2500+ at 3200+ overclock failure - for the record


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2000
I bought a retail Barton 2500+, a Gigabyte KT600, and a 512 stick of PC3200 at a computer fair for cheap last summer. I wish I had gone with the NForce2 now, but that's hindsight. In order for my PCI/AGP to stay at 33/66, I had to wire trick the socket into thinking the the 166 MHz FSB chip is a 200 MHz FSB chip. FSB_SENSE is controlled by the L12 bridges or by pins on the bottom of the CPU.

After wire tricking the socket into thinking it was a 200 MHz FSB part, the computer would sometimes post as a 3200+, and even get into the BIOS, but it would not boot windows at any voltage. I had to switch my FSB to 100 MHz using a jumper on the motherboard to tweak the BIOS (CPU was running at 1100 MHz, LOL) and then switch it back to 200 MHz to test. It just would not work at 3200+ at any voltage and relaxed memory timings.

This chip just would not run at 2.2 GHz and since there is no multiplier selection, I had no undo the wire trick. The computer is now at 183*11 for 2.01 GHz. Not every 2500+ Barton will make it to 3200+.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
Originally posted by: BlvdKing
Not every 2500+ Barton will make it to 3200+.

I wish you weren't the only person saying this. My 1700+ didn't make it to 2.2, my 2500+ didn't make it to 2.2, and my 2.6C probably won't make it to 3.2. Overclocking isn't a guaranteed thing by any means. It's not so much of a risk that you'll fry your cpu as it is that you won't make it to the "standard" overclock.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2000
I am using an Antec SmartPower 350 Watt with a blue led that came with my Antec Lanboy case. I admit it's not the best PSU, but I don't think it is the limiting factor.

When I was overclocking my 1.6A I thought it was the power supply keeping me from hitting 2.4 GHz. I was using a 300 watt enlight PSU. I changed it to a True Power 430 and it changed nothing.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: myocardia
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!

You don't need a power supply capable of providing power to a small city in a blackout. All you need is a quality power supply like an Antec, Enermax, or Sparkle.

As far as...
Not every 2500+ Barton will make it to 3200+.
... Duh!

Overclocking is never guaranteed... that's been said many many times here. The more crap parts you have to work with, the less likely you'll be to get a decent overclock. Your KT600 motherboard was a huge mistake... if you plan on overclocking, the Via name should never enter your thoughts. Especially with nForce2 boards available for less than $80.

No offense... but your experience sounds like a "I didn't think, now I'm stuck with hardware that doesn't meet my expectations." ... for the record :D


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2000
You're right. I wanted to try something new (KT600) and I got what I paid for. I'm not too disappointed with the 2.01 GHz clock - it's actually quite fast. The motherboard is rated to run at 200 MHz FSB though and it 'sensed' the chip was a 200 MHz FSB part with an 11x multiplier. I could buy a $323 3200+ and put it in there right now and it would run fine. The 2500+ that I have just could not run at 2.2 GHz.

I hear around the forums that the Barton 2500+ is "garanteed" to overclock to 3200+. I want to point out that sometimes this is not the case.

Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Originally posted by: myocardia
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!

You don't need a power supply capable of providing power to a small city in a blackout. All you need is a quality power supply like an Antec, Enermax, or Sparkle.

As far as...
Not every 2500+ Barton will make it to 3200+.
... Duh!

Overclocking is never guaranteed... that's been said many many times here. The more crap parts you have to work with, the less likely you'll be to get a decent overclock. Your KT600 motherboard was a huge mistake... if you plan on overclocking, the Via name should never enter your thoughts. Especially with nForce2 boards available for less than $80.

No offense... but your experience sounds like a "I didn't think, now I'm stuck with hardware that doesn't meet my expectations." ... for the record :D



Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
Originally posted by: myocardia
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!

Antec Truepower 330 hooked to a line conditioning UPS.

480 watts is a waste unless you're running a power-sucking duallie and gobs of high powered scsi harddrives, or possibly a powerful water cooling setup and a bunch of drives. If each PSU is accurate, they both put out the same amount of power given the same components (assuming you're not trying to run 400 watts of equipment from a 300 watt PSU). A common desktop setup is nowhere near 400w.


Aug 21, 2002
Here's what I have running on my 350 watt Antec SL350...

A7N8X Deluxe
XP2500 @ 2.3 Ghz
1 GB of PC3200 RAM (2x512)
Onboard SoundStorm Audio
Onboard LAN
Onboard SATA
WD Raptor
3.5" Floppy
FX5900 oc'd to 490/950
4 80mm case fans
1 80mm CPU fan
USB Mouse
USB Joystick
USB Gamepad
USB 2.0 6-in-1 media card reader

... don't tell me you NEED 480 watts


Senior member
Jan 30, 2003
I run a 200watt powers supply and my system runs flawlessly with a barton 2500 @3200 speeds. This was the second Barton I bought though the first would only go to 3000 speeds. I also have a DVD+R drive running, a 60GB HDD, Radeon 9600XT, 2 sticks of HYPERX Ram, on an Nforce2 board. I totally agree with quality over quantity I have never used over a 300watt PS. The Allied powersupplies on newegg are great if you are looking for quality at a great price.


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2001
My Allied 450-watt is an absolute beast. It overclocks with the best of them and doesn't even get warm, much stronger than the 400-watt Antec that croaked on me.

