality, fucking Americans. Celebrate the fucking of american workers...

Then complain that there is no work for unskilled labor. Yay!!!

But hey - go around Chicago some more proclaiming demands for $15/hour to take fast food orders. I'm sure it will work out for you this time.


May 15, 2000
Left wingers have it all figured out - Demand High Wages for low skilled labor -> See Jobs die to automation -> Any remaining are outsourced.

All the while, embrace liberal globalism in the name of "helping others"... in reality, fucking Americans. Celebrate the fucking of american workers...

Then complain that there is no work for unskilled labor. Yay!!!

But hey - go around Chicago some more proclaiming demands for $15/hour to take fast food orders. I'm sure it will work out for you this time.

Wages have been static for decades and automation has been happening since the beginning of time and yet more and more people are employed.

So either wages aren't the cause of automation or automation will happen regardless of where wages are.

Either way, its clear you don't have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.


Feb 23, 2005
It's the classic "my life must be okay if someone else has it even worse". Hell for them would be everyone doing pretty well.

Thats how it is man...no matter what polital power is in place there will always be various classes of poeple. Thankfully here in the US youre not stuck.
Nov 8, 2012
Wages have been static for decades and automation has been happening since the beginning of time and yet more and more people are employed.

So either wages aren't the cause of automation or automation will happen regardless of where wages are.

Either way, its clear you don't have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.

(HINT: It's globalism you FUCKING RETARD).

Everything you think. Everything you want to adore. Everything you want to idolize. Every sports jersey you buy... is globalism. It's you saying "I don't know where this is made, but as long as I don't have to see the suffering on my local News 11 channel it's all good yo!"

You are the epitome of Americans that have zero perception of what the real world is.

I work in fields that revolve around it kiddo - So don't even try.
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