heh. you're lucky you didn't have to take 8 hour saturday classes. was torture
Wow. What class was that?
Most I had to do were 3 hour classes... Thank god. I wanted to kill myself by hour 2 most of the time.
1.5 hour classes were torture. I can't imagine what a 4 hour class would be like
I know exactly what you mean. Even when taking a break 75-80 minutes in, i still want to off myself at the 2 hr mark. what's worse is when the class is coming to the end and the prof tries to rush through stuff and goes over time.
I did 8hr days (4hr lecture 4hr lab), 5 days a week for 2 years. Fun Stuff.
I took a graduate level physics course that was 11 days long. 12 hour (or longer) classes each day.
How does that work? You'd have no offline time to process what you were being taught.
Back when I started teaching at the University of Ottawa, the training seminar for new faculty members emphasized that 80 minutes is the maximum time before attention and retention drop dramatically.
The majority of my classes were 3 and 6 hours long. The worst days were Fridays... 8:30am - 7:00pm with about 30 mins in the middle of the day for lunch.