I have both a 2500+ that runs 2200MHz at 1.725v and a 1.5v 1700+ that hits 2300MHz at 1.70v.

I have both a KT400 motherboard and several nForce2 boards, they overclock equally. Though the KT400 falls behind in 3DMark and gaming, it still works fine.


Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001
Guys...quick question. I'm new to OCing CPUs and wanted to know if the retail version of the 2500+ Barton usually comes unlocked or locked. If it's locked what method would you recommend to unlock the processor (e.g., pencil trick, etc.). Also, I'm not looking at OCing to ~ 3000+ speeds) and was wondering if the "retail" AMD heatsink and fan would suffice for cooling or do I need a more powerful HSF solution?



PS...I'll work through the actual "unlocking" process after I buy the CPU:)


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2000
From what I have heard the multiplier on all newer Barton are hard locked - there is no way to change it. The only way to overclock it now it by raising the FSB. The Barton 2500+ at 200 MHz FSB will give you a 3200+, if your chip can handle it. Overclocking is always a gamble.

You can still find unlocked Bartons, but you will usually pay more for them.

I have heard the retail HS/F is actually pretty good, but most overclockers use something different. I use a coolermaster all copper HS with heat pipes, although there are better coolers out there now.



Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001
Thanks BlvdKing...I'll look around for a "good" e-tailer with the "older" 2500+ Bartons (i.e., unlocked versions)!


Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001

I've assemblied a couple of PC over the past year and a half but I've yet to alter any settings and generally let the PC run at default settings (other than modest video card overclocking).

I figured "why overclock" when the default speeds run all my games well. But now "newer" games are starting to "tax" my slowest PC quite a bit. And since I'm close to having all the parts for a 3rd PC build (I need a mobo/cpu combo), I'm in "upgrade mode" for my 2 existing PCs will be shopping for a CPU/mobo combo for my third.

I'll be swapping some components around to get all 3 running fairly well with all the games that will be out over the next 3 months or so.

So...I may pick up the Barton 2500+ and adjust the settings to see how things go. I know I've got a LOT of research to do BEFORE I start "tinkering" around with the settings.

Thanks for your input/advice.




Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
I'm 0 for 2. None of my 2500+ have made it to 2.2GHz and were Prime95 stable. But did do 2.1GHz though and were Prime95 stable.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2000
I also wonder how many P4 2.4C and 2.6Cs don't get past 3.0 GHz either.

Maybe there should be an official "overclock failure" thread just to keep people level headed about so called garanteed overclocks on CPUs.

I see alot of people justify buying one CPU over another just by the way they supposedly overclock. The 2500+ vs 2.4C/2.6C discussion comes to mind...


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: BlvdKing
I also wonder how many P4 2.4C and 2.6Cs don't get past 3.0 GHz either.

Maybe there should be an official "overclock failure" thread just to keep people level headed about so called garanteed overclocks on CPUs.

I see alot of people justify buying one CPU over another just by the way they supposedly overclock. The 2500+ vs 2.4C/2.6C discussion comes to mind...

I've been trying to get that point across for a while so I totally understand how you're feeling about all those people saying just buy a 2500+ and O/C it to 3200+ as though they all hit it.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2003
has nothing to do with psu etc..
See my previous thread

it's the luck of the draw, and knowing what stepping/ week might give you a better chance too ( i can't prove the later though).
I went through six 2.6c cpus before i got the overclockable one in my sig.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Originally posted by: myocardia
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!

You don't need a power supply capable of providing power to a small city in a blackout. All you need is a quality power supply like an Antec, Enermax, or Sparkle.

Oh yeah, quality over quantity, that's the "golden rule" for just about everything. But, I wanted a TruePower, since they have "dedicated" rails, and the 480 was only $8 or $10 more than the 430. BTW, not longer after I got it, I decided to see what it would do, so running the computer in DOS mode (with 2 7200 rpm hd's and 2 optical drives, all connected), I found out that it has enough power left over to push a 2x200 watt car audio amplifier that's pushing two 10" subs almost as hard as when it has an alternator and it's own battery pushing it!! That's pretty good, for a power supply that costs less than a 400 watt Zalman... I now know it's got a bit of headroom, for later!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: myocardia
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Originally posted by: myocardia
So, what power supplies are you guys using? You have no idea how many people can't get the "standard" overclock because they don't have a good OCing power supply. Buy an Antec TruePower 480, so you can see what those chips will do!

You don't need a power supply capable of providing power to a small city in a blackout. All you need is a quality power supply like an Antec, Enermax, or Sparkle.

Oh yeah, quality over quantity, that's the "golden rule" for just about everything. But, I wanted a TruePower, since they have "dedicated" rails, and the 480 was only $8 or $10 more than the 430. BTW, not longer after I got it, I decided to see what it would do, so running the computer in DOS mode (with 2 7200 rpm hd's and 2 optical drives, all connected), I found out that it has enough power left over to push a 2x200 watt car audio amplifier that's pushing two 10" subs almost as hard as when it has an alternator and it's own battery pushing it!! That's pretty good, for a power supply that costs less than a 400 watt Zalman... I now know it's got a bit of headroom, for later!

I think Jeff7181's point was that because the Antec TruePower 480W could power the amp and sub, you didn't really need so much. Even an Antec 300W or so would do.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2003

Nforce2 = 2500+ = 3200+ overclock and even more

( new core not original releace that came out at the start of the year )

Now you know how to overclock clap clap

End of thread