Consumption is a completely different part of the equation. However, since you seem hell bent on discussing it, lets talk about it. Are you in favor of monopolies? Because that is the same principle applied to the consumption side of the equation. You have one party with significantly more bargaining leverage compared to the consuming party. Do you support allowing monopolies in our economy?
No one is hating on innovators. We are just saying people will innovate to make 3 million a year just as much as they would to make 10 million a year. There is no significant difference in the lifestyle that person can lead. Note that an innovator taking their money and investing it into the company to pay workers would not be taxed as income, which is one of the reasons a high tax rate is ideal, so that people use the money instead of hoarding the money. Otherwise, they begin to accumulate assets. Would you be fine if an innovator took control of all the wealth in America? and everyone else owned nothing and worked pay check to paycheck to simply earn the right to live from that individual? Sounds peachy.
Additionally, market rate is determined by the power disparity between the individuals doing the negotiating, not just the value added by each individual. The one with greater power receives greater benefits not because he is adding more value, but because he has more freedom in the choice. If one person has a backhoe and another has a shovel, the person with the backhoe can pay the person with the shovel to run his backhoe, and do no work whatsoever beyond providing resources for those that work. The person working the backhoe has the option to either run the backhoe for that individual or use his own shovel. Yes, he can make more running the backhoe than the shovel, but he isn't going to receive the value he adds because he doesn't have the same bargaining power.