3D gaming - Is it good, bad, not worth it? Y is it not out there completely?

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Mar 9, 2000
LOL....I enjoy your forums where other forum banned fanatics of BOTH ATi and Nvidia Video cards,3D and physX hang out.It's a good read to see trolls,shills and haters.

I used to respect you...you put Rollo in his place... but lately your posts seems out of balance.

As for 3d....I will buy it eventually for sure.In fact my only problems now are the high cost of entry,the glasses...I hate wearing glasses and also the fact that I just bought a nice IPS monitor.

But I'm sold on 3d based on the testimonies of many respected forum members' opinions...it sure sounds nice. I also listen to people who tried it and didn't like it.I can't try it myself because no one here sells 3D in stores and I don't know anyone who has it.

What I can't stand are fanatics who are starting to get obnoxious and crap on other people's experiences or skepticism.They are getting annoying like MAC fanboys....LOL.
We have a lot of fun over there.

i was always taught to reject the nonsense posts and call it like i see it. Look carefully at what was posted:
There really isn't much fiddling you can do. You can basically adjust the depth, which either dramatizes or diminishes the effect of jump-out. The other issue is in some games the effect is way over-done, like it is in some movies, every bloody thing is jumping out of the screen - overkill.
There isn't a single 3D Vision user nor reviewer that will agree with the above baloney. There is no "pop-out" in games. If anything, that effect is way underused. 99% of the action takes place "behind" the screen.

And that is really important because that is his crux of the argument against it. Either it was set up so wrong as to be ridiculous, or it wasn't 3D Vision gaming.

As to "balance", i get to review HD3D next month (Viewsonic 23" passive display). And i will evaluate it thoroughly right alongside 3D Vision 2. Everything is opinion. But it must be based on fact and real experience with a properly functioning setup. i don't get paid any commission for my opinion of 3 D Vision and my 3D Vision Mega-evaluation article was done months ago.
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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
I wish there was somewhere I could go to try out 3D Vision 2. I've long considered migrating to a 3D set up, but I need to try it out before commiting to buy, and I've never had that chance.

I also have concerns about the image quality of those TN panels. Coming off a high end 30 inch panel to a "low rez" 1080p TN panel is a fairly dramatic down grade in more than one area.

3d vision blog:


Anton really targets CrossTalk, which is refreshing and welcomed!


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Am going to use an example of how I like to play World of WarCraft in Stereo3d: I like my player to be about about half out-of-screen and when the enemy attacks and lunges, like an insect, their legs go out-of screen. Totally different experience.

Someone offered in this thread how things get blurry but, for me, it is the polar opposite and will use World of WarCraft as an example again:

Stormwind was being attacked by the Horde, with literally hundreds of participants of human and computer models. In 2d, it is a mass of color confusion and one can't make out what is really going on but with 3d stereo; each player and effect is defined with shape and form from each other and the surrounding environment; and could decipher what was being seen and very, very clear. It was quite frankly, incredible to see how the magic effects, coupled from the many players all at once. It was a totally different experience than 2d. And that's the key I was seeing a 3d accelerated game on a 3d plane instead of a 2d plane.

Just a ride with my Paladin offered a unique experience in Stranglethorn Vale when a Tauren flanked me and came out of screen -- nearly fell out of my seat. Totally different experience.

I've been playing games with just resolution as the only step to improve monitor immersion for over a decade and about time 3d stereo has come back as an option. If you don't like it -- hey you don't like it. I'm glad its back, evolving and maturing, so there may be less limitations for future 3d stereo gamers.

World of Warcraft was one of the games I found to be the best suited and a game I thought really benefited from 3D. Even the UI worked well with it, something I found was often a problem in other games under 3D.

I don't play WoW anymore though, if I still did, I may have bitten; because WoW is nice in 3D.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
I asked you to explain the depth of tweaking available beyond customizing the profiles that are already provided and spinning the wheel for depth.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for 3D driving you to think someone's take on it being different meaning they must be lying.

Adding you to ignore, much like I did your poor video card review conclusions long ago.


You know...your posts in this thread has made me wonder.
With the factual false claims you make about "your" 3D...I don't believe you have 3xSLI GTX480...somethings feels very off about you...and calling Appopin a "shill"....really?!

We have a saying in Denmark:
"Every thief think everyone steals".


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
We have a lot of fun over there.

i was always taught to reject the nonsense posts and call it like i see it. Look carefully at what was posted:
There isn't a single 3D Vision user nor reviewer that will agree with the above baloney. There is no "pop-out" in games. If anything, that effect is way underused. 99% of the action takes place "behind" the screen.

