yeah, it's also weird how dependable, universal benefits like that suddenly vanished at the same time CEOs were able to increase their personal wealth by 10 and 20 fold, the general pension idea was replaced with the 401k, and then this whole sector called "finance" was created, essentially to siphon money at 1% and 2% at a time from that gigantic wad of cash that was now essentially required from employee pay-out to replace the "suddenly broken and now-impossible-to-fund pension programs for some reason." At least there was always the big bad union scapegoat to blame in defense of the new genius plan from the Ronnie Rayguns cabal. ---because when you look at how much employer money will suddenly be required to fund this vast, and for some reason totally important Finance sector to exist, it is accurate to hypothetically look back on a situation that actually didn't exist, and apply the new paradigm as an argument for why Unions are not sustainable., "were well on their way to bankrupting this country!" yeah, that's it.
Don't pay attention folks: math is always better when we can disingenuously misapply it to retroactively defend preposterously terrible ideas that never passed any kind of smell test from the beginning, and of course were not in any way under the same stresses to the system that we simply invented later as a means to "effectively" argue for their eventual necessity.
It's just how the current Tax theft plan works: write out a bunch of $10 checks to the rubes, make them think they are earning some kind of free money, but just balloon the deficit by another 300% or whatever, then use the catastrophic deficit situation several years later to argue that we need to spend less! oh and of course it's not our fault. etc. Same fucking tired and obvious song for more than 4 decades from the god damn criminal GOP.