4,000 missing shoulder fired missles.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2002


Dec 12, 2003
That's not my problem, I didn't vote for him. However, that does not mean the problem doesn't exist. His admin did the military planning for Iraq and like everything else they have done, they fcking botched it. Iraq will continue to spiral out of control.

How was bush to know that people would steal weapons when left completely ungraud.
Because he attacked and invaded Iraq against the better judgement of most experts in the fricking World. He should have covered every possibility. He's a failure.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: arsbanned
That's not my problem, I didn't vote for him. However, that does not mean the problem doesn't exist. His admin did the military planning for Iraq and like everything else they have done, they fcking botched it. Iraq will continue to spiral out of control.

How was bush to know that people would steal weapons when left completely ungraud.
Because he attacked and invaded Iraq against the better judgement of most experts in the fricking World. He should have covered every possibility. He's a failure.

I think Spencer was being sarcastic.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Impeach Bush

Funny, where did DonVito go when you needed some rants on impeachment....well just to quote, here you go ars since you've earned it!!!

Why the hell would any American want that? As a patriot, I think that's a despicable sentiment. Impeachment is a Bad Thing for the country, and I'm just amazed anyone would express a desire to see a man impeached

I would never want to see an American president impeached, until and unless it was clearly justified. Your statement makes me sick.

That's despicable. Yours is an unpatriotic, nondefensible position IMO. You make me sick. I honestly can't respect anything else that comes out of your mouth. I thought you were a respectable person, and now I know you're not.

You don't deserve to live in America. It makes me sick that my comrades in arms are dying every day to support and defend this country, and jackasses like you are among the beneficiaries.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: arsbanned
He's a failure.

"Mr. Bush"

Nice to see you learning a little respect. How does it feel to be a part of the failure that failed at removing the failure from office? Oh hell, nevermind. I see that you are insane.

"Bush stole election 2"

Heh heh. Thats funny.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I would never want to see an American president impeached, until and unless it was clearly justified.
That's pretty much a no-brainer. Clinton, imo, should've gotten the boot. Not for getting a bj, but for perjury. To this day, I don't know how he got off. <shrug> Regarding Bush, I had high hopes, very high hopes, that he would not get re-elected...not for R &amp; D reasons, but for pretty much the same reasons I had hoped Clinton would be ousted, I hate getting lied to. But now that the majority of Americans have decided that either he hasn't lied to them or that any lies that were told are somehow forgiven, any chance of Bush being ousted before the end of his 2nd term are next to nil.

It's too bad really. This president has succeeded in pulling the wool over half of Americans. What's that joke going around here about Kool-Aid? (Oh crap! I hope Hannity doesn't read this or my goose is cooked...I just advanced the theory of the Kool-Aid.)

Speaking of wool being pulled over the public's eyes, anyone remember this...
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney answered questions from the commissioners for more than three hours.

The president dismissed suggestions that he appeared before the panel with Cheney to coordinate stories.

"If we had something to hide, we wouldn't have met with them in the first place," Bush said. "We answered all their questions."

Bush said it was important for him and Cheney to appear together so that commission members could "see our body language... how we work together."



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: gsaldivar
Bush stole election 2

And then you woke up...? :D

OK, Folks time to start no longer pointing a finger at the puppet.

The only ones to blame for this is ourselves.

The U.S, is now Officially a Country Ruled by the Radical Religious, period.

Ok, I'm not religious and don't care to be in the future. How do you plan to fix this ourselves?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: arsbanned
More weaponry missing. Probably quashed the story until after Bush stole election 2.
More weaponry to grind up our boys with. Now what, "moderate" Bush voters?
That's just peachy. First high explosives, now anti-aircraft missles, all easily smuggled into the United States. I'd like to congratulate King George and his minions on one of the biggest fiascos in modern history, a Royal Mongolian Cluster Fsck (RMCF) if ever I saw one. For someone who claimed he was trying to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists, George and his bumbling fools have done a damn fine job of arming them.

Let me add a special thank you to the mindless sheep who voted for four more years of this lunacy. I'm beginning to think you're as amoral as your feckless leader. There seems to be no bottom to the evil you will endorse in his name.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: arsbanned
He's a failure.