And that is really important because that is his crux of the argument against it. Either it was set up so wrong as to be ridiculous, or it wasn't 3D Vision gaming.

As to "balance", i get to review HD3D next month (Viewsonic 23" passive display). And i will evaluate it thoroughly right alongside 3D Vision 2. Everything is opinion. But it must be based on fact and real experience with a properly functioning setup. i don't get paid any commission for my opinion of 3 D Vision and my 3D Vision Mega-evaluation article was done months ago.
Of course you have fun,And for the record since you you called me ''his buddy''... meaning Grooveriding over there ,I am no one's buddy on any forum except maybe Pauly's in a way and he let's me know what's what.That guy with the 3 480's I don't care if he's real or a liar and I don't have to defend anyone.

Whatever happened to you,man?

You flagrantly promote your site here that you market on this forum then you talk about marketing?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
You know...your posts in this thread has made me wonder.
With the factual false claims you make about "your" 3D...I don't believe you have 3xSLI GTX480...somethings feels very off about you...and calling Appopin a "shill"....really?!

We have a saying in Denmark:
"Every thief think everyone steals".

Thanks for your usual poorly worded, near unintelligible babble.

Another fanatic accusing me of lying. Classy.

Surprising as well, I vacation a lot in Europe and generally I find people to be so polite there. Your posts here really put that belief to the test though, nothing but caustic babble for the most part.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Thanks for your usual poorly worded, near unintelligible babble.

Another fanatic accusing me of lying. Classy.

Surprising as well, I vacation a lot in Europe and generally I find people to be so polite there. Your posts here really put that belief to the test though, nothing but caustic babble for the most part.

You are welcome...feel free to disprove me any time *shrugs*


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
You are welcome...feel free to disprove me any time *shrugs*

I actually really quite easily could. Without much effort. I offered some help and examples to some people here of my current system.

I can't be bothered to use the search function and link the relevant posts for you though.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
Of course you have fun,And for the record since you you called me ''his buddy''... meaning Grooveriding over there ,I am no one's buddy on any forum except maybe Pauly's in a way and he let's me know what's what.That guy with the 3 480's I don't care if he's real or a liar and I don't have to defend anyone.

Whatever happened to you,man?

You flagrantly promote your site here that you market on this forum then you talk about marketing?

You're my friend and have known you for many years. I like when posters disagree with me and debate.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
It is good! But there are some that allow idealism to be the enemy of good! It's also good to see some of the limitations being curbed and improved.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
Who of you wear glasses in real-life ? Or contact-lenses ? I can't imagine I want to play hours and hours of a videogame with glasses on my head. Heck, having a headset, with a wire, while I play multi-player games, is already irritating. I can't imagine playing 200 hours of Skryim with glasses on my head, and a cord that keeps ripping my glasses off at my every movement.

I never played a game in 3D.
I hardly ever seen a movie in 3D. I saw Avatar in a theatre, with polarized glasses. I didn't like it. At first, the subtitles made it look ridiculous. But even when you ignored that, it just didn't look right. It didn't seem 3D, it seemed a movie in 3 planes. Close, middle where the action happened, and far away. It didn't make me feel more immersed in the movie. (While I always say that for me, immersion is the most important aspect of a game). It was at best a gimmick that distracted.

In movies, there is also the issue of focus. The camera is often focused on the action. Anything before or behind the action is out-of-focus. Now if a movie is in 3D, and it looks like stuff is at different distances, I expect that my focus/sharpness shifts when I look at different parts of the scene. But of course it doesn't. That feels very weird. I assume that in 3D gaming, this isn't an issue, because everything part of the scene is rendered and shown sharp (in focus), right ?

I'm just not interested in 3D technology. I have decades of training to watch a 2D image, and pretend that it is 3D. I don't need 3D-technology for that. Maybe when we can do it without glasses (if there's even a future technology for that). I can see the benefit of a 120Hz LCD monitor (I might buy one when my current monitor gets old). But 3D ? I rather see gaming companies improve sound quality. I think since A3D, the technology of sound in games has only gone backwards.
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Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
That is why the people who know better here, send the S3D questions to other forums.

Most of the haters here have never experienced S3D properly or relate it to some 24fps BS they saw on their friend's 3D HDTV.

i spent 6 months evaluating 3D Vision properly with over 80 games and 20 of my friends and acquaintances got to experience it with me. NONE of them failed to be impressed by it. And some are actually buying it for themselves.

It's ironically ridiculous when i read a PC GAMER post, "if it doesn't work out of the box, it isn't ready for primetime". And yet that same PC gamer will spend hours tweaking his game and his setup to get the ideal experience while ridiculing a console gamer.

Really? Is that why the NV 3D Vision stand in Fry's Electronics sucks as well? It's not even properly setup either?

