Originally posted by: Aquila76
Originally posted by: jagec
Originally posted by: PAB
Eight inches of ground clearance, 4WD and enough torque to pull a house and run down hippies in the street. When I drive that thing, I'm sitting like 3 feet above the road and can see everything. Its just a cool ride
yeah...I'm sure you run over hippies ALL THE TIME. You sound like those H2 freaks, constantly talking about how they "crush other cars" and "drive right over (insert impossibly huge object)".:roll:
I'm sorry, Suburbans are not considered cool. But hey, what matters is that YOU think you're cool...so if it's worth a $100 fillup for you, be my guest. But it won't make your penis any bigger.
You forgot to add that he's blocking the view of the other drivers while not looking cool.
OP, you REALLY want to know why gas/diesel/oil prices are so high? Look at your pic. You just gave them about $50 in profit! Vehicles like yours are the reason the prices are so high - you feel you need to spend $100 a week to feel cool instead of actually being cool.
If someone bought something thinking they had to have it to be 'cool' with a recurring commodity purchase that had to be purchased from you, and you could raise the profit margin of that commodity at will, you'd be doing the same thing. It's just good business sense. OBEY THE MACHINE!!!