"Mr. Bush"

Nice to see you learning a little respect. How does it feel to be a part of the failure that failed at removing the failure from office? Oh hell, nevermind. I see that you are insane.

"Bush stole election 2"

Heh heh. Thats funny.


Its hard to remove the failed when the failed cheats to get reelected.


Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: gsaldivar
Bush stole election 2

And then you woke up...? :D

OK, Folks time to start no longer pointing a finger at the puppet.

The only ones to blame for this is ourselves.

The U.S, is now Officially a Country Ruled by the Radical Religious, period.

I think you very wrong with that statement.

Not all of the 60 million that vote for Bush are religious "radicals"

I don't know why the dems try and make it appear it's a terrible thing to believe in god.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2003
I like this part from the article

U.S. starts buyback program
U.S. officials have said thousands of antiaircraft missiles, most of them SA-7s, were looted from Iraqi army stockpiles and remain unaccounted for. The U.S. military initiated a buyback program for surface-to-air missiles in August 2003, paying as much as $500 apiece. Although hundreds were acquired, military officials have said that thousands remain in circulation.

I think this is cool because this program has worked soooo well here in american cities.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Misguided souls hell bent on political righteousness over trifling matters of WMD and being lied to as if your plebeian life was so significant that your demands need to be met to attempt your arm-chair quarterbacking attempt of outgunning the real figure heads in this great nation.... it makes me laugh and yet i'm so disgusted at the same time.

As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last. Shut the hell up.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Misguided souls hell bent on political righteousness over trifling matters of WMD and being lied to as if your pleabian life was so significant that your demands need to be met to attempt your arm-chair quarterbacking attempt of outgunning the real figure heads in this great nation.... it makes me laugh and yet i'm so disgusted at the same time.

As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last. Shut the hell up.

So I gather you agree that Bush lied, but disagree that it's a bad thing?


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Bush stole the second election? Crack is bad.

Yes, as a matter of fact he did. Hope you enjoy your crow when it's proven.
Yet another parallel to the Third Reich.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Misguided souls hell bent on political righteousness over trifling matters of WMD and being lied to as if your pleabian life was so significant that your demands need to be met to attempt your arm-chair quarterbacking attempt of outgunning the real figure heads in this great nation.... it makes me laugh and yet i'm so disgusted at the same time.

As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last. Shut the hell up.

So I gather you agree that Bush lied, but disagree that it's a bad thing?

Lied, no. Misguided or inaccurate, sure.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Misguided souls hell bent on political righteousness over trifling matters of WMD and being lied to as if your pleabian life was so significant that your demands need to be met to attempt your arm-chair quarterbacking attempt of outgunning the real figure heads in this great nation.... it makes me laugh and yet i'm so disgusted at the same time.

As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last. Shut the hell up.

So I gather you agree that Bush lied, but disagree that it's a bad thing?

Lied, no. Misguided or inaccurate, sure.

I'm confused here. You first say "As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last." Then you say "Lied, no."


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: ChrisIsBored
Misguided souls hell bent on political righteousness over trifling matters of WMD and being lied to as if your pleabian life was so significant that your demands need to be met to attempt your arm-chair quarterbacking attempt of outgunning the real figure heads in this great nation.... it makes me laugh and yet i'm so disgusted at the same time.

As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last. Shut the hell up.

So I gather you agree that Bush lied, but disagree that it's a bad thing?

Lied, no. Misguided or inaccurate, sure.

I'm confused here. You first say "As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last." Then you say "Lied, no."

We should have elected Kerry, he got a jump on the lying issue by starting 30 years ago. ;-)


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Gaard

I'm confused here. You first say "As if Bush was the first President to lie to the American public, he certainly won't be the last." Then you say "Lied, no."

I stated some of you are so hellbent on proving he's a liar you're missing the real issues going on. While "some" people crying about getting their feelings hurt, other's are risking their lives in an ongoing war.

The role of President isn't to please you, it's to protect the interests of the country as a whole. Lying is something that will occur, "some" of you act as if Bush might be the first President in the history of our nation to ever lie to the American public.

Get off your high-horse and start realizing there are better issues to argue about. There are several million American's who voted Bush but don't want this war. While you're debating whether Bush lied &amp; asking stupid questions about WMD you could have been putting your brain to work on figuring a way out of the situation rather than complaining about all the things you would have done different.