3D sucks because it's garbage, not because we don't have it setup right. If NV/Frys aren't having their own displays setup properly to "impress" me, then I guess that's a MASSIVE fail on Nvidia's part.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001

Some say a human eye can see beyond 60FPS. Either I am not a human or they don't have a clue of what they are talking about. I said it above that I can see the difference between 120hz and 60hz Tv, so I can also see the difference from a game is running at 120FPS vesus 60FPS.


This most likely has much more to do with the content vs the actual equipment. Most movies are shot in 24 FPS, a frame rate that does not divide evenly into 60 while it does divide evenly into 120. The slight stutter is from seeing half frames I believe. To prove this watch something filmed in 30fps on a 60hz tv and it will look just as smooth as on a 120hz.

As for the actual topic at hand 120hz monitors almost always look smoother since games are typically not locked at a specific frame rate like filmed content. In 3D's case I still don't find it worth it due to the cost to setup. I have no opinions of how well it works as I have only briefly tried it but until the monitors become cheap enough I will stick with 60hz eyefinity. I will be looking at 120hz lcds again when I'm ready to get rid of these 3x24" 60z lcds. Hopefully by that time the price is more reasonable and the selection better.


Dec 12, 2001
Why? i assume that you also set up a PC game and start playing without adjusting anything - whatever the game sets up for you as "default", including resolution.
--In that case you have a right to gripe and S3D is not for you.

Oooh .. you played for a whole hour?
You must be a 3D expert now.

No wonder you hated it. i spent 6 months with it and had none of your issues.

Explaining a 120Hz LCD's superiority in 2D gaming is like trying to explain color tv to someone with B&W :p

So you love it? Big deal...you can't sell me on it no matter what. You're shooting down user experiences to further your own agenda on the subject period.

Also for the record I do not fiddle with settings on my games on PC. I install it, load it up, adjust the settings to max and go. If it's slow then I turn off AA. That's not adjusting...I am not messing with convergence, brightness etc etc. The game will look as intended without it. Also, first you claim "oh you hate it? You must never have tried it!" then later "oh you tried it but you don't own it? You know nothing." That's utterly ridiculous and laughable at the same time. WHy would I buy something that has not proven its worth? If you can't prove to me in an hour that it is not a waste of money then you fail totally.

Also throw in the fact that 3D Vision is tied to Nvidia and you're trying to sell us on it...yeah.

That's true. However, one should not sour grapes it solely because of that issue.

SLI is not necessary to play in 3D Vision. Something like a GTX 9800 is minimum. Your framerates will take a hit of approximately 50% by enabling 3D Vision if you do not make any adjustments to the detail settings and AA (and you should lower some for the best 3D effect).

A 120Hz display has advantages *other* than 3D. Once you play a fast paced shooter on one, 60Hz LCDs look really blurry in comparison.

Oh and now I have to LOWER the graphic fidelity of the game to actually get the 3D effect? F That
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Dec 12, 2001
Who of you wear glasses in real-life ? Or contact-lenses ? I can't imagine I want to play hours and hours of a videogame with glasses on my head. Heck, having a headset, with a wire, while I play multi-player games, is already irritating. I can't imagine playing 200 hours of Skryim with glasses on my head, and a cord that keeps ripping my glasses off at my every movement.

I never played a game in 3D.
I hardly ever seen a movie in 3D. I saw Avatar in a theatre, with polarized glasses. I didn't like it. At first, the subtitles made it look ridiculous. But even when you ignored that, it just didn't look right. It didn't seem 3D, it seemed a movie in 3 planes. Close, middle where the action happened, and far away. It didn't make me feel more immersed in the movie. (While I always say that for me, immersion is the most important aspect of a game). It was at best a gimmick that distracted.

In movies, there is also the issue of focus. The camera is often focused on the action. Anything before or behind the action is out-of-focus. Now if a movie is in 3D, and it looks like stuff is at different distances, I expect that my focus/sharpness shifts when I look at different parts of the scene. But of course it doesn't. That feels very weird. I assume that in 3D gaming, this isn't an issue, because everything part of the scene is rendered and shown sharp (in focus), right ?

I'm just not interested in 3D technology. I have decades of training to watch a 2D image, and pretend that it is 3D. I don't need 3D-technology for that. Maybe when we can do it without glasses (if there's even a future technology for that). I can see the benefit of a 120Hz LCD monitor (I might buy one when my current monitor gets old). But 3D ? I rather see gaming companies improve sound quality. I think since A3D, the technology of sound in games has only gone backwards.

