
Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004

Can't he ever catch a break? First he had to stop getting his $50,000 a month Ukrainian paycheck and now this. Maybe he can get a job at the Clinton foundation.

Hey, imagine that, someone in a political family takes sincere measures to avoid conflicts of interest. Now will you ask Trump and his family to do the same?

(Also, never mind that the whole Biden-Ukraine concern has long since been debunked, keep parroting that lie!)


Aug 4, 2000
Hey, imagine that, someone in a political family takes sincere measures to avoid conflicts of interest. Now will you ask Trump and his family to do the same?

(Also, never mind that the whole Biden-Ukraine concern has long since been debunked, keep parroting that lie!)

What has been debunked? Hunter has said he received a salary from the Ukrainian oil and gas company going back to the time it was first reported several years ago when his dad was VP. There is nothing to debunk, it was a clear conflict of interest since his dad withheld funding and the Bidens were called out for it even by the left!

But you can keep your rose colored glasses on if you like.

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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
What has been debunked? Hunter has said he received a salary from the Ukrainian oil and gas company going back to the time it was first reported several years ago when his dad was VP. There is nothing to debunk, it was a clear conflict of interest since his dad withheld funding and the Bidens were called out for it even by the left!

But you can keep your rose colored glasses on if you like.

His dad made a threat to withdraw a loan guarantee. He didn't withhold money. Hunter was not involved at all in his dad's political career, and in fact wasn't even pursuing any political office post vice presidency. Joe Biden's action to help remove prosecutor Shokin did nothing to aid his son. In fact, it carried the potential of harming him.

I agree that Hunter benefited from his dad's name and political career greatly to end up in that position, although to that point he had serious credentials and connections all his own making him valuable regardless of any proximity to DC. To date there has been zero evidence that Hunter's business or lobbying interests and contacts had any crossover to Joe Biden's politics.

I also agree that it would have been better for Joe as VP to leave well alone given the possibility of conflict of interest. He didn't. Ethical question mark at best.

This kind of attention leads to a sort of implied false equivalency with Trump and family's behavior. They are worlds apart.


Aug 4, 2000
His dad made a threat to withdraw a loan guarantee. He didn't withhold money. Hunter was not involved at all in his dad's political career, and in fact wasn't even pursuing any political office post vice presidency. Joe Biden's action to help remove prosecutor Shokin did nothing to aid his son. In fact, it carried the potential of harming him.

I agree that Hunter benefited from his dad's name and political career greatly to end up in that position, although to that point he had serious credentials and connections all his own making him valuable regardless of any proximity to DC. To date there has been zero evidence that Hunter's business or lobbying interests and contacts had any crossover to Joe Biden's politics.

I also agree that it would have been better for Joe as VP to leave well alone given the possibility of conflict of interest. He didn't. Ethical question mark at best.

This kind of attention leads to a sort of implied false equivalency with Trump and family's behavior. They are worlds apart.

In other words, its OK if democrats do it.


Mar 17, 2008
In other words, its OK if democrats do it.

Felix : Asking the important questions.

Also there is a shit ton of evidence for this kind of shit :

Trump Tower Turkey == lots of dead allies.

Good job asking ALL the right questions Felix. Good job.
You are supposed to cook with the microwave oven door closed.

Personal attacks/insults are not allowed in P&N.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Tell me, what gain did Hunter Biden receive from Joe Biden's action to remove the prosecutor? What gain did Joe Biden receive?

There's a lot more to this, but that's the most basic starting point to understand that these situations are markedly different.

Not my discussion but I'd like to see supporting Administration documents with proof not innuendo.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Not my discussion but I'd like to see supporting Administration documents with proof not innuendo.

I presume you mean supporting documents that there was personal benefit to Joe or Hunter in removing Shokin in 2018.

Yes, innuendo certainly couldn't suffice, especially since the timing and actions of Shokin are exculpatory to the Biden's. But even if none of that were true, having zero evidence whatsoever except a wish to connect the dots in a certain way is a serious problem.


Jul 13, 2005
What has been debunked? Hunter has said he received a salary from the Ukrainian oil and gas company going back to the time it was first reported several years ago when his dad was VP. There is nothing to debunk, it was a clear conflict of interest since his dad withheld funding and the Bidens were called out for it even by the left!

But you can keep your rose colored glasses on if you like.
Clear conflict of interest?? As in muddy water? All the allegations Trump has made has one by one been debunked!
Yet Trumps rabid base holds onto those allegations as if they will save Trumps ass!!


Jul 13, 2005
I absolutely agree but sometimes it is instructive to witness the weaknesses of claims by asking for the most basic demonstrable facts.
I understands what your saying, but in this case Trumps rabid base believes that these lies and enuendos are "facts",
When asked to present proof they will post Trumps remarks as being truth...lolol


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Would Hunter have landed these jobs without Dad's name recognition/status? I think not and that's the rub. It stinks but worry not, Joe will be the nominee.
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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Would Hunter have landed these jobs without Dad's name recognition/status? I think not and that's the rub. It stinks but worry not, Joe will be the nominee.

Hard to say how much Joe Biden's name and influence helped him. He graduated from Georgetown and then Yale law, and rose to executive VP at a major bank holding company, and his resume from there certainly involves positions and contacts supportive of sitting on the board of an overseas energy player. That said, MBNA America where he was first employed was a Biden donor, he has well known addiction problems, and many of his ventures include partnership with political figures or relatives. He hasn't led the most virtuous life, that's for sure.

There are obvious problems with saying more, of course. No one that I'm aware of has provided any shred of evidence that his choices of questionable virtue were remotely close to illegal. More importantly, they don't intersect with Joe Biden's political activity at all. Hunter's pursuits are his own.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Hard to say how much Joe Biden's name and influence helped him. He graduated from Georgetown and then Yale law, and rose to executive VP at a major bank holding company, and his resume from there certainly involves positions and contacts supportive of sitting on the board of an overseas energy player. That said, MBNA America where he was first employed was a Biden donor, he has well known addiction problems, and many of his ventures include partnership with political figures or relatives. He hasn't led the most virtuous life, that's for sure.

There are obvious problems with saying more, of course. No one that I'm aware of has provided any shred of evidence that his choices of questionable virtue were remotely close to illegal. More importantly, they don't intersect with Joe Biden's political activity at all. Hunter's pursuits are his own.

A definate maybe, co incidence exist.


Nov 11, 1999
Would Hunter have landed these jobs without Dad's name recognition/status? I think not and that's the rub. It stinks but worry not, Joe will be the nominee.

Not likely. Joe is fading in the stretch as Warren comes on strong.