Like I said, I wear glasses and I have no issue with them. However, since I cannot wear contact lenses I cannot really use the 3D glasses comfortably. I'm sure the double lenses changes the quality of the image to a degree too. The Nintendo 3DS doesn't have glasses and it does 3D, the technology for no glasses 3D is there but expensive so nothing really large format has come to market. In time it will and that's when I will adopt it I think.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2005
I knew this was going to happen.
There are just way too many 3d haters on this forum.
OP gets your question someplace else where it may better be served.


Dec 12, 2001
I knew this was going to happen.
There are just way too many 3d haters on this forum.
OP gets your question someplace else where it may better be served.

People who don't like it because it's got flaws are haters? Boy...I thought it was called an opinion. That hasn't been outlawed yet.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
People who don't like it because it's got flaws are haters? Boy...I thought it was called an opinion. That hasn't been outlawed yet.

Opinions should be based on facts...not factual errors/lies.
BIG difference.

Asking about 3D in this subforum is like asking a monk about sex...you get no facts, but a lot of BS.

You (and others) that are "opposed" to 3D seem to be...well...doing it wrong.
And that is not an excuse to dislike 3D...it's just sad.


Mar 21, 2004
This most likely has much more to do with the content vs the actual equipment. Most movies are shot in 24 FPS, a frame rate that does not divide evenly into 60 while it does divide evenly into 120. The slight stutter is from seeing half frames I believe. To prove this watch something filmed in 30fps on a 60hz tv and it will look just as smooth as on a 120hz.

what if its a game where content is generated at higher then 24 fps?
Because everyone who games on 120Hz has told me its amazingly better


Dec 12, 2001
Opinions should be based on facts...not factual errors/lies.
BIG difference.

Asking about 3D in this subforum is like asking a monk about sex...you get no facts, but a lot of BS.

You (and others) that are "opposed" to 3D seem to be...well...doing it wrong.
And that is not an excuse to dislike 3D...it's just sad.

Doing it wrong? How so? I tried it...on a system that was not mine because I don't want to spend money on something I haven't experienced. Fair start? Ok...so then I play a few games. It gets ghosting...I don't know why, maybe it just does. Ok? Then I play some other games and the effect is distracting to the experience due to the type of game. Ok? I notice it's blurry. I am trying it out, I'm not going to sit there at a system that is not mine and adjust everything to make it as you say "doing it right." Seriously...if you cannot demo it to me and sell it to me without me having to troubleshoot why it looks this way or that way then why would I want to buy it or recommend it to others? I definitely think it's something unique and maybe someone would be interested, but me? No, and I already explained. I wear glasses as it is...I cannot wear two pairs comfortably. That's doing it wrong?

I'm basing an opinion on experience, maybe you're basing opinions on the fact that you threw $1000 into 3D and have to convince yourself it was worth it. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. That's not my call. Why do I have to justify my dislike of the technology as it is now to someone who thinks I am "not using it right"?

I am giving MY OPINION...read that again if you think your eyes deceive you. I tried it, found it wasn't for me and I'm telling you and others reading why I feel that way. Everyone needs to try it before they buy into it, that much is certain. What is not certain is whether you will be sold on it. Some people are wowed by it, I am not. Not as it is in its current form glasses and all. I really don't think I'm being unfair at all. When this technology started out everyone said "go try it". A couple years later are you now changing your tune and saying "until you buy it and adjust it for you, you can't judge it."? That is unfair and honestly not going to happen for most people.

Notice that not once did I tell someone not to buy it. I might, if it worked better for me.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
The main problem is the people who have some twisted logic that leads them to believe opinions are facts.

No opinion is right or wrong. Thread is full of a few zealots who go way overboard because they believe their opinions can be a statement of fact rather than the reality that they are really their own subjective experience.

OP, you need to try it for yourself. It is one of those things like some people like to eat lamb and some can't stand it. You can definitely ask for people's opinions and experiences, just God forbid you do it here. The ravenous horde will descend in angst over people who don't agree with them.


Dec 12, 2001
The main problem is the people who have some twisted logic that leads them to believe opinions are facts.

No opinion is right or wrong. Thread is full of a few zealots who go way overboard because they believe their opinions can be a statement of fact rather than the reality that they are really their own subjective experience.

OP, you need to try it for yourself. It is one of those things like some people like to eat lamb and some can't stand it. You can definitely ask for people's opinions and experiences, just God forbid you do it here. The ravenous horde will descend in angst over people who don't agree with them.

I agree andi see that. I also see a lot of "oh i have this so it is great" or "nah it sucks (because i have this instead). " it is only natural on forums afterall. Anyway, i think the op sees tjat it is a mixed bag and you either like it or can live without it and save the cash. Nobody can tell you which is the